After a successful migration to yunohost 12 this morning, I’ve had a look to the web admin.
In the “applications”>“nextcloud” section, I’ve found a parameter I don’t remember I’ve seen it before: “push notification configuration” with a yes/no switch.
My question: if I put the switch on “yes” does it configure automagically “notify push” or would it be necessary to install and configure “notify push” manually before toggling the switch to “yes”?
nextcloud@server:~$ php occ notify_push:setup https://domain.tld/push
✓ redis is configured
✓ push server is receiving redis messages
✓ push server can load mount info from database
✓ push server can connect to the Nextcloud server
✓ push server is a trusted proxy
✓ push server is running the same version as the app
nextcloud@server:~$ php occ notify_push:metrics
edit: I suggest restart NC (or even YNH server, for nginx et al.) after notify_push activation.
ok, I’ve followed your tips, and here was the result:
sudo -u nextcloud php8.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ notify_push:setup https://domain.tld/cloud/push
✓ redis is configured
✓ push server is receiving redis messages
✓ push server can load mount info from database
✓ push server can connect to the Nextcloud server
🗴 push server is not a trusted proxy by Nextcloud or another proxy in the chain.
Nextcloud resolved the following client address for the test request: “ipv6_address_of_my_yunohost” instead of the expected “” test value.
The following trusted proxies are currently configured: “”, “::1”
The following x-forwarded-for header was received by Nextcloud: “”
from the following remote: “ipv6_address_of_my_yunohost”
Then I’ve followed the instructions on the nextcloud docs page and edited the config.php file to add the IPV address of my yunohost server and when I re-ran the command, everything was ok.
So, to conclude: the switch doesn’t configure “automagically” the notify push service, but with your help, it works now.