Mise à jour roundcube en échec [RESOLU | SOLVED]

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: VPS acheté en ligne
Version de YunoHost: x.x.x
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modificiations particulières sur votre instance ? : oui
**J’ai entré un second domaine dans l’instance (hélas)

Description du problème

Constat: Les MAJ des appz Roundcube et Nextcloud ne passent plus
Dans le diag général, j’ai les messages suivants concernant le reverse DNS, peut être est ce une piste?

Merci beaucoup!

Objectif 1: Passer les MAJ de NXTCLD et Roundcube
Obectif 2: je souhaite retrouver une configuration nominale

Voici des messages d'erreurs:
Base system (basesystem)

[INFO] Server hardware architecture is openvz amd64

[INFO] Server is running Linux kernel 4.19.0

[INFO] Server is running Debian 11.9

[INFO] Server is running YunoHost 11.2.10 (stable)
  - yunohost version: 11.2.10 (stable)
  - yunohost-admin version: 11.2.4 (stable)
  - moulinette version: 11.2 (stable)
  - ssowat version: 11.2 (stable)

Internet connectivity (ip)

[SUCCESS] The server is connected to the Internet through IPv4!
  - Global IP: xx.xx.xx.xx
  - Local IP: xx.xx.xx.xx

[SUCCESS] The server is connected to the Internet through IPv6!
  - Global IP: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  - Local IP: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

DNS records (dnsrecords)

[SUCCESS] DNS records are correctly configured for domain maindomain.tld (category basic)

[ERROR] Some DNS records are missing or incorrect for domain maindomain.tld (category mail)
  - This domain's DNS configuration should automatically be managed by YunoHost. If that's not the case, you can try to force an update using 'yunohost dyndns update --force'.
  - The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: TXT
    Name: mail._domainkey
    Current value: "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDZbx9a4ZnkwATBIGTGJ+8Z5FexXi7/1b2XxBgnwyjNrnB++DDpmQFq18T+IL2F698flQA6Hk6y/00yAdBpFfXrRehiY71VqFPNmcnJK6TTo5SuaxjZSZkAfwTzbogNh8uOfEV8jcgFeU88XXz2dAm7Y3aKDMstppDHYxrbe0vtTQIDAQAB"
    Expected value: "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC3SR4O6pTe2uv7fxGTB4rHCekbtvUrQXAUz3VMYg5GmNUE/AGmU97iN3P3j0achp+/yPAtxLGfpFOWUgCHtJuTjj5sdAbbW7mqcD/BoIbUGNTa4lD6bThA0GbaqWKYuWCB4tbzAPrwpps129coWJ6ZpAjwAEA0Nx7q73OakwoirwIDAQAB"

[SUCCESS] DNS records are correctly configured for domain maindomain.tld (category xmpp)

[SUCCESS] DNS records are correctly configured for domain maindomain.tld (category extra)

Ports exposure (ports)

[SUCCESS] Port 22 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for admin features (service ssh)

[SUCCESS] Port 25 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for email features (service postfix)

[SUCCESS] Port 80 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for web features (service nginx)

[SUCCESS] Port 443 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for web features (service nginx)

[SUCCESS] Port 587 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for email features (service postfix)

[SUCCESS] Port 993 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for email features (service dovecot)

[SUCCESS] Port 5222 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for xmpp features (service metronome)

[SUCCESS] Port 5269 is reachable from the outside.
  - Exposing this port is needed for xmpp features (service metronome)

Web (web)

[SUCCESS] Domain maindomain.tld is reachable through HTTP from outside the local network.

Email (mail)

[SUCCESS] The SMTP mail server is able to send emails (outgoing port 25 is not blocked).

[SUCCESS] The SMTP mail server is reachable from the outside and therefore is able to receive emails!

[ERROR] Reverse DNS is not correctly configured for IPv4. Some emails may fail to get delivered or be flagged as spam.
  - Current reverse DNS: u2306.fr
    Expected value: maindomain.tld
  - You should first try to configure reverse DNS with maindomain.tld in your internet router interface or your hosting provider interface. (Some hosting providers may require you to send them a support ticket for this).
  - Some providers won't let you configure your reverse DNS (or their feature might be broken...). If you are experiencing issues because of this, consider the following solutions:
     - Some ISP provide the alternative of using a mail server relay though it implies that the relay will be able to spy on your email traffic.
    - A privacy-friendly alternative is to use a VPN *with a dedicated public IP* to bypass this kind of limits. See https://yunohost.org/#/vpn_advantage
    - Or it's possible to switch to a different provider

[ERROR] Reverse DNS is not correctly configured for IPv6. Some emails may fail to get delivered or be flagged as spam.
  - Current reverse DNS: u236.fr
    Expected value: maindomain.tld
  - You should first try to configure reverse DNS with maindomain.tld in your internet router interface or your hosting provider interface. (Some hosting providers may require you to send them a support ticket for this).
  - Some providers won't let you configure your reverse DNS (or their feature might be broken...). If your reverse DNS is correctly configured for IPv4, you can try disabling the use of IPv6 when sending emails by running 'yunohost settings set email.smtp.smtp_allow_ipv6 -v off'. Note: this last solution means that you won't be able to send or receive emails from the few IPv6-only servers out there.

[SUCCESS] The IPs and domains used by this server do not appear to be blacklisted

[SUCCESS] 0 pending emails in the mail queues

Services status check (services)

[SUCCESS] Service dnsmasq is running!

[SUCCESS] Service dovecot is running!

[SUCCESS] Service fail2ban is running!

[SUCCESS] Service metronome is running!

[SUCCESS] Service mysql is running!

[SUCCESS] Service nginx is running!

[SUCCESS] Service php7.4-fpm is running!

[SUCCESS] Service php8.2-fpm is running!

[SUCCESS] Service postfix is running!

[SUCCESS] Service redis-server is running!

[SUCCESS] Service rspamd is running!

[SUCCESS] Service slapd is running!

[SUCCESS] Service ssh is running!

[SUCCESS] Service yunohost-api is running!

[SUCCESS] Service yunohost-firewall is running!

[SUCCESS] Service yunomdns is running!

System resources (systemresources)

[SUCCESS] The system still has 1.6 GiB (81%) RAM available out of 2.0 GiB.

[SUCCESS] The system has 512 MiB of swap!
  - Please be careful and aware that if the server is hosting swap on an SD card or SSD storage, it may drastically reduce the life expectancy of the device.

[SUCCESS] Storage / (on device /dev/ploop13960p1) still has 25 GiB (64%) space left (out of 38 GiB)!

System configurations (regenconf)

Applications (apps)

[SUCCESS] All installed apps respect basic packaging practices

Ça n’a pas de rapport. Si les mise à jour ne “passent pas”, alors il faut partager les journaux des opérations échouées comme recommandé par YunoHost lorsque l’erreur se produit

@Aleks Merci,
Voici les logs des MAJ qui ne passent pas:
ended_at: 2024-02-11 16:48:08.461793
YNH_APP_BASEDIR: /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_v_71iqel
YNH_APP_ID: nextcloud
YNH_ARCH: amd64
error: An error occurred inside the app upgrade script
interface: api
operation: app_upgrade
parent: null

    • app
    • nextcloud
      started_at: 2024-02-11 16:47:26.543603
      success: false
      yunohost_version: 11.2.10


