NEXTCLOUD : Impossible to edit text and md files from the iOS client

What type of hardware are you using: Virtual machine
What YunoHost version are you running: The latest version
What app is this about: Nextcloud

Describe your issue

I’ve been using Nextcloud on my yunohost for years now.
I recently realized that editing a text or md file on my phone is now impossible : Whenever I click on a text or md file, the text apps opens but remains blank.
it used to work perfectly on the phone and it still works perfectly on a computer.

I’m not sure it’s related to any setting on the server side or on the iOS side, but I’m asking if anyone here had encountered the same thing.

Apparently, it’s been an old thing that has never been solved : Nextcloud for iOS don't detect the Text app · Issue #1662 · nextcloud/text · GitHub

Thanks very much for your kind help,

Share relevant logs or error messages

I’m sorry, I don’t have any log to share :frowning:

Ok. Just checked…this works in the Android Nextcloud app.

I managed to get an Android phone in order to check and it works…
So I guess the issue might come from the iOS Nextcloud application.

We can consider this topic closed.

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Check the logs in nextcloud > administration > log reader (at the bottom)

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