[Navidrome] Music Server and Streamer


I am using Navidrome with a music folder created with Syncthing, it was working great since last update. Now, Navidrome can’t access my music folder anymore.
Here is the error:

INFO[0000] Configuring Media Folder                      
name="Music Library" path=/home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique

INFO[0000] Creating Image cache                          
maxSize="100 MB" path=/var/lib/navidrome/cache/images

ERRO[0000] Error stating dir                             
error="stat /home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique: permission denied" path=/home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique
ERRO[0000] Error loading directory tree                  
error="stat /home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique: permission denied"

ERRO[0000] There were errors reading directories from filesystem  
error="stat /home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique: permission denied"

ERRO[0000] Scan was interrupted by error. See errors above  
error="stat /home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique: permission denied"

ERRO[0000] Error importing MediaFolder                   
error="stat /home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique: permission denied" folder=/home/yunohost.app/syncthing/Musique  
ERRO[0000] Errors while scanning media. Please check the logs 
INFO[0000] Finished full rescan  

I’ve tried to change the permission of this folder:

sudo chmod -R o+r Musique
drwxr-xr-- 345 syncthing syncthing 12288 Apr 28 18:31 Musique                                                                                  

But no success.

Any help welcome, thanks!

EDIT: Solution is to change the rights of the /syncthing folder:
chmod -R o+rx /home/yunohost.app/syncthing
([Navidrome] - Music folder permission denied - #5 by Aleks)