[Node-RED] Flow-based programming

Node-RED for YunoHost

Integration level
Install Node-RED with YunoHost

This package allows you to install Node-RED quickly and simply on a YunoHost server. If you don’t have YunoHost, please see here to know how to install and enjoy it.

What is Node-RED?

Flow-based programming for the Internet of Things

Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways.

It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single-click.

Node-RED official website

Basically, I interface it with my Home-Assistant instance to create great automations on a Raspberry Pi.

@TitusPiJean, sharing the love.

Shipped version: 1.2.6


YunoHost specific features and limitations

  • :cloud: :construction: Right now the app is set to private and will be shared by any user passing the SSO, so set proper access rights if needed. There is external login capability, so who knows what we can do in the future.

Supported architectures

All architectures supporting nginx and nodejs > 12.x.

Links, documentation, and bug reporting


YunoHost package

Developers information

:warning: Only if you know what you are doing AND want to switch to an unstable branch for testing or coding. Instead of merging directly into master, please do your pull request to the testing branch

To install the testing branch:

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nodered_ynh/tree/testing --debug

To upgrade to the testing branch (replace nodered by the actual instance ID if more instances are installed):

sudo yunohost app upgrade nodered_ynh -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nodered_ynh/tree/testing --debug 


Master branch

  • 2019-05-29: Initial commit, tested on a Raspberry Pi only.
  • 2019-10-13: Upgrade to version 1.0.1, and various enhancements to pass level 7
  • 2020-09-01: Upgrade to version 1.1.3, and various code improvements (authored by @ericg)
  • 2020-10-23: Upgrade to version 1.2.1 (authored by @ericg) and 1.2.2 (authored by @TitusPiJean)
  • 2020-11-08: Upgrade to version 1.2.3, and security fix (thanks @Aleks)
  • 2020-11-28: Upgrade to version 1.2.6


  • tituspijean

Hello all,

The Node-RED package is now shipping version 1.0.1, and passing level 7 checks. :partying_face:

Have fun with great automations! :slight_smile:

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Hello there,

how install this packs please :slight_smile:
twitert and mattermost

thanks all

Hello @Issa,

This can be found in Node-RED’s documentation. You add any module in the palette:

  1. open the menu in the top right corner, select “Manage palette”.
  2. then click on the “Install” tab and type the name of the module you are looking for.
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Nikel ça marche merci :))

pare contre tu saurais pas comment on créer un compte dev twitter ?

j’arrive pas à avoir des api key twitter

Non désolé, ce n’est pas dans mes cordes. :slightly_frowning_face:

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pas de soucis j’ai pas trouvé,

pour le moment j’arrive à envoyer des notifs dans discord, mais l’afficahge est trop moche

je continue à découvrir c’est pas mal
mais ça manque d’info

Bonjour, j’ai un probléme je n’arrive pas à mettre à jour l’application :

this my log :

what is wrong please

2020-05-23 11:36:28,352: WARNING - 40894 Not enough free space on '/home/yunohost.backup/archives'

Tu n’as pas assez d’espace libre sur ta partition, et du coup la sauvegarde avant la mise à jour échoue.

nouvelle erreur qu’en pense tu stp :confused:

WARNING - npm ERR! ELOOP: too many symbolic links encountered, open '/opt/yunohost/nodered/node_modules/node-red-node-twitter/npm-shrinkwrap.json'

C’est en dehors de mes compétences, désolé. Après une recherche rapide, il semblerait que ce soit un problème avec n, qui gère l’installation de node. En première approche je te dirais de supprimer cette extension, mettre à jour, puis la réinstaller.

Tu as d’ailleurs beaucoup d’erreurs de la moulinette, à propos de ressources indisponibles. Tu devrais montrer ça aux dev.

Hi people,

It is very cool to be able to have node-red so easily safely installed on ynh! I did get some warnings about outdated bcrypt stuff among others during the installation. I find privacy/security very important with automation tasks like this. Do I need to worry?
I would be cool if someone could update these things so that the warnings are not scaring anyone anymore :smiley:

Installation completed

Reloading nginx web server... [00h00m,01s]

Configuring SSOwat... [00h00m,00s]

Starting a systemd service... [00h00m,01s]

Configuring log rotation... [00h00m,03s]

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nodered.service → /etc/systemd/system/nodered.service.

Configuring a systemd service... [00h00m,03s]

Configuring php-fpm... [00h00m,02s]

Configuring nginx web server... [00h01m,08s]

npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.

node-pre-gyp WARN Pre-built binaries not found for bcrypt@3.0.6 and node@10.22.0 (node-v64 ABI, glibc) (falling back to source compile with node-gyp)

node-pre-gyp WARN Tried to download(404): https://github.com/kelektiv/node.bcrypt.js/releases/download/v3.0.6/bcrypt_lib-v3.0.6-node-v64-linux-arm-glibc.tar.gz

node-pre-gyp WARN Using request for node-pre-gyp https download

npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported

npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.0: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142

npm WARN deprecated bcrypt@3.0.6: versions < v5.0.0 do not handle NUL in passwords properly

Installing node-red... [00h00m,12s]

Configuring system user... [00h00m,06s]

Always worry. :smiling_imp: More seriously, I may have let slip an update or two from the upstream repo. I will have a look into it and update our package if needed.

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  • Master branch status as of 2020-09-01
    • :arrow_heading_up: Upgrade to v1.1.3
    • :broom: Various code improvements.

Thanks to @ericg who PR’d the upgrade!

1 Like
Testing branch shenanigans
  • Testing branch status as of 2020-10-16
    • :arrow_heading_up: Upgrade to v1.2.1
    • :broom: Various code improvements.
    • :bug: Fixing the link to the integration level badge

Thanks to @ericg who PR’d the upgrade!
Tested and working at home, will be merged in 3 days.

  • Testing branch status as of 2020-10-19, PR 11
    • :arrow_up: All of the above
    • :arrow_heading_up: Upgrade to v1.2.2

Merging postponed another 3 days.

  • Master branch status as of 2020-10-23
    • :broom: Various code improvements (@ericg)
    • :bug: Fixing the link to the integration level badge (@ericg)
    • :arrow_heading_up: Upgrade to v1.2.2

Enjoy !

  • Testing branch status as of 2020-11-05, PR 12, merged in master on 2020-11-08:
    • :arrow_heading_up: Upgrade to v1.2.3, Maintenance release (changelog)
    • :rotating_light: Security fix: port serving the webui was opened to all. (thanks @Aleks)

Enjoy !

1 Like
  • Master branch status as of 2020-11-28, PR 15
    • :arrow_heading_up: Upgrade to v1.2.6, Maintenance release (changelog)

Enjoy !

I’ve installed Node-RED and I would like to use the http-in node for automation with python.
Can you please describe who I can secure Node-RED with username/password?
Thank you

If visitors are configured not to have access from the admin panel, you could try using your YunoHost credentials (may be unsafe, depending on how they are stored. You can use a dedicated YunoHost user for that?).

If this is not working, and you need to enable HTTP authentifation for Node-RED, refer to Node-RED’s documentation. I do not think the fact that you are using a YunoHost package for Node-RED would change anything to the procedure, except maybe you would need to login twice. :wink:

Thanks for the quick answer, the problem is I’ve already enabled HTTP authentifation in the config.js file but when I restart the Node-RED server the changes will not be accepted.