[My_Webapp] aide rewrite URL quand erreur de page

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
What app is this about: My_WebAPP

Describe your issue

Hello everyone.
I’ve got a issue
I can’t redirect to the index.php of my site hosted in arborecsence
/var/www/my_webapp/www/index.html when someone makes a typo error in the URL.
It systematically redirects to the yunohost autentificaiton page.
I tried to add to the inthe my_webapp.conf nginx conf :


"error_page 404 /index.php;"

But it does’nt change anything.
Have you an idea ?
Thx a lot.

Share relevant logs or error messages

i don’t find any log for this subject in

403 and 404 error handling
The web server configuration supports http error handling 403 and 404 (access denied and resource not found). Create an error folder at INSTALL_DIR/www/error, and put your 403.html and 404.html files in there

thnak’s for this quick response.

but not working :confused:

How did you transfer the files? They seem to have wrong permissions. my_webapp:www-data
And did you try reloading nginx?

huuuum i have update the packet to the last version.
I add /etc/nginx/conf.d/mydomaine.fr.d/my_webapp.d/error-code.conf

and this

Build error access

error_page 403 /chocolatine/error/403.html;
error_page 404 /chocolatine/error/404.html;

location ^~ /chocolatine/error/ {

and now it’s ok !

yeah… i was in a ooooooold version of my_webapp ( afraid to update the packet and lost the DB password)
and in this version, rights/owners in /my_webapp was my_webapp:my_webapp and not my_webapp:www-appdata

anyway, it’s ok !
thanks everyone

sudo cat /etc/yunohost/apps/my_webapp/settings.yml

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