My webapp SFTP Permission denied (publickey,password)

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.7
What app is this about: My webapp

Describe your issue

I used Filezilla to connect through SFTP,

Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11
Command: open “” 22
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry…
Status: Connecting to
Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11
Command: open “” 22
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server

and also tried this:

my_webapp__3@15.2X5.211.XXX’s password:
my_webapp__3@15.2X5.211.XXX: Permission denied (publickey,password).
Connection closed
Connection closed.

I copy and paste the password. Does anyone know what shall I do?

Share relevant logs or error messages

This is just a log, not error log, it did mentioned a few warnings though:

Did you change the ssh port number of your server?

No, I did not. By the way, I have installed, uninstalled several times, no luck of get access through SFTP.

Does anyone know how to slove this issue? I still cannot access through SFTP. :face_exhaling:

The diagnosis output may help us understand

Thanks for your reply.

I believe this is what you meant by diagnosis output:

Wow, your dns settings need to be reviewed and you really should change the ssh port.
If you ping the domain of the app does it give you the ip address of the vps?

Thanks for checking up.

I think it is because I use Cloudflare, which has cause the DNS issue. Can I used cloudflare CDN? If I do, how can I get rid off these DNS errors.

I can get the ip address of the server for domain I did not use Cloudflare DNS.
For those one I do use, it returns with a different IP. But the domain is accessible through web browser.

Does it has something to do with the SFTP?

In my first few tries of the “my_webapp__3@15.2X5.211.XXX’s password:”
I still got the chance to type the password. Later on it’s just “Connection closed”.

I checked that my IP has not get in the block IP list.

Ah, I understand now.

Your ip has been banned because of multiple failed connections.

What I recommend is to use your ip to connect and type the password. Change the password to something you can type and check if it is OK.

I believe I did what you said.

I change the password for my_webapp__3 to 123456

and type 123456

as you can see permission denied.

Now I cannot login with admin account in ssh. I believe I can slove this one, but not the my webapp sftp issue.

And I install another my webapp, with a new password.

still cannot login through SFTP. (I can with my admin account and other user account set up throught the web admin)

I changed the password through web admin, copy and paste in the Filezilla. Still cannot login.

It is because I always face ownership and permission error if I use other account to upload through SFTP, so I want to get “my webapp” user to work through SFTP.

By the way, ping this domain ( can get my server’s IP address. So I believe it won’t because a DNS issue.

Thanks very much for taking time and help me out.

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