2024-02-11 16:47:26,605: INFO - Provisioning sources…
2024-02-11 16:47:26,606: DEBUG - Prefetching asset main: https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-28.0.2.tar.bz2
2024-02-11 16:47:43,909: INFO - Updating system_user…
2024-02-11 16:47:45,117: INFO - Updating install_dir…
2024-02-11 16:47:45,158: INFO - Provisioning data_dir…
2024-02-11 16:47:45,182: INFO - Provisioning permissions…
2024-02-11 16:47:45,399: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-11 16:47:45,437: DEBUG - Permission ‘nextcloud.main’ updated
2024-02-11 16:47:45,437: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update accesses for permission ‘nextcloud’
2024-02-11 16:47:45,642: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-11 16:47:45,643: DEBUG - Permission ‘nextcloud.main’ updated
2024-02-11 16:47:45,680: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update URL related to permission ‘nextcloud’
2024-02-11 16:47:45,907: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-11 16:47:45,954: DEBUG - Permission ‘nextcloud.api’ updated
2024-02-11 16:47:45,954: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update accesses for permission ‘nextcloud’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,120: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-11 16:47:46,121: DEBUG - Permission ‘nextcloud.api’ updated
2024-02-11 16:47:46,158: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update URL related to permission ‘nextcloud’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,252: DEBUG - The permission database has been resynchronized
2024-02-11 16:47:46,436: DEBUG - SSOwat configuration regenerated
2024-02-11 16:47:46,461: INFO - Provisioning apt…
2024-02-11 16:47:46,573: DEBUG - Executing command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘/bin/bash -x “./provision_or_update_apt” 7>&1’]’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,628: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-02-11 16:47:46,634: DEBUG - +++ set +o
2024-02-11 16:47:46,635: DEBUG - +++ grep xtrace
2024-02-11 16:47:46,640: DEBUG - ++ readonly ‘XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,641: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE=‘set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,687: DEBUG - + ynh_abort_if_errors
2024-02-11 16:47:46,687: DEBUG - + trap ynh_exit_properly EXIT
2024-02-11 16:47:46,687: DEBUG - + ynh_install_app_dependencies mariadb-server imagemagick libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra acl tar smbclient at php8.2-fpm php8.2-bz2 php8.2-imap php8.2-gmp php8.2-gd php8.2-intl php8.2-curl php8.2-apcu php8.2-redis php8.2-ldap php8.2-imagick php8.2-zip php8.2-mbstring php8.2-xml php8.2-mysql php8.2-igbinary php8.2-bcmath
2024-02-11 16:47:46,688: DEBUG - + local ‘dependencies=mariadb-server imagemagick libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra acl tar smbclient at php8.2-fpm php8.2-bz2 php8.2-imap php8.2-gmp php8.2-gd php8.2-intl php8.2-curl php8.2-apcu php8.2-redis php8.2-ldap php8.2-imagick php8.2-zip php8.2-mbstring php8.2-xml php8.2-mysql php8.2-igbinary php8.2-bcmath’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,697: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/([^<=>])\ ([^(])/\1, \2/g’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,702: DEBUG - ++ echo ‘mariadb-server imagemagick libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra acl tar smbclient at php8.2-fpm php8.2-bz2 php8.2-imap php8.2-gmp php8.2-gd php8.2-intl php8.2-curl php8.2-apcu php8.2-redis php8.2-ldap php8.2-imagick php8.2-zip php8.2-mbstring php8.2-xml php8.2-mysql php8.2-igbinary php8.2-bcmath’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,704: DEBUG - + dependencies=‘mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,704: DEBUG - + local ‘dependencies=mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,707: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=version
2024-02-11 16:47:46,796: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,796: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_41zopvw7/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,796: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_41zopvw7/manifest.json
2024-02-11 16:47:46,799: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_41zopvw7/manifest.json
2024-02-11 16:47:46,802: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-11 16:47:46,807: DEBUG - ++ jq .version /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_41zopvw7/manifest.json --raw-output
2024-02-11 16:47:47,028: DEBUG - + local version=27.1.4~ynh1
2024-02-11 16:47:47,028: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z 27.1.4~ynh1 ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:47:47,029: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 27.1.4~ynh1 == null ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:47:47,029: DEBUG - + local dep_app=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:47:47,029: DEBUG - + [[ mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath =~ [<=>] ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:47,034: DEBUG - ++ echo mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath
2024-02-11 16:47:47,040: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘(?<=php)[0-9.]+(?=-|>|)’
2024-02-11 16:47:47,043: DEBUG - ++ sort -u
2024-02-11 16:47:47,052: DEBUG - + local specific_php_version=8.2
2024-02-11 16:47:47,052: DEBUG - + [[ -n 8.2 ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:47,060: DEBUG - ++ echo 8.2
2024-02-11 16:47:47,061: DEBUG - ++ wc -l
2024-02-11 16:47:47,065: DEBUG - + [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:47,065: DEBUG - + dependencies+=‘, php8.2, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-common’
2024-02-11 16:47:47,068: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-02-11 16:47:47,069: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:47:47,221: DEBUG - ++ app=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:47:47,221: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 16:47:47,221: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get nextcloud phpversion
2024-02-11 16:47:47,302: DEBUG - + local old_phpversion=8.2
2024-02-11 16:47:47,302: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n 8.2 ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:47:47,303: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 8.2 ‘!=’ 8.2 ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:47:47,306: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion --value=8.2
2024-02-11 16:47:47,306: DEBUG - + local globalapp=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:47:47,636: DEBUG - + app=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:47:47,636: DEBUG - + [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 16:47:47,636: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set nextcloud phpversion 8.2
2024-02-11 16:47:47,710: DEBUG - + test -e /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-02-11 16:47:47,711: DEBUG - + update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-02-11 16:47:47,721: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-02-11 16:47:47,766: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 16:47:47,970: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-02-11 16:47:47,974: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ postgresql-13
2024-02-11 16:47:47,980: DEBUG - ++ grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-11 16:47:48,037: DEBUG - ++ echo no
2024-02-11 16:47:48,041: DEBUG - + local psql_installed=no
2024-02-11 16:47:48,041: DEBUG - + [[ true == \t\r\u\e ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:48,041: DEBUG - + YNH_INSTALL_APP_DEPENDENCIES_REPLACE=false
2024-02-11 16:47:48,041: DEBUG - + cat
2024-02-11 16:47:48,047: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install_from_equivs /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 16:47:48,048: DEBUG - + local controlfile=/tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 16:47:48,053: DEBUG - ++ grep ‘^Package: ’ /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 16:47:48,054: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘–delimiter= ’ --fields=2
2024-02-11 16:47:48,065: DEBUG - + local pkgname=nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 16:47:48,072: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘–delimiter= ’ --fields=2
2024-02-11 16:47:48,075: DEBUG - ++ grep ‘^Version: ’ /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 16:47:48,080: DEBUG - + local pkgversion=27.1.4~ynh1
2024-02-11 16:47:48,081: DEBUG - + [[ -z nextcloud-ynh-deps ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:48,081: DEBUG - + [[ -z 27.1.4~ynh1 ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:48,081: DEBUG - + ynh_package_update
