Nextcloud Installation disapeared after an update & won't let me reinstall

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH & through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

So I had a NextCloud instance installed on my server as something to just kinda play with nothing too serious on it. To be honest I kinda ended up forgetting about it but still updated like I did any of my other application I had installed. Until one day I went to access it and noticed it was no longer their. No harm, no foul, maybe I uninstalled it and forgot about it. So I go to install a new instance though the install fails every time. I thought that it might be the domain I was using but when I get the same results regardless of the domain name. I am normally good enough at reading logs but for some reason the logs are not doing much for me on this one. I think there may be a broken install somewhere on my server that I cannot find that is preventing me from doing a new install.

Install Logs:

Ça ressemble à Erreur d'installation Nextcloud - #3 by Plumf

I thought so as well, yet when I remove /home/ and then try to install NextCloud I get the same issue as my first post and it recreates the /home/ directory

Just out of curiosity, do you have a user called ‘admin’ or ‘nextcloud’?

After looking at /etc/passwd I do not have the admin or nextcloud user

EDIT: If you mean like in yunohost itself. The legacy admin account is still there yes. (Have had this install for years)

Do you really need it?

No I just never got rid of it. You think that is what is blocking my install?

EDIT: Either way I removed it. Still unable to install

EDIT 2: So I tried again after rebooting everything after removing the admin use and the install worked and I am up and going. Thank you for your help!

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