Nextcloud photos apps - is editing photos possible?

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Home server
YunoHost version: 11.2.27 (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: 29.0.4~ynh1 (Nextcloud Hub 8) – brand-new installation

Description of my issue (EN, FR)

Both the default Photos app and the Memories app, when I install it, allow me to view photos, but not edit them. There is a pencil-shaped edit button that appears when I have selected a photo to view it larger in the Viewer overlay, but clicking on the pencil icon causes the photo to close and no editing interface to appear.
In other instances of Nextcloud hosted by other providers (e.g. this opens as expected. Is there something missing?

L’application Photos par défaut et l’application Memories, lorsque je l’installe, me permettent d’afficher des photos, mais pas de les modifier. Il y a un bouton d’édition en forme de crayon qui apparaît lorsque j’ai sélectionné une photo pour le voir en plus grand, mais cliquer sur l’icône en forme de crayon entraîne la fermeture de la photo et aucune interface d’édition n’apparaît.
Dans d’autres instances de Nextcloud hébergées par d’autres fournisseurs (par exemple, cela s’ouvre comme prévu. Y a-t-il quelque chose qui manque ?

Est-ce ton problème? Nextcloud:29.0.0 Unable to edit photos; redirected back to the file list · Issue #2323 · nextcloud/viewer · GitHub

Salut :slight_smile: Yes, that’s it. It looks like it’s a problem with the Viewer app, and it has affected me in every browser I’ve tried.
It’s not a huge problem, just something that would be nice to have once it’s fixed. It looks like it’s in hand.

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