Nextcloud upgrade remove yunohost users from /etc/passwd

Hi mates,

I tried to upgrade from owncloud to nextcloud (with sudo yunohost app upgrade -u owncloud --verbose) and that went quite bad. I find myself without one nether the other. This morning I reinstalled “YunoHost-Apps/owncloud_ynh” and it works.

But for for now I face a new strange problem. Thoses manipulations seem to have removed the unix equivalent of yunohost users from /etc/passwd
I cant recreate them using useradd -d /home/elie -u 36291 elie -> useradd : l'utilisateur « elie » existe déjà
I cant remove them userdel elie -> userdel : impossible de supprimer l'entrée « elie » de /etc/passwd
I am quite fucked.
I think it could be an ldap issue at the end but I am not sure how yunohost manipulates unix users.

Can someone explain me this situation ?

Hey there,
I am not sure where the issue comes from but I have it too, even the admin account is not there anymore. Not sure it comes from Own/NextCloud though (I do have a NextCloud but it was installed directly on a fresh YunoHost, not coming from OwnCloud).
@Moul told me the team is aware of the bug but not sure they know where it comes from. He suggested I do a backup of YunoHost and try to restore it on a fresh install (before postinstall). I did not have time to try this out yet, maybe in two weeks or two month, not so sure hem hem…
Good luck anyway !