Monitorix installation error

Hardware: Not so old computer
YunoHost version: 4.1.6
I have access to my server : Through SSH (both on local network and from internet) | through the webadmin (on local network only) | direct access via keyboard / screen is also working and is an option if needed
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

Hello, it seems the installation script calls to a weblink that is not accessible (Error 404)

Below is the installation log.

As I am new here, I also would like to know if posting a topic is the right way to report such issues?

It’s probably a matter of updating the install script from version 3.12 to 3.13… or adding /old-versions/ in the path for 3.12

Good evening, excuse me for my English it is not my native language.

Yes this is actually the problem I am preparing a VPS to test and come back to you


My test works correctly by changing the debian package download address on the official website by taking version 3.12.

I will continue my tests to see if by switching directly to version 3.13 it goes well.


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Installing version 3.13.1 on a Yunohost 4.1.6 ends in failure :

For comparison the log of the installation of the 3.12 by modifying the source in the configuration file :

While waiting for version 3.13.1 to be compatible I will already propose the correction for the source address of version 3.12 on github.

Edit : @rsmk has already proposed the update on github, thanks to him.



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Thanks for the swift testing and replies!


Finally I managed to install version 3.13.1, I just proposed the fixes on the github.

Good night,


For my information, what is the process so that the application is installable again? I wouldn’t know how to install manually…


I proposed the fix for the installation of 3.13.1, it works from my temporary repository, I had just incorrectly formulated the correction proposals so it takes a little longer to be applied on the official repository. In the meantime after making a backup and at your own risk you can try the following order

sudo yunohost app install --debug

The tests were performed on a new Yunohost installation without any other applications.

Good evening,

Thank you Gaëtan; I am not comfortable enough with this yet to attempt a manual installation. I’ll wait that the fix is proposed in the yunohost updates.

I have seen several apps being updated but this one is still not installable from the web interface (it still proposes 3.12)

Could someone reply to the second question of my very first post to help me understand the process of bug reporting? are there dedicated ‘maintainers’ per app?

Well 3.12 is now installable so someone somewhere did something :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:. Thanks!

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