Monitorix integration level dropped to 4

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Distant dedicated server
YunoHost version: 4.3.5
Monitorix app version: 3.12.0~ynh1
I have access to my server : Through SSH
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : not those last weeks (got a geoIP black list for nginx, but that should be not related to this warning)

Description of my issue


I’m using the Monitorix app for years, but recently automated diagnosis noticed error about this app.
I checked the Yunohost Dashboard for Monitorix, and the app integration level recently dropped from 6 to 4.

Here is the Diagnosis result :

Applications (apps)

[WARNING] An issue was found for app Monitorix
  - This application is currently flagged as broken on YunoHost's application catalog. This may be a temporary issue while the maintainers attempt to fix the issue. In the meantime, upgrading this app is disabled.

Maybe a recent yunohost update broke something in this app ? Is there a way to look why the integration level dropped ?

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It seems to be a trouble in the remove script :

! scripts/remove

    ✘ Do not use 'set -eu' or 'ynh_abort_if_errors' in the remove or scripts: If a single instruction fails, it will stop the script and is likely to leave the system in a broken state.

Thanks for the link :slight_smile:

Those lines are present in previous test (see YunoRunner for CI ), and the job was tagged OK.

In the results (bottom of the test), the last job lost his “OK” to level 5 :

 Tests summary

Package linter:                OK  (1 warnings, 6 possible improvements)
Install (root):                OK
Install (subdir):              OK
Backup/restore:                OK
Upgrade:                       OK
Change url:                    OK
Port already used (8080):      OK

Level results
Level 1 (Installable in at least one scenario)    OK
Level 2 (Installable in all scenarios)            OK
Level 3 (Can be upgraded)                         OK
Level 4 (Can be backup/restored)                  OK
Level 5 (No linter errors)                       
Level 6 (App is in a community-operated git org)  ok 
Level 7 (Pass all tests + no linter warnings)    
Level 8 (Maintained and long-term good quality)  
Level 9 (Flagged high-quality in app catalog)    

Global level for this application: 4 (Can be backup/restored)

However, there was the same summary in previous test (1 warning (same issue you quoted) + 6 improvements on Package linter) :

 Tests summary

Package linter:                OK  (1 warnings, 6 possible improvements)
Install (root):                OK
Install (subdir):              OK
Backup/restore:                OK
Upgrade:                       OK
Change url:                    OK
Port already used (8080):      OK

Level results
Level 1 (Installable in at least one scenario)    OK
Level 2 (Installable in all scenarios)            OK
Level 3 (Can be upgraded)                         OK
Level 4 (Can be backup/restored)                  OK
Level 5 (No linter errors)                        OK
Level 6 (App is in a community-operated git org)  OK
Level 7 (Pass all tests + no linter warnings)    
Level 8 (Maintained and long-term good quality)  
Level 9 (Flagged high-quality in app catalog)    

Global level for this application: 6 (App is in a community-operated git org)

Has Yunohost simply become more restrictive on apps quality ?

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