2024-02-11 16:47:48,081: DEBUG - + ynh_apt update
2024-02-11 16:47:48,081: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 16:47:48,256: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 16:47:48,257: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 16:47:48,257: DEBUG - + DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-02-11 16:47:48,257: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 update
2024-02-11 16:47:48,614: DEBUG - Hit:1 Index of /debian/ bullseye InRelease
2024-02-11 16:47:48,614: DEBUG - Hit:2 Index of /debian bullseye InRelease
2024-02-11 16:47:48,614: DEBUG - Hit:3 Index of /debian bullseye-updates InRelease
2024-02-11 16:47:48,614: DEBUG - Hit:4 Index of /debian-security bullseye-security InRelease
2024-02-11 16:47:48,640: DEBUG - Hit:5 Index of /php/ bullseye InRelease
2024-02-11 16:47:52,595: DEBUG - Reading package lists…
2024-02-11 16:47:52,640: DEBUG - ++ mktemp --directory
2024-02-11 16:47:52,643: DEBUG - + local TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.MBznStC9dw
2024-02-11 16:47:52,643: DEBUG - + rm -f /usr/share/equivs/template/debian/compat
2024-02-11 16:47:52,776: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 16:47:52,948: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 16:47:52,948: DEBUG - + cp /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control /tmp/tmp.MBznStC9dw/control
2024-02-11 16:47:52,962: DEBUG - + cd /tmp/tmp.MBznStC9dw
2024-02-11 16:47:52,963: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 16:47:52,963: DEBUG - + equivs-build ./control
2024-02-11 16:47:53,309: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 16:47:53,309: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 27.1.4~ynh1
2024-02-11 16:47:53,309: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution unstable
2024-02-11 16:47:53,309: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Equivs Dummy Package Generator root@vps.server.local
2024-02-11 16:47:53,404: DEBUG - dpkg-source --before-build .
2024-02-11 16:47:53,405: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: host architecture amd64
2024-02-11 16:47:53,582: DEBUG - debian/rules clean
2024-02-11 16:47:53,593: DEBUG - dh clean
2024-02-11 16:47:53,758: DEBUG - dh_clean
2024-02-11 16:47:53,856: DEBUG - debian/rules binary
2024-02-11 16:47:53,869: DEBUG - dh binary
2024-02-11 16:47:54,007: DEBUG - dh_update_autotools_config
2024-02-11 16:47:54,075: DEBUG - dh_autoreconf
2024-02-11 16:47:54,186: DEBUG - create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp
2024-02-11 16:47:54,187: DEBUG - dh_prep
2024-02-11 16:47:54,266: DEBUG - dh_install
2024-02-11 16:47:54,344: DEBUG - dh_installdocs
2024-02-11 16:47:54,417: DEBUG - dh_installchangelogs
2024-02-11 16:47:54,591: DEBUG - dh_perl
2024-02-11 16:47:54,673: DEBUG - dh_link
2024-02-11 16:47:54,749: DEBUG - dh_strip_nondeterminism
2024-02-11 16:47:54,913: DEBUG - dh_compress
2024-02-11 16:47:55,032: DEBUG - dh_fixperms
2024-02-11 16:47:55,169: DEBUG - dh_missing
2024-02-11 16:47:55,214: DEBUG - dh_installdeb
2024-02-11 16:47:55,278: DEBUG - dh_gencontrol
2024-02-11 16:47:55,547: DEBUG - dh_md5sums
2024-02-11 16:47:55,631: DEBUG - dh_builddeb
2024-02-11 16:47:55,689: DEBUG - dpkg-deb: building package ‘nextcloud-ynh-deps’ in ‘…/nextcloud-ynh-deps_27.1.4~ynh1_all.deb’.
2024-02-11 16:47:55,740: DEBUG - dpkg-genbuildinfo --build=binary
2024-02-11 16:47:56,539: DEBUG - dpkg-genchanges --build=binary >…/nextcloud-ynh-deps_27.1.4~ynh1_amd64.changes
2024-02-11 16:47:56,666: DEBUG - dpkg-genchanges: info: binary-only upload (no source code included)
2024-02-11 16:47:56,671: DEBUG - dpkg-source --after-build .
2024-02-11 16:47:56,853: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: binary-only upload (no source included)
2024-02-11 16:47:56,860: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 16:47:56,860: DEBUG - The package has been created.
2024-02-11 16:47:56,860: DEBUG - Attention, the package has been created in the current directory,
2024-02-11 16:47:56,860: DEBUG - not in “…” as indicated by the message above!
2024-02-11 16:47:56,868: DEBUG - + tee ./dpkg_log
2024-02-11 16:47:56,869: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 16:47:56,869: DEBUG - + dpkg --force-depends --install ./nextcloud-ynh-deps_27.1.4~ynh1_all.deb
2024-02-11 16:47:57,211: DEBUG - (Reading database … 54619 files and directories currently installed.)
2024-02-11 16:47:57,213: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/nextcloud-ynh-deps_27.1.4~ynh1_all.deb …
2024-02-11 16:47:57,218: DEBUG - Unpacking nextcloud-ynh-deps (27.1.4~ynh1) over (27.1.4~ynh1) …
2024-02-11 16:47:57,255: DEBUG - Setting up nextcloud-ynh-deps (27.1.4~ynh1) …
2024-02-11 16:47:57,277: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install --fix-broken
2024-02-11 16:47:57,277: DEBUG - + ynh_apt --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-02-11 16:47:57,277: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 16:47:57,466: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 16:47:57,466: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 16:47:57,466: DEBUG - + DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-02-11 16:47:57,466: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-02-11 16:47:58,205: DEBUG - Reading package lists…
2024-02-11 16:47:58,460: DEBUG - Building dependency tree…
2024-02-11 16:47:58,461: DEBUG - Reading state information…
2024-02-11 16:47:58,771: DEBUG - 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
2024-02-11 16:47:58,776: DEBUG - + [[ -n /tmp/tmp.MBznStC9dw ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:58,776: DEBUG - + rm --recursive --force /tmp/tmp.MBznStC9dw
2024-02-11 16:47:58,783: DEBUG - + ynh_package_is_installed nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 16:47:58,830: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 16:47:58,993: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 16:47:58,999: DEBUG - + grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-11 16:47:58,999: DEBUG - + dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 16:47:59,024: DEBUG - + rm /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 16:47:59,032: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-02-11 16:47:59,080: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 16:47:59,260: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-02-11 16:47:59,265: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ postgresql-13
2024-02-11 16:47:59,268: DEBUG - ++ grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-11 16:47:59,293: DEBUG - ++ echo no
2024-02-11 16:47:59,293: DEBUG - + local psql_installed2=no
2024-02-11 16:47:59,294: DEBUG - + [[ no != \n\o ]]
2024-02-11 16:47:59,294: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-11 16:47:59,294: DEBUG - + [[ provision_or_update_apt =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:00,295: INFO - Provisioning database…
2024-02-11 16:48:00,514: DEBUG - Executing command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘/bin/bash -x “./upgrade” 7>&1’]’
2024-02-11 16:48:00,563: DEBUG - + source _common.sh
2024-02-11 16:48:00,564: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-02-11 16:48:00,572: DEBUG - +++ grep xtrace
2024-02-11 16:48:00,573: DEBUG - +++ set +o
2024-02-11 16:48:00,579: DEBUG - ++ readonly ‘XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 16:48:00,579: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE=‘set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 16:48:00,630: DEBUG - ++ ynh_check_app_version_changed
2024-02-11 16:48:00,631: DEBUG - ++ local return_value=UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-11 16:48:00,631: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_SAME ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:00,631: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == DOWNGRADE ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:00,631: DEBUG - ++ echo UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-11 16:48:00,637: DEBUG - + upgrade_type=UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-11 16:48:00,987: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_delete --app=nextcloud --key=backup_core_only
2024-02-11 16:48:00,987: DEBUG - + local globalapp=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:00,988: INFO - [+…] > Ensuring downward compatibility…
2024-02-11 16:48:01,182: DEBUG - + app=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:01,183: DEBUG - + [[ backup_core_only =~ (unprotected|skipped|protected)
2024-02-11 16:48:01,183: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting delete nextcloud backup_core_only
