Multiple mastodon instances on one yunohost?

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0
How are you able to access your server: SSH

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general question before choosing

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no error yet

Hi mro,

Welcome to the forums!

Yes, it can. Once you have Yunohost installed on your VPS, the app description also shows info about multiple installs.

For Mastodon:

If you are interested to find out which other apps are available, you can have a look at the catalog. The catalog does not, at this moment, show options for concurrent installations.

Edit to add for clarity: there is no limit to the number of installs of Mastodon per server, but each install uses a (sub) domain for itself. You can of course create as many subdomains as you like, or add multiple domains to your Yunohost.

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