Nextcloud update from 27 to 29 fails

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.6
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen

Describe your issue

Updating Nextcloud from 27 to 29 fails.
I am aware that one has to make major release updates one at a time, but i don’t know how to update to 28 first.

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Previous version is typically maintained on oldstable branch, so upgrade to 28 can be done with

sudo yunohost app upgrade nextcloud -u

You should be able to jumb versions. The problem comes from Extract app… Try to deactivate the app prior to upgrading Nextcloud.

Thanks. I was looking for the info which nextcloud app is responsible, but didn’t see it.

I cannot access my nextcloud instance in a browser as it shows an internal server error. is there a way to delete the app by command line? I cannot find the occ script within the yunohost installation.

You should be able to run occ commands using : yunohost app shell nextcloud then typing stuff like php occ --help