2024-02-11 16:48:01,281: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:01,281: DEBUG - + phpflags=’–define apc.enable_cli=1’
2024-02-11 16:48:01,281: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=nextcloud --key=phpflags --value=–define apc.enable_cli=1
2024-02-11 16:48:01,281: DEBUG - + local globalapp=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:01,876: DEBUG - + app=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:01,877: DEBUG - + [[ phpflags =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 16:48:01,877: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set nextcloud phpflags ‘–define;apc.enable_cli=1’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,003: DEBUG - + ynh_compare_current_package_version --comparison lt --version 22.2~ynh1
2024-02-11 16:48:02,004: DEBUG - + declare -Ar args_array
2024-02-11 16:48:02,342: DEBUG - + local current_version=27.1.4~ynh1
2024-02-11 16:48:02,343: DEBUG - + [[ ! 22.2~ynh1 =~ ~ynh ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:02,343: DEBUG - + [[ ! 27.1.4~ynh1 =~ ~ynh ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:02,343: DEBUG - + [[ ! lt =~ (lt|le|eq|ne|ge|gt) ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:02,344: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 27.1.4~ynh1 lt 22.2~ynh1
2024-02-11 16:48:02,362: DEBUG - ++ grep OC_VersionString /var/www/nextcloud/version.php
2024-02-11 16:48:02,362: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘-d’'’’ -f2
2024-02-11 16:48:02,369: DEBUG - + current_version=27.1.4
2024-02-11 16:48:02,373: DEBUG - + current_major_version=27
2024-02-11 16:48:02,378: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=resources.sources.main.url
2024-02-11 16:48:02,382: DEBUG - ++ grep -o ‘[0-9][0-9].[0-9].[0-9]’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,485: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,485: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_v_71iqel/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,486: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_v_71iqel/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,486: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_v_71iqel/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 16:48:02,486: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_v_71iqel/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 16:48:02,486: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,498: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,501: DEBUG - ++ jq .resources.sources.main.url --raw-output
2024-02-11 16:48:02,514: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_v_71iqel/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 16:48:02,571: DEBUG - + last_version=28.0.2
2024-02-11 16:48:02,571: DEBUG - + last_major_version=28
2024-02-11 16:48:02,571: DEBUG - + [[ 28 != \2\7 ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:02,572: DEBUG - ++ list_installed_apps_not_compatible_with_future_version 28
2024-02-11 16:48:02,572: DEBUG - ++ local nextcloud_destination_version=28
2024-02-11 16:48:02,580: DEBUG - +++ grep OC_VersionString /var/www/nextcloud/version.php
2024-02-11 16:48:02,583: DEBUG - +++ cut ‘-d’'‘’ -f2
2024-02-11 16:48:02,594: DEBUG - ++ local nextcloud_current_version=27.1.4
2024-02-11 16:48:02,594: DEBUG - +++ mktemp
2024-02-11 16:48:02,599: DEBUG - ++ local installed_apps=/tmp/tmp.MLtJkcN6PS
2024-02-11 16:48:02,599: DEBUG - +++ mktemp
2024-02-11 16:48:02,606: DEBUG - ++ local core_apps_in_current_version=/tmp/tmp.XnqE3Ju2m2
2024-02-11 16:48:02,609: DEBUG - +++ mktemp
2024-02-11 16:48:02,613: DEBUG - ++ local nextcloud_destination_appcatalog=/tmp/tmp.wuaiaTNbtJ
2024-02-11 16:48:02,616: DEBUG - ++ exec_occ -V
2024-02-11 16:48:02,616: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ 27 = last ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,616: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ 27 -ge 26 ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:02,616: DEBUG - ++ NEXTCLOUD_PHP_VERSION=8.2
2024-02-11 16:48:02,616: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-02-11 16:48:02,616: DEBUG - +++ local globalapp=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:02,779: DEBUG - +++ app=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:02,780: DEBUG - +++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 16:48:02,780: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting get nextcloud phpversion
2024-02-11 16:48:02,879: DEBUG - ++ phpversion=8.2
2024-02-11 16:48:02,879: DEBUG - ++ [[ 8.2 != \8.\2 ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:02,882: DEBUG - ++ cd /var/www/nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:02,882: DEBUG - ++ ynh_exec_as nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi -V
2024-02-11 16:48:02,882: DEBUG - ++ local user=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:02,883: DEBUG - ++ shift 1
2024-02-11 16:48:02,886: DEBUG - +++ whoami
2024-02-11 16:48:02,887: DEBUG - +++ filter_boring_occ_warnings
2024-02-11 16:48:02,888: DEBUG - +++ sed -E ‘s@\s*([0-9]+/[0-9]+\s+[(-|>|=)+]\s+[0-9]+%|\sStarting …|Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available|You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade)@@g
2024-02-11 16:48:02,897: DEBUG - ++ [[ nextcloud = root ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:02,898: DEBUG - ++ sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi -V
2024-02-11 16:48:05,017: DEBUG - ++ exec_occ app:list --output json
2024-02-11 16:48:05,017: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ 27 = last ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:05,018: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ 27 -ge 26 ‘]’
2024-02-11 16:48:05,018: DEBUG - ++ NEXTCLOUD_PHP_VERSION=8.2
2024-02-11 16:48:05,022: DEBUG - ++ jq -r ‘.enabled | keys[]’
2024-02-11 16:48:05,023: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-02-11 16:48:05,023: DEBUG - +++ local globalapp=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:05,026: DEBUG - ++ sort
2024-02-11 16:48:05,193: DEBUG - +++ app=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:05,193: DEBUG - +++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 16:48:05,193: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting get nextcloud phpversion
2024-02-11 16:48:05,276: DEBUG - ++ phpversion=8.2
2024-02-11 16:48:05,276: DEBUG - ++ [[ 8.2 != \8.\2 ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:05,280: DEBUG - ++ cd /var/www/nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:05,281: DEBUG - ++ ynh_exec_as nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi app:list --output json
2024-02-11 16:48:05,281: DEBUG - ++ local user=nextcloud
2024-02-11 16:48:05,281: DEBUG - ++ shift 1
2024-02-11 16:48:05,284: DEBUG - +++ whoami
2024-02-11 16:48:05,287: DEBUG - +++ filter_boring_occ_warnings
2024-02-11 16:48:05,287: DEBUG - +++ sed -E 's@\s
([0-9]+/[0-9]+\s+[(-|>|=)+]\s+[0-9]+%|\s*Starting …|Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available|You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade)@@g
2024-02-11 16:48:05,294: DEBUG - ++ [[ nextcloud = root ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:05,294: DEBUG - ++ sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi app:list --output json
2024-02-11 16:48:06,019: DEBUG - ++ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/server/v27.1.4/core/shipped.json
2024-02-11 16:48:06,026: DEBUG - ++ jq -r ‘.shippedApps
2024-02-11 16:48:06,030: DEBUG - ++ sort
2024-02-11 16:48:06,305: DEBUG - ++ curl -s https://apps.nextcloud.com/api/v1/platform/28.0.0/apps.json
2024-02-11 16:48:06,307: DEBUG - ++ sort
2024-02-11 16:48:06,308: DEBUG - ++ jq -r ‘. | .id’
2024-02-11 16:48:06,783: DEBUG - ++ comm -23 /dev/fd/63 /tmp/tmp.wuaiaTNbtJ
2024-02-11 16:48:06,783: DEBUG - +++ comm -23 /tmp/tmp.MLtJkcN6PS /tmp/tmp.XnqE3Ju2m2
2024-02-11 16:48:06,794: DEBUG - + installed_apps_not_compatible_with_future_version=unsplash
2024-02-11 16:48:06,794: DEBUG - + [[ -n unsplash ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:06,794: DEBUG - + ynh_die ‘–message=The following apps are not (yet?) compatible with Nextcloud 28. You should make sure to upgrade the app, or disable it, or wait for it to become compatible before running this upgrade : unsplash’
2024-02-11 16:48:06,888: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-11 16:48:06,888: DEBUG - + [[ upgrade =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-11 16:48:06,893: WARNING - The following apps are not (yet?) compatible with Nextcloud 28. You should make sure to upgrade the app, or disable it, or wait for it to become compatible before running this upgrade : unsplash
2024-02-11 16:48:08,460: ERROR - Could not upgrade nextcloud: An error occurred inside the app upgrade script

