Nextcloud libretranslate


J’ai installé libretranslate sur mon instance , j’y ai ajouter quelques langues et cela fonctionne assez bien.

Par contre pour l’intégrer dans nextcloud , je ne vois pas trop comment faire

A Nextcloud , j’ai ajouté cette application .

Dans leur documentation , ils indiquent ceci :

 ## Configure

    Configuration is done using your server's CLI. These following configuration values are available:

    - `host`: **required** URL of (your) LibreTranslate instance (without trailing `/`)
    - `port`: _optional_ Needed if you are **not** running LibreTranslate on the default http port (http 80 or https 443). E.g. if it is running on a custom port (or LT's default port 5000) (defaults to _`null`_)
    - `apikey`: _optional_ Needed if the LT instance requires an api key (defaults to _`null`_)
    - `from_lang`: _optional_ default language key you want to translate from (defaults to _en_)
    - `to_lang`: _optional_ default language key of your destination language (defaults to _de_)

    ### Example:
    occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate host --value="https://cloud.your-domain.tld"
    occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate port --value="5000"
    occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate apikey --value="<API_KEY>"
    occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate from_lang --value="en"
    occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate to_lang --value="de"

Mais , je vois pas trop quel fichier dois je modifier pour lui indiquer les bonnes infos .


I installed freetranslate on my instance, I added a few languages and it works pretty well.

On the other hand, to integrate it into nextcloud, I don’t know how to do it.

To Nextcloud, I added this application.

In their documentation, they state:


Configuration is done using your server's CLI. These following configuration values are available:

- `host`: **required** URL of (your) LibreTranslate instance (without trailing `/`)
- `port`: _optional_ Needed if you are **not** running LibreTranslate on the default http port (http 80 or https 443). E.g. if it is running on a custom port (or LT's default port 5000) (defaults to _`null`_)
- `apikey`: _optional_ Needed if the LT instance requires an api key (defaults to _`null`_)
- `from_lang`: _optional_ default language key you want to translate from (defaults to _en_)
- `to_lang`: _optional_ default language key of your destination language (defaults to _de_)

### Example:
occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate host --value="https://cloud.your-domain.tld"
occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate port --value="5000"
occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate apikey --value="<API_KEY>"
occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate from_lang --value="en"
occ config:app:set integration_libretranslate to_lang --value="de"

But, I don’t see what file I need to edit to tell him the right info.

Hi stefan1,

The example is not a file, but commands to execute I think. Each line is an occ-command. More information about occ is available at Using the occ command — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

The end result would be something like

$ sudo su - 
# sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:app:set integration.... etc
# sudo -u nextcloud ....

Maybe it is not necessary to become root first, but I don’t know the password of my nextcloud-user. After that you use PHP to run the occ-command as user nextcloud (the owner of the Nextcloud files) with the options that are needed.

I’m not very familiar with occ; for example, now that I test it myself I get an error (as I usually do the first few tries with occ):

# sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 /var/www/nextcloud/occ status
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
Doctrine\DBAL\Exception: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in the driver: could not find driver in /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/Connection.php:140
Stack trace:
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)

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