Nextcloud Doesn't launch from "Open this app"

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: YuNoHost 12.0.7 on Debian 12.8
What app is this about: Nextcloud not launching

Describe your issue

Installed Nextcloud from YNH console. Button to open App does not do anything. Local server name is sbserver.local. I cannot reach YNH by entering “sbserver.local” in URL browser field but can open YNH console by entering LAN IP for server and can SSH to server. Diagnosis section indicates IPv6 not working and ports not open but I am only trying to set up as a resource on LAN. Other diagnosis areas look ok. Thanks in advance for any suggestions to get Nextcloud running.

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More research revealed why.
My Router does not provide ’ hairpinning’ or ‘loopback’ access as described on this page of the YNH guide - Get access back into YunoHost | Yunohost Documentation (Get access back into YunoHost)

Adding the local IP and server name to the file /etc/hosts on the client machine (not the server machine) resolved this.

Hope this helps someone.

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