Comme indiqué, l’app “unsplash” dans Nextcloud n’est pour le moment pas compatible avec Nextcloud 28

Oops, my bad pour NXTCLD Merci,

Une idée pour Roundcube?

il faudrait aussi poster le lien du log pour roundcube

Pour NXTCLOUD, idem sans l’appli Splash :confused:

@OniriCorpe :wink:
ended_at: 2024-02-11 19:13:58.056743
YNH_APP_BASEDIR: /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf
YNH_APP_ID: roundcube
YNH_ARCH: amd64
error: An error occurred inside the app upgrade script
interface: api
operation: app_upgrade
parent: null

    • app
    • roundcube
      started_at: 2024-02-11 19:12:21.264759
      success: false
      yunohost_version: 11.2.10


2024-02-11 19:12:21,335: INFO - Provisioning sources…
2024-02-11 19:12:21,336: DEBUG - Prefetching asset main: https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz
2024-02-11 19:12:22,617: INFO - Updating system_user…
2024-02-11 19:12:22,867: INFO - Updating install_dir…
2024-02-11 19:12:22,891: INFO - Provisioning permissions…
2024-02-11 19:12:23,084: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-11 19:12:23,126: DEBUG - Permission ‘roundcube.main’ updated
2024-02-11 19:12:23,127: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update accesses for permission ‘roundcube’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,352: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-11 19:12:23,353: DEBUG - Permission ‘roundcube.main’ updated
2024-02-11 19:12:23,389: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update URL related to permission ‘roundcube’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,511: DEBUG - The permission database has been resynchronized
2024-02-11 19:12:23,635: DEBUG - SSOwat configuration regenerated
2024-02-11 19:12:23,657: INFO - Provisioning apt…
2024-02-11 19:12:23,780: DEBUG - Executing command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘/bin/bash -x “./provision_or_update_apt” 7>&1’]’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,841: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-02-11 19:12:23,850: DEBUG - +++ set +o
2024-02-11 19:12:23,852: DEBUG - +++ grep xtrace
2024-02-11 19:12:23,865: DEBUG - ++ readonly ‘XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,865: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE=‘set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,907: DEBUG - + ynh_abort_if_errors
2024-02-11 19:12:23,908: DEBUG - + trap ynh_exit_properly EXIT
2024-02-11 19:12:23,908: DEBUG - + ynh_install_app_dependencies mariadb-server php-pear php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-cli php8.1-intl php8.1-zip php8.1-gd php8.1-mbstring php8.1-dom php8.1-curl
2024-02-11 19:12:23,908: DEBUG - + local ‘dependencies=mariadb-server php-pear php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-cli php8.1-intl php8.1-zip php8.1-gd php8.1-mbstring php8.1-dom php8.1-curl’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,915: DEBUG - ++ echo ‘mariadb-server php-pear php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-cli php8.1-intl php8.1-zip php8.1-gd php8.1-mbstring php8.1-dom php8.1-curl’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,917: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/([^<=>])\ ([^(])/\1, \2/g’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,923: DEBUG - + dependencies=‘mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,923: DEBUG - + local ‘dependencies=mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl’
2024-02-11 19:12:23,925: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=version
2024-02-11 19:12:24,018: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,018: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_7lztatnz/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,018: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_7lztatnz/manifest.json
2024-02-11 19:12:24,020: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_7lztatnz/manifest.json
2024-02-11 19:12:24,020: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,025: DEBUG - ++ jq .version /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_7lztatnz/manifest.json --raw-output
2024-02-11 19:12:24,079: DEBUG - + local version=1.6.0~ynh4
2024-02-11 19:12:24,079: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z 1.6.0~ynh4 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,079: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 1.6.0~ynh4 == null ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,079: DEBUG - + local dep_app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:24,079: DEBUG - + [[ mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl =~ [<=>] ]]
2024-02-11 19:12:24,084: DEBUG - ++ echo mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl
2024-02-11 19:12:24,087: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘(?<=php)[0-9.]+(?=-|>|)’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,090: DEBUG - ++ sort -u
2024-02-11 19:12:24,098: DEBUG - + local specific_php_version=8.1
2024-02-11 19:12:24,099: DEBUG - + [[ -n 8.1 ]]
2024-02-11 19:12:24,105: DEBUG - ++ wc -l
2024-02-11 19:12:24,105: DEBUG - ++ echo 8.1
2024-02-11 19:12:24,111: DEBUG - + [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
2024-02-11 19:12:24,112: DEBUG - + dependencies+=‘, php8.1, php8.1-fpm, php8.1-common’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,112: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=phpversion
2024-02-11 19:12:24,113: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:24,293: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:24,293: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:24,293: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube phpversion
2024-02-11 19:12:24,397: DEBUG - + local old_phpversion=7.4
2024-02-11 19:12:24,397: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n 7.4 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,398: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 7.4 ‘!=’ 8.1 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,398: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_config_dir
2024-02-11 19:12:24,398: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:24,558: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:24,558: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:24,558: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_config_dir
2024-02-11 19:12:24,641: DEBUG - + local old_php_fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/7.4/fpm
2024-02-11 19:12:24,641: DEBUG - + local old_php_finalphpconf=/etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:12:24,641: DEBUG - + [[ -f /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf ]]
2024-02-11 19:12:24,641: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:12:24,691: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:12:24,691: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:12:24,692: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:24,865: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:24,865: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:24,870: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:12:24,967: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=b14b19c02f46a5a0dcab99b46b8d8f4f
2024-02-11 19:12:24,967: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-11 19:12:24,967: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n b14b19c02f46a5a0dcab99b46b8d8f4f ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,967: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:24,972: DEBUG - + md5sum --check --status
2024-02-11 19:12:24,976: DEBUG - + ynh_remove_fpm_config
2024-02-11 19:12:24,981: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_config_dir
2024-02-11 19:12:24,982: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,159: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,159: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:25,159: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_config_dir
2024-02-11 19:12:25,228: DEBUG - + local fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/7.4/fpm
2024-02-11 19:12:25,232: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_service
2024-02-11 19:12:25,232: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,379: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,380: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:25,380: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_service
2024-02-11 19:12:25,455: DEBUG - + local fpm_service=php7.4-fpm
2024-02-11 19:12:25,455: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_dedicated_service
2024-02-11 19:12:25,456: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,631: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,632: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_dedicated_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:25,632: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_dedicated_service
2024-02-11 19:12:25,703: DEBUG - + local dedicated_service=0
2024-02-11 19:12:25,703: DEBUG - + dedicated_service=0
2024-02-11 19:12:25,704: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=phpversion
2024-02-11 19:12:25,704: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,847: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:25,847: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:25,851: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube phpversion
2024-02-11 19:12:25,928: DEBUG - + local phpversion=7.4
2024-02-11 19:12:25,928: DEBUG - + phpversion=7.4
2024-02-11 19:12:25,928: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z /etc/php/7.4/fpm ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:25,928: DEBUG - + ynh_secure_remove --file=/etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:12:26,017: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /etc/php/7.4/fpm/conf.d/20-roundcube.ini ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:26,018: DEBUG - + ynh_package_is_installed --package=php7.4-fpm
2024-02-11 19:12:26,063: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 19:12:26,264: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 19:12:26,270: DEBUG - + grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-11 19:12:26,274: DEBUG - + dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ php7.4-fpm
2024-02-11 19:12:26,293: DEBUG - + ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php7.4-fpm --action=reload
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + service_name=php7.4-fpm
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + action=reload
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + line_match=
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + length=20
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + log_path=/var/log/php7.4-fpm/php7.4-fpm.log
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + timeout=300
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == stop ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:26,749: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == reload ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:26,750: DEBUG - + action=reload-or-restart
2024-02-11 19:12:26,755: DEBUG - ++ date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
2024-02-11 19:12:26,759: DEBUG - ++ cut -d+ -f1
2024-02-11 19:12:26,766: DEBUG - + local ‘time_start=2024-02-11 19:12:26 UTC’
2024-02-11 19:12:26,766: DEBUG - + systemctl reload-or-restart php7.4-fpm
2024-02-11 19:12:26,841: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 7.4 ‘!=’ 7.4 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:12:26,841: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=phpversion --value=8.1
2024-02-11 19:12:26,841: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:27,317: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:12:27,317: DEBUG - + [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:12:27,317: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube phpversion 8.1
2024-02-11 19:12:27,388: DEBUG - + test -e /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-02-11 19:12:27,388: DEBUG - + update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-02-11 19:12:27,397: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-02-11 19:12:27,450: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 19:12:27,635: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-02-11 19:12:27,636: DEBUG - ++ grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-11 19:12:27,638: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ postgresql-13
2024-02-11 19:12:27,669: DEBUG - ++ echo no
2024-02-11 19:12:27,674: DEBUG - + local psql_installed=no
2024-02-11 19:12:27,674: DEBUG - + [[ true == \t\r\u\e ]]
2024-02-11 19:12:27,674: DEBUG - + YNH_INSTALL_APP_DEPENDENCIES_REPLACE=false
2024-02-11 19:12:27,674: DEBUG - + cat
2024-02-11 19:12:27,681: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install_from_equivs /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 19:12:27,681: DEBUG - + local controlfile=/tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 19:12:27,688: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=2
2024-02-11 19:12:27,692: DEBUG - ++ grep '^Package: ’ /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 19:12:27,697: DEBUG - + local pkgname=roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 19:12:27,703: DEBUG - ++ grep '^Version: ’ /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 19:12:27,706: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘–delimiter= ’ --fields=2
2024-02-11 19:12:27,713: DEBUG - + local pkgversion=1.6.0~ynh4
2024-02-11 19:12:27,714: DEBUG - + [[ -z roundcube-ynh-deps ]]
2024-02-11 19:12:27,714: DEBUG - + [[ -z 1.6.0~ynh4 ]]
2024-02-11 19:12:27,714: DEBUG - + ynh_package_update
2024-02-11 19:12:27,714: DEBUG - + ynh_apt update
2024-02-11 19:12:27,714: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 19:12:27,909: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 19:12:27,910: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 19:12:27,910: DEBUG - + DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-02-11 19:12:27,910: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 update
2024-02-11 19:12:28,268: DEBUG - Hit:1 Index of /debian bullseye InRelease
2024-02-11 19:12:28,268: DEBUG - Hit:2 Index of /debian bullseye-updates InRelease
2024-02-11 19:12:28,269: DEBUG - Hit:3 Index of /debian-security bullseye-security InRelease
2024-02-11 19:12:28,269: DEBUG - Hit:4 Index of /debian/ bullseye InRelease
