[Nextcloud] A cloud for personal or group use

J’ai essayé de bidouiller config.php de nextcloud, local.json et default.json d’onlyoffice. Mais ça n’a pas marché.
J’ai fini par désinstaller onlyoffice et réinstaller et j’ai ajouté
‘allow_local_remote_servers’ => true,
array ( ‘verify_peer_off’ => true, ),

A config.php et ça a marché.
Le seul hic c’est que je n’ai toujours pas de secret key pour onlyoffice.

upgrade to 22.2.0 went fine in my ynh

No warnings in the log file and clients sync without issues

thank you!

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Update went right, but for 45min the server was under heavy load.
Be sure to wait to the end of the update before trying anything (and I’m not on a raspberry, so it can be way longer)

The is the version of yunohost-admin, the the one of yunohost, nothing strange here.

I don’t see how this could be linked, maybe there is a lake of space on the server?

That’s weird, I don’t have this issue on my side what is the verison of “Community Document Server”? Is the url in the onlyoffice settings correct?

Thank you all for your feedback!

Onlyoffice 6.4.0~ynh2
Onlyoffice connector 7.1.2
The url is correct
But no secret key defined, I couldn’t get it to work.

Ok, I have Onlyoffice managed by Nextcloud:
In the Nextcloud’s app catalog I have installed:

  • Onlyoffice: 7.1.2
  • Community Document Server: 0.1.11

This explains why we don’t have the same behavior.

There must be a problem between the ynh package Onlyoffice and Nextcloud.

I didn’t try to install it since I saw a lot of negative comments on the store
They talk about data loss and not being able to save documents.
The onlyoffice server in yunohost is reliable and stable, the only issue I have is that I can’t set a secret key, so anyone who knows the address can use it without needing a key.

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I tried to install onlyoffice via the ynh package, and it works out of the box in nextcloud (without the secret key).

FYI, you have a discussion about the secret key here: Onlyoffice Secret Key Issue - #2 by alankeny - onlyoffice - Nextcloud community

You can edit the file /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/local.json, set to true all tokens “inbox”, “outbox” and “browser”, define the secret, and run sudo supervisorctl restart all


Yes I read this thread and a lot of other threads. Modifying local.json doesn’t make a difference. I already set inbox, outbox and browser to true and defined a secret key, but in the connector, it doesn’t connect if I input the secret key, but if I leave it blank, it connects.
I discussed it with @addictif80 and we didn’t find a way, here NextCloud vraiment lent - #21 by jarod5001

After doing that, if I leave the secret key blank, it doesn’t work anymore (as expected)

I am with YunoHost (stable).
I tried to update from Nextcloud 22.1.1~ynh1 to 22.2.0~ynh1 and it failed (log at https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/lenafoyuhu)
Nextcloud was kept at its previous stage.

But it remains in maintenance mode.
So I did :

admin@xxx:~$ cd /var/www/nextcloud/
admin@xxx:/var/www/nextcloud$ sudo -u nextcloud /usr/bin/php7.3 occ maintenance:mode --off
[sudo] password for admin: 
Sorry, user admin is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/php7.3 occ maintenance:mode --off' as nextcloud on bb.yyy.zz.
admin@xxx:/var/www/nextcloud$ su
root@xxx:/var/www/nextcloud# sudo -u nextcloud /usr/bin/php7.3 occ maintenance:mode --off
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OC\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)

But it failed again so I can’t have back my Nextcloud on.
Could you give me some advice where to look for a solution? :pray:

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Add apc.enable_cli=1 at the end of /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini and restart the service php7.3-fpm with yunohost service restart php7.3-fpm

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Thanks @metyun for your support ! It worked :tada:
Nextcloud is back online!

But I am still wondering why can’t I use occ comand with sudo and I need SU to get some result?

I have now to investigate the error during the upgrade. It seems linked to the backup process.

You can, but you have to add the argument: --define apc.enable_cli=1

sudo -u nextcloud /usr/bin/php7.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ maintenance:mode --off

Smooth update.
Thanks !

I cannot find any php.ini file.

Also my nc is stucked in maintenance mode after updating to 21 to 22.

Any suggestion? Thank you.

Try [Nextcloud] A cloud for personal or group use - #422 by Kayou

@jarod5001 I tried but it didn’t work.

I restored a previous backup and I didn’t save the error, but was very similar to this one.

OC\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)

J’ai trouvé la cause probable de ces montées de charge.
Dans “Paramètres → Stockage externe”, j’avais les stockages externes “Multimedia” et “Shared multimedia” dupliqué 5 fois chacun. Càd 5 lignes “Multimedia” et 5 lignes “Shared multimedia”.

Cela est probablement dû au fait que mon serveur yuno est en production depuis plus de 6 ans et que je tourne owncloud puis nextcloud depuis ce temps.

J’ai supprimé les raccourcis en doublons et je n’ai plus de montée de charge.
Youpi !

I made a mistake, the file is /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini

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