Nextcloud Update error

:uk:/:us: Message template (english)

The “support” category is meant to ask for help or troubleshooting related to installing or using YunoHost or its applications. It is not to ask assistance on general system administration, network administration or special use cases that goes beyond the scope of the project. If you wish to discuss more advanced use case, please post in the “Advanced Use Case” category.

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My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
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Description of my issue

I have problems during update nextcloud. It fails every time. I cannot login to the ui. If i open the url of the cloud, there ist only a message “error” instead of the login mask. I’ve pasted the logs here:

log saying, that there is some problem with upgrade script - see:
error: Es ist ein Fehler im App-Upgrade-Skript aufgetreten

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