Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4 YunoHost version: 11.1.13 I have access to my server : Through SSH + through the webadmin Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
Description of my issue
News users created though the webadmin can’t login on exisiting apps (mattermost, wiki.js…) but they can login on Yunohost interface without any problem.
How to check the list of LDAP users ?
“can’t” is not a useful word when describing a problem. What happens exactly when try to login on those apps, with a more elaborate description than it “doesn’t work” ?
That’s probably because LDAP integration is not supported for this app
This is mentioned in the README for Mattermost (this info will progressively be made “more obvious” / easily available in the catalog with apps moving to packaging v2)
Yes I forgot Mattermost, doesnt support LDAP, so this problem is solved.
I still have the problem with wiki.js, it was working well with LDAP two day ago… I will investigate.