No Full screen in my Invidious Instance and 720P only videos?

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Dell Wyse Thin Client
YunoHost version: 11.1.18
I have access to my server : through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Invidious

Description of my issue

Hi Everyone! I noticed that my Invidious instance does not allow the full screen (when you click on it nothing happens) and also allows only up to 720 by default.
I added allow full screen entry in the video playback section and also added hd1080 as default in the config.yml located in var www, then restarted the whole server but still the same. I looked all the internet about a clue but no luck so far, any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Seems that it is (was ?) a limitation from Youtube side ?
In this link, they provide a workaround, though I don’t know if that’s still working:

Thx for the help!
What about the Full screen. Any ideas maybe?

No idea, sorry. I’m not even using Invidious, I just got curious after reading your post :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like it is only working on Firerefox browser and its variants not on Chrome and its variants.

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