2024-02-11 19:12:28,295: DEBUG - Hit:5 Index of /php/ bullseye InRelease
2024-02-11 19:12:31,974: DEBUG - Reading package lists…
2024-02-11 19:12:32,018: DEBUG - ++ mktemp --directory
2024-02-11 19:12:32,024: DEBUG - + local TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.1cV77myYrm
2024-02-11 19:12:32,024: DEBUG - + rm -f /usr/share/equivs/template/debian/compat
2024-02-11 19:12:32,033: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 19:12:32,221: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 19:12:32,222: DEBUG - + cp /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control /tmp/tmp.1cV77myYrm/control
2024-02-11 19:12:32,237: DEBUG - + cd /tmp/tmp.1cV77myYrm
2024-02-11 19:12:32,237: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 19:12:32,238: DEBUG - + equivs-build ./control
2024-02-11 19:12:32,561: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 19:12:32,562: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 1.6.0~ynh4
2024-02-11 19:12:32,562: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution unstable
2024-02-11 19:12:32,562: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Equivs Dummy Package Generator root@vps.server.local
2024-02-11 19:12:32,644: DEBUG - dpkg-source --before-build .
2024-02-11 19:12:32,645: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: host architecture amd64
2024-02-11 19:12:32,828: DEBUG - debian/rules clean
2024-02-11 19:12:32,841: DEBUG - dh clean
2024-02-11 19:12:33,028: DEBUG - dh_clean
2024-02-11 19:12:33,116: DEBUG - debian/rules binary
2024-02-11 19:12:33,128: DEBUG - dh binary
2024-02-11 19:12:33,250: DEBUG - dh_update_autotools_config
2024-02-11 19:12:33,315: DEBUG - dh_autoreconf
2024-02-11 19:12:33,385: DEBUG - create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp
2024-02-11 19:12:33,385: DEBUG - dh_prep
2024-02-11 19:12:33,448: DEBUG - dh_install
2024-02-11 19:12:33,508: DEBUG - dh_installdocs
2024-02-11 19:12:33,579: DEBUG - dh_installchangelogs
2024-02-11 19:12:33,783: DEBUG - dh_perl
2024-02-11 19:12:33,855: DEBUG - dh_link
2024-02-11 19:12:33,919: DEBUG - dh_strip_nondeterminism
2024-02-11 19:12:34,060: DEBUG - dh_compress
2024-02-11 19:12:34,180: DEBUG - dh_fixperms
2024-02-11 19:12:34,335: DEBUG - dh_missing
2024-02-11 19:12:34,390: DEBUG - dh_installdeb
2024-02-11 19:12:34,448: DEBUG - dh_gencontrol
2024-02-11 19:12:34,668: DEBUG - dh_md5sums
2024-02-11 19:12:34,771: DEBUG - dh_builddeb
2024-02-11 19:12:34,848: DEBUG - dpkg-deb: building package ‘roundcube-ynh-deps’ in ‘…/roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_all.deb’.
2024-02-11 19:12:35,030: DEBUG - dpkg-genbuildinfo --build=binary
2024-02-11 19:12:35,594: DEBUG - dpkg-genchanges --build=binary >…/roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_amd64.changes
2024-02-11 19:12:35,734: DEBUG - dpkg-genchanges: info: binary-only upload (no source code included)
2024-02-11 19:12:35,739: DEBUG - dpkg-source --after-build .
2024-02-11 19:12:35,929: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: binary-only upload (no source included)
2024-02-11 19:12:35,938: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:35,938: DEBUG - The package has been created.
2024-02-11 19:12:35,938: DEBUG - Attention, the package has been created in the current directory,
2024-02-11 19:12:35,938: DEBUG - not in “…” as indicated by the message above!
2024-02-11 19:12:35,947: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 19:12:35,947: DEBUG - + dpkg --force-depends --install ./roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_all.deb
2024-02-11 19:12:35,950: DEBUG - + tee ./dpkg_log
2024-02-11 19:12:36,127: DEBUG - (Reading database … 54619 files and directories currently installed.)
2024-02-11 19:12:36,128: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_all.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:36,133: DEBUG - Unpacking roundcube-ynh-deps (1.6.0~ynh4) over (1.6.0~ynh4) …
2024-02-11 19:12:36,175: DEBUG - dpkg: roundcube-ynh-deps: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as you requested:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-ldap; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - Package php8.1-ldap is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-mysql; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - Package php8.1-mysql is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-intl; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - Package php8.1-intl is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-zip; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - Package php8.1-zip is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-gd; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - Package php8.1-gd is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-curl; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - Package php8.1-curl is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,176: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,177: DEBUG - Package php8.1 is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,177: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-fpm; however:
2024-02-11 19:12:36,177: DEBUG - Package php8.1-fpm is not installed.
2024-02-11 19:12:36,177: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:36,177: DEBUG - Setting up roundcube-ynh-deps (1.6.0~ynh4) …
2024-02-11 19:12:36,192: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install --fix-broken
2024-02-11 19:12:36,192: DEBUG - + ynh_apt --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-02-11 19:12:36,195: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 19:12:36,361: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 19:12:36,362: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 19:12:36,362: DEBUG - + DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-02-11 19:12:36,362: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-02-11 19:12:37,215: DEBUG - Reading package lists…
2024-02-11 19:12:37,443: DEBUG - Building dependency tree…
2024-02-11 19:12:37,444: DEBUG - Reading state information…
2024-02-11 19:12:37,572: DEBUG - Correcting dependencies… Done
2024-02-11 19:12:37,763: DEBUG - The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
2024-02-11 19:12:37,764: DEBUG - php7.4 php7.4-zip
2024-02-11 19:12:37,764: DEBUG - Use ‘apt autoremove’ to remove them.
2024-02-11 19:12:37,765: DEBUG - The following additional packages will be installed:
2024-02-11 19:12:37,766: DEBUG - libapache2-mod-php8.1 php8.1 php8.1-curl php8.1-fpm php8.1-gd php8.1-intl
2024-02-11 19:12:37,766: DEBUG - php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-zip
2024-02-11 19:12:37,767: DEBUG - Recommended packages:
2024-02-11 19:12:37,768: DEBUG - apache2
2024-02-11 19:12:37,806: DEBUG - The following NEW packages will be installed:
2024-02-11 19:12:37,807: DEBUG - libapache2-mod-php8.1 php8.1 php8.1-curl php8.1-fpm php8.1-gd php8.1-intl
2024-02-11 19:12:37,807: DEBUG - php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-zip
2024-02-11 19:12:38,435: DEBUG - 0 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
2024-02-11 19:12:38,436: DEBUG - Need to get 0 B/3699 kB of archives.
2024-02-11 19:12:38,436: DEBUG - After this operation, 12.7 MB of additional disk space will be used.
2024-02-11 19:12:38,520: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package libapache2-mod-php8.1.
2024-02-11 19:12:38,564: DEBUG - (Reading database … 54619 files and directories currently installed.)
2024-02-11 19:12:38,566: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/0-libapache2-mod-php8.1_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:38,567: DEBUG - Unpacking libapache2-mod-php8.1 (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:38,885: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-fpm.
2024-02-11 19:12:38,885: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/1-php8.1-fpm_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:38,910: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-fpm (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,284: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1.
2024-02-11 19:12:39,292: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/2-php8.1_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_all.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,293: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1 (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,371: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-curl.
2024-02-11 19:12:39,374: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/3-php8.1-curl_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,384: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-curl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,467: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-gd.
2024-02-11 19:12:39,475: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/4-php8.1-gd_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,485: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-gd (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,570: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-intl.
2024-02-11 19:12:39,575: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/5-php8.1-intl_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,585: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-intl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,676: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-ldap.
2024-02-11 19:12:39,683: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/6-php8.1-ldap_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,688: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-ldap (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,760: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-mysql.
2024-02-11 19:12:39,765: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/7-php8.1-mysql_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,774: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-mysql (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,867: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-zip.
2024-02-11 19:12:39,874: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/8-php8.1-zip_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,883: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-zip (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:39,979: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-gd (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:40,548: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:40,548: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/gd.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:12:41,458: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-curl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:42,034: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:42,034: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/curl.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:12:42,930: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-fpm (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:43,436: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:43,436: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/fpm/php.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:12:47,797: DEBUG - Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php8.1-fpm.service → /lib/systemd/system/php8.1-fpm.service.
2024-02-11 19:12:50,319: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-mysql (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:51,256: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:51,257: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/mysqlnd.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:12:53,444: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:53,444: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/mysqli.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:12:55,581: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:55,581: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/pdo_mysql.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:12:57,019: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-zip (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:57,734: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:57,734: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/zip.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:12:59,173: DEBUG - Setting up libapache2-mod-php8.1 (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:12:59,194: DEBUG - Warning: Could not load Apache 2.4 maintainer script helper.
2024-02-11 19:12:59,919: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:12:59,919: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:13:07,613: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-intl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:13:08,355: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:13:08,355: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/intl.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:13:09,932: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-ldap (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:13:10,685: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:13:10,686: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/ldap.ini with new version
2024-02-11 19:13:12,170: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1 (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:13:12,173: DEBUG - Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) …
2024-02-11 19:13:12,277: DEBUG - Processing triggers for php8.1-cli (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:13:12,293: DEBUG - Processing triggers for php8.1-fpm (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:13:16,093: DEBUG - Processing triggers for libapache2-mod-php8.1 (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-11 19:13:16,106: DEBUG - Warning: Could not load Apache 2.4 maintainer script helper.
2024-02-11 19:13:16,546: DEBUG - + [[ -n /tmp/tmp.1cV77myYrm ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:16,546: DEBUG - + rm --recursive --force /tmp/tmp.1cV77myYrm
