Hardware: Computer at home YunoHost version: I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
Hi everyone ! I recently solved this small SSH issue by restricting my home folder permissions :
But now…
Description of my issue
Nextcloud cannot interact with my home folder (I guess because I removed the permission to do so).
What can I do about it ?
What are the recommended permissions for home folders ? All the users apart from me still have 775, while I change mine to 755 to please SSH. should I change all the permissions ?
I think this is not the first time I encounter this problem, does the nextcloud installation change /home permissions to a state that impact ssh keyfile authentication .
Did you check the permissions on your ~/.ssh/ folder prior to changing the permissions on your home folder?
As you might have found on the 'Net, permissions for ~/.ssh/ should be 700 (and 600 for ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, I read), but usually there is no reference to permissions on ~/ itself.
By the way, if you don’t mind elaborating, how / what for do you use Nextcloud access to your home folder? I wondered, but never tried found a use for it.
Not much tbh, it was just a feature that seems easy to enable, and I am no sysedmin. I’m more used to a desktop use of debian, where your stuff belongs in the /home folder. So I figured this would be the way to go.
Oh maybe I will try that. I looked for sure but don’t remember. Is there a “common good practice” for /home permission ? Why not 700 for all home folder ? (Sorry if I miss something obvious, i’m really learning as I go )