New error since monotorix updrade to 3.15.0~ynh6

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online & home computer
YunoHost version: (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
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Description of my issue

Since the update of monitorix to the latest version (3.15.0~ynh6) on two YH servers, I have the following error in the monitorix process logs :

mai 04 17:50:07 monitorix[554589]: Sat May  4 17:50:06 2024 - WARNING: inconsitency between '<graph_enable>' and 'graph_name' options; 'redis' doesn't exist.
mai 04 17:52:00 monitorix[554589]: Sat May  4 17:51:00 2024 - mysql::mysql_update: Cannot connect to MySQL 'localhost:3306'.
mai 04 17:52:00 monitorix[554589]: Sat May  4 17:51:00 2024 - ERROR: while updating /home/ /home/ expected timestamp not found in data source from N

Do you have any idea on how to fix them ?


Thanks for the feedback.

Small question, do you have mysql/mariadb installed and enabled ?

Hi !

Thank you very much for your answer.

I guess so. I don’t know how to check it. On one server I have homeassistant installed & on the other I have OnlyOffice, Nextcloud, OpenSondage, Jirafeau & Pastebin.

For me mysql should be correctly installed because before the monitorix upgrade, all the graphs were displaying correctly. See image bellow :


What is the result of this command grep redis /etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf ?

Hi !

tank you for your message.

root@rungeard:/home/augustin# grep redis /etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf
    redis           = y
        3 = postgres, redis-server
graph_name = system, kern, proc, amdenergy, intelrapl, hptemp, lmsens, gensens, ipmi, ambsens, amdgpu, nvidiagpu, nvidia, disk, nvme, fs, zfs, du, net, netstat, tinyproxy, tc, libvirt, process, serv, mail, port, user, ftp, apache, nginx, lighttpd, mysql, pgsql, mongodb, varnish, pagespeed, squid, nfss, nfsc, bind, unbound, ntp, chrony, fail2ban, icecast, raspberrypi, phpapc, memcached, redis, phpfpm, apcupsd, nut, wowza, int, verlihub
	redis		= Redis statistics
	_redis1		= Connections
	_redis2		= Ratios
	_redis3		= Clients
	_redis4		= Memory usage
	_redis5		= Dictionary cache
	_redis6		= Network traffic


Testing by Josue-T · Pull Request #59 · YunoHost-Apps/monitorix_ynh · GitHub should partially fix your issue.

For the issue with redis I can’t reproduce your issue so I don’t really understand what is happening on your side. Did you customize your config with a file into /etc/monitorix/conf.d/ ?

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Thank you for your message and the time spent.

In fact issue with redis was coming from a custom config. I was able to fix it by copying the new problematic conf part from monitorix.conf file.

I will keep you informed if you merge request fix the mysql issue on my side when it will reach the main branch.

Thank you very much for you work @Josue !

Unfortunately, upgrading monitorix from 3.15.0~ynh6 to 3.15.0~ynh7 doesn’t solve issues with MySQL connections.

I still have this error message in the log

Jun 16 11:19:00 monitorix[2405764]: Sun Jun 16 11:19:00 2024 - mysql::mysql_update: Cannot connect to MySQL ''.
Jun 16 11:19:00 monitorix[2405764]: Sun Jun 16 11:19:00 2024 - ERROR: while updating /home/ /home/ expected timestamp not found in data source from N


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