2024-02-11 19:13:16,555: DEBUG - + ynh_package_is_installed roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 19:13:16,634: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 19:13:16,861: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-11 19:13:16,867: DEBUG - + dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-11 19:13:16,869: DEBUG - + grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-11 19:13:16,910: DEBUG - + rm /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-11 19:13:16,930: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-02-11 19:13:17,028: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-11 19:13:17,242: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-02-11 19:13:17,248: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ postgresql-13
2024-02-11 19:13:17,253: DEBUG - ++ grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-11 19:13:17,273: DEBUG - ++ echo no
2024-02-11 19:13:17,274: DEBUG - + local psql_installed2=no
2024-02-11 19:13:17,274: DEBUG - + [[ no != \n\o ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:17,274: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-11 19:13:17,274: DEBUG - + [[ provision_or_update_apt =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:18,275: INFO - Provisioning database…
2024-02-11 19:13:18,691: DEBUG - Executing command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘/bin/bash -x “./upgrade” 7>&1’]’
2024-02-11 19:13:18,776: DEBUG - + source common.sh
2024-02-11 19:13:18,777: DEBUG - ++ YNH_COMPOSER_VERSION=2.5.5
2024-02-11 19:13:18,777: DEBUG - ++ contextmenu_version=3.3.1
2024-02-11 19:13:18,777: DEBUG - ++ automatic_addressbook_version=v0.4.3
2024-02-11 19:13:18,777: DEBUG - ++ carddav_version=5.0.1
2024-02-11 19:13:18,777: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-02-11 19:13:18,794: DEBUG - +++ set +o
2024-02-11 19:13:18,797: DEBUG - +++ grep xtrace
2024-02-11 19:13:18,805: DEBUG - ++ readonly ‘XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 19:13:18,806: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE=‘set -o xtrace’
2024-02-11 19:13:18,873: DEBUG - ++ ynh_check_app_version_changed
2024-02-11 19:13:18,873: DEBUG - ++ local return_value=UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-11 19:13:18,874: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_SAME ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:18,874: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == DOWNGRADE ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:18,874: DEBUG - ++ echo UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-11 19:13:18,875: DEBUG - + upgrade_type=UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-11 19:13:19,605: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z 0 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:19,605: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z fr_FR ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:19,605: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:19,605: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z 0 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:19,606: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:19,607: INFO - […] > Ensuring downward compatibility…
2024-02-11 19:13:19,620: DEBUG - ++ grep RCMAIL_VERSION /var/www/roundcube/program/include/iniset.php
2024-02-11 19:13:19,622: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘-d’'‘’ -f4
2024-02-11 19:13:19,633: DEBUG - + oldversion=1.6.0
2024-02-11 19:13:19,633: DEBUG - + ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_APP ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,260: DEBUG - + ynh_setup_source --dest_dir=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:20,265: INFO - [+…] > Upgrading source files…
2024-02-11 19:13:20,532: DEBUG - + keep=
2024-02-11 19:13:20,533: DEBUG - + full_replace=0
2024-02-11 19:13:20,533: DEBUG - + test -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:20,545: DEBUG - + toml_to_json
2024-02-11 19:13:20,545: DEBUG - + python3 -c ‘import toml, json, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,549: DEBUG - + cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:20,560: DEBUG - + jq -e .resources.sources
2024-02-11 19:13:20,626: DEBUG - + source_id=main
2024-02-11 19:13:20,643: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:20,651: DEBUG - ++ toml_to_json
2024-02-11 19:13:20,651: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import toml, json, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,654: DEBUG - ++ jq ‘.resources.sources[“main”]’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - + local ‘sources_json={
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - “url”: “https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz”,
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - “sha256”: “40e4d7505b01f401e757f7439930ed96b1245ffc3863dd326fcf21e0e5847c74”,
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - “autoupdate”: {
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - “strategy”: “latest_github_release”
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - }
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - }’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,724: DEBUG - + jq -re .url
2024-02-11 19:13:20,775: DEBUG - https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz
2024-02-11 19:13:20,776: DEBUG - + local arch_prefix=
2024-02-11 19:13:20,792: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .url
2024-02-11 19:13:20,800: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,837: DEBUG - + local src_url=https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz
2024-02-11 19:13:20,852: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .sha256
2024-02-11 19:13:20,855: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,902: DEBUG - + local src_sum=40e4d7505b01f401e757f7439930ed96b1245ffc3863dd326fcf21e0e5847c74
2024-02-11 19:13:20,902: DEBUG - + local src_sumprg=sha256sum
2024-02-11 19:13:20,911: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .format
2024-02-11 19:13:20,915: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-11 19:13:20,963: DEBUG - + local src_format=
2024-02-11 19:13:20,975: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .in_subdir
2024-02-11 19:13:20,980: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,024: DEBUG - + local src_in_subdir=
2024-02-11 19:13:21,044: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .extract
2024-02-11 19:13:21,050: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,093: DEBUG - + local src_extract=
2024-02-11 19:13:21,106: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .platform
2024-02-11 19:13:21,112: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,154: DEBUG - + local src_platform=
2024-02-11 19:13:21,167: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .rename
2024-02-11 19:13:21,173: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,240: DEBUG - + local src_rename=
2024-02-11 19:13:21,240: DEBUG - + [[ -n https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,240: DEBUG - + [[ -n 40e4d7505b01f401e757f7439930ed96b1245ffc3863dd326fcf21e0e5847c74 ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,240: DEBUG - + [[ -z ‘’ ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,241: DEBUG - + [[ https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz =~ ^..zip$ ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,241: DEBUG - + [[ https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz =~ ^.
/zipball/.$ ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,241: DEBUG - + [[ https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz =~ ^.
.tar.gz$ ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,241: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
2024-02-11 19:13:21,241: DEBUG - + src_sumprg=sha256sum
2024-02-11 19:13:21,241: DEBUG - + src_in_subdir=true
2024-02-11 19:13:21,241: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
2024-02-11 19:13:21,255: DEBUG - ++ echo tar.gz
2024-02-11 19:13:21,255: DEBUG - ++ tr ‘[:upper:]’ ‘[:lower:]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,261: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
2024-02-11 19:13:21,261: DEBUG - + src_extract=true
2024-02-11 19:13:21,261: DEBUG - + [[ true != \t\r\u\e ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,261: DEBUG - + local local_src=/opt/yunohost-apps-src/roundcube/main
2024-02-11 19:13:21,267: DEBUG - ++ dirname /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main
2024-02-11 19:13:21,273: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,285: DEBUG - + src_filename=/var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main
2024-02-11 19:13:21,285: DEBUG - + ‘[’ tar.gz = docker ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,291: DEBUG - + test -e /opt/yunohost-apps-src/roundcube/main
2024-02-11 19:13:21,291: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,292: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,298: DEBUG - + sha256sum --check --status
2024-02-11 19:13:21,338: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ‘!’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,347: DEBUG - + sha256sum --check --status
2024-02-11 19:13:21,380: DEBUG - + rm -rf /var/cache/yunohost/files_to_keep_during_setup_source/
2024-02-11 19:13:21,391: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,391: DEBUG - + mkdir --parents /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,402: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n /var/www/roundcube ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,403: DEBUG - + ‘[’ /var/www/roundcube == /var/www/roundcube ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,403: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,404: DEBUG - + local target=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,415: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-11 19:13:21,421: DEBUG - ++ tr -d ‘<>= ’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,566: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,567: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,567: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,567: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:21,574: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:21,580: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,602: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:21,609: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,612: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-11 19:13:21,724: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-11 19:13:21,724: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-11 19:13:21,734: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,746: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,757: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,822: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,907: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,941: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,976: DEBUG - + echo /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:21,976: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,985: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,985: DEBUG - + [[ true == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,985: DEBUG - + [[ tar.gz == \d\o\c\k\e\r ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,986: DEBUG - + [[ tar.gz == \z\i\p ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,986: DEBUG - + local strip=
2024-02-11 19:13:21,986: DEBUG - + ‘[’ true ‘!=’ false ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,986: DEBUG - + ‘[’ true == true ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,986: DEBUG - + local sub_dirs=1
2024-02-11 19:13:21,987: DEBUG - + strip=’–strip-components 1’
2024-02-11 19:13:21,987: DEBUG - + [[ tar.gz =~ ^tar.gz|tar.bz2|tar.xz$ ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:21,989: DEBUG - + tar --extract --file=/var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main --directory=/var/www/roundcube --strip-components 1
2024-02-11 19:13:22,335: DEBUG - + ynh_secure_remove --file=/var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main
2024-02-11 19:13:22,498: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -d /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/sources/patches/ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:22,505: DEBUG - ++ realpath /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/sources/patches/
2024-02-11 19:13:22,511: DEBUG - + local patches_folder=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/sources/patches
2024-02-11 19:13:22,528: DEBUG - ++ find /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/sources/patches -type f -name ‘main-*.patch’
2024-02-11 19:13:22,535: DEBUG - ++ wc --lines
2024-02-11 19:13:22,540: DEBUG - + (( 0 > 0 ))
2024-02-11 19:13:22,541: DEBUG - + test -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/sources/extra_files/main
2024-02-11 19:13:22,541: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:22,541: DEBUG - + rm -rf /var/cache/yunohost/files_to_keep_during_setup_source/
2024-02-11 19:13:22,553: DEBUG - + chmod -R o-rwx /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:22,600: DEBUG - + chown -R roundcube:www-data /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:23,318: INFO - [#+…] > Upgrading PHP-FPM configuration…
2024-02-11 19:13:23,319: DEBUG - + ynh_add_fpm_config --usage=low --footprint=low
2024-02-11 19:13:23,319: DEBUG - + local globalphpversion=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:24,081: DEBUG - + package=
2024-02-11 19:13:24,081: DEBUG - + group=
2024-02-11 19:13:24,081: DEBUG - + local autogenconf=false
2024-02-11 19:13:24,081: DEBUG - + usage=low
2024-02-11 19:13:24,081: DEBUG - + footprint=low
2024-02-11 19:13:24,082: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n low ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:24,082: DEBUG - + autogenconf=true
2024-02-11 19:13:24,082: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_usage
2024-02-11 19:13:24,083: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:24,382: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:24,382: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_usage =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:24,382: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_usage
2024-02-11 19:13:24,491: DEBUG - + local fpm_usage_in_setting=low
2024-02-11 19:13:24,491: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:24,497: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_footprint
2024-02-11 19:13:24,497: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:24,772: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:24,773: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_footprint =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:24,773: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_footprint
2024-02-11 19:13:24,884: DEBUG - + local fpm_footprint_in_setting=low
2024-02-11 19:13:24,885: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:24,885: DEBUG - + dedicated_service=0
2024-02-11 19:13:24,885: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-11 19:13:24,897: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:24,905: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=phpversion
2024-02-11 19:13:24,905: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:25,198: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:25,198: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:25,199: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube phpversion
2024-02-11 19:13:25,299: DEBUG - + local old_phpversion=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:25,300: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n 8.1 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:25,300: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 8.1 ‘!=’ 8.1 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:25,300: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:25,301: DEBUG - + local fpm_service=php8.1-fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:25,301: DEBUG - + local fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/8.1/fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:25,301: DEBUG - + mkdir --parents /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d
2024-02-11 19:13:25,321: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=fpm_config_dir --value=/etc/php/8.1/fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:25,322: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:25,980: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:25,981: DEBUG - + [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:25,981: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube fpm_config_dir /etc/php/8.1/fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:26,078: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=fpm_service --value=php8.1-fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:26,078: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:26,692: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:26,693: DEBUG - + [[ fpm_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:26,693: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube fpm_service php8.1-fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:26,779: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=fpm_dedicated_service --value=0
2024-02-11 19:13:26,779: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:27,361: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:27,361: DEBUG - + [[ fpm_dedicated_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:27,361: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube fpm_dedicated_service 0
2024-02-11 19:13:27,453: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=phpversion --value=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:27,454: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:28,066: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:28,066: DEBUG - + [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:28,066: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube phpversion 8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:28,157: DEBUG - + ‘[’ true == false ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:28,157: DEBUG - + ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm --usage=low --footprint=low
2024-02-11 19:13:28,585: DEBUG - + footprint=low
2024-02-11 19:13:28,585: DEBUG - + usage=low
2024-02-11 19:13:28,585: DEBUG - + print=0
2024-02-11 19:13:28,585: DEBUG - + ‘[’ low = low ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:28,585: DEBUG - + footprint=20
2024-02-11 19:13:28,586: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 20 -le 20 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:28,586: DEBUG - + min_spare_servers_factor=8
2024-02-11 19:13:28,586: DEBUG - + ‘[’ low = low ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:28,586: DEBUG - + php_pm=ondemand
2024-02-11 19:13:28,593: DEBUG - ++ ynh_get_ram --total --ignore_swap
2024-02-11 19:13:29,111: DEBUG - ++ ignore_swap=1
2024-02-11 19:13:29,111: DEBUG - ++ only_swap=0
2024-02-11 19:13:29,111: DEBUG - ++ free=0
2024-02-11 19:13:29,112: DEBUG - ++ total=1
2024-02-11 19:13:29,128: DEBUG - +++ grep ‘total memory’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,134: DEBUG - +++ LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 19:13:29,134: DEBUG - +++ vmstat --stats --unit M
2024-02-11 19:13:29,147: DEBUG - +++ awk ‘{print $1}’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,160: DEBUG - ++ local total_ram=2048
2024-02-11 19:13:29,178: DEBUG - +++ grep ‘total swap’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,182: DEBUG - +++ LC_ALL=C
2024-02-11 19:13:29,182: DEBUG - +++ vmstat --stats --unit M
2024-02-11 19:13:29,186: DEBUG - +++ awk ‘{print $1}’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,201: DEBUG - ++ local total_swap=512
2024-02-11 19:13:29,201: DEBUG - ++ local total_ram_swap=2560
2024-02-11 19:13:29,201: DEBUG - ++ local ram=2560
2024-02-11 19:13:29,202: DEBUG - ++ ram=2048
2024-02-11 19:13:29,202: DEBUG - ++ echo 2048
2024-02-11 19:13:29,202: DEBUG - + local max_ram=2048
2024-02-11 19:13:29,202: DEBUG - + php_max_children=51
2024-02-11 19:13:29,202: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = static ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,212: DEBUG - ++ at_least_one 51
2024-02-11 19:13:29,213: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ 51 -le 0 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,213: DEBUG - ++ echo 51
2024-02-11 19:13:29,213: DEBUG - + php_max_children=51
2024-02-11 19:13:29,225: DEBUG - ++ nproc
2024-02-11 19:13:29,238: DEBUG - + local core_number=2
2024-02-11 19:13:29,238: DEBUG - + local max_proc=8
2024-02-11 19:13:29,239: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 51 -gt 8 ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,239: DEBUG - + php_max_children=8
2024-02-11 19:13:29,242: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=php_forced_max_children
2024-02-11 19:13:29,242: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:29,544: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:29,544: DEBUG - ++ [[ php_forced_max_children =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:29,544: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube php_forced_max_children
2024-02-11 19:13:29,682: DEBUG - + local php_forced_max_children=
2024-02-11 19:13:29,683: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,683: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = dynamic ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,683: DEBUG - + php_min_spare_servers=0
2024-02-11 19:13:29,683: DEBUG - + php_max_spare_servers=0
2024-02-11 19:13:29,683: DEBUG - + php_start_servers=0
2024-02-11 19:13:29,688: DEBUG - ++ echo roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:29,691: DEBUG - + local phpfpm_group=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:29,691: DEBUG - + local phpfpm_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/php-fpm.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:29,692: DEBUG - [APP]
2024-02-11 19:13:29,692: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:13:29,692: DEBUG - user = APP
2024-02-11 19:13:29,692: DEBUG - group = PHPFPM_GROUP
2024-02-11 19:13:29,692: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:13:29,692: DEBUG - chdir = INSTALL_DIR
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - listen = /var/run/php/php__PHPVERSION
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - listen.owner = www-data
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - listen.group = www-data
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG -
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - pm = PHP_PM
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - pm.max_children = PHP_MAX_CHILDREN
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - pm.max_requests = 500
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - request_terminate_timeout = 1d
2024-02-11 19:13:29,693: DEBUG - ’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,695: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = dynamic ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,695: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = ondemand ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,695: DEBUG - pm.process_idle_timeout = 10s
2024-02-11 19:13:29,695: DEBUG - ’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,696: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/extra_php-fpm.conf ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,696: DEBUG - + cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/extra_php-fpm.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:29,702: DEBUG - + local finalphpconf=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:29,702: DEBUG - + ynh_add_config --template=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/php-fpm.conf --destination=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:29,986: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf//var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/php-fpm.conf ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,986: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/php-fpm.conf ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:29,986: DEBUG - + template_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/php-fpm.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:29,986: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,068: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,074: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,074: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:30,373: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:30,374: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:30,374: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,470: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=
2024-02-11 19:13:30,470: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-11 19:13:30,470: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,470: DEBUG - + touch /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,484: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,493: DEBUG - + chmod 640 /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,509: DEBUG - + cp -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/php-fpm.conf /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,518: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,519: DEBUG - + local target=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,531: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-11 19:13:30,538: DEBUG - ++ tr -d '<>= ’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,684: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,684: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,685: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,685: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:30,690: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:30,695: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,711: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:30,718: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,724: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-11 19:13:30,793: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-11 19:13:30,794: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-11 19:13:30,812: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,824: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,833: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,841: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:30,927: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:30,932: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,949: DEBUG - + echo /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,954: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-11 19:13:30,962: DEBUG - + chmod 400 /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,974: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:30,990: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_vars --file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:31,076: DEBUG - + test -n /webmail
2024-02-11 19:13:31,077: DEBUG - + local path_url_slash_less=/webmail
2024-02-11 19:13:31,077: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH/ --replace_string=/webmail/ --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:31,705: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $'s\001__PATH
/\001/webmail/\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:31,933: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH --replace_string=/webmail --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:32,540: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__PATH__\001/webmail\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:32,558: DEBUG - + test -n roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:32,558: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAME --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:33,175: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAME__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:33,190: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAMETOCHANGE --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:33,756: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAMETOCHANGE__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:33,849: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=USER --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:34,389: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__USER__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:34,408: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-11 19:13:34,408: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-11 19:13:34,422: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-11 19:13:34,435: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘[A-Z0-9]+?[A-Z0-9_]?[A-Z0-9]?’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:34,444: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s@([^.]*)@\L\1@g’
2024-02-11 19:13:34,444: DEBUG - ++ sort --unique
2024-02-11 19:13:34,455: DEBUG - + uniques_vars=(‘app’ ‘install_dir’ ‘phpfpm_group’ ‘phpversion’ ‘php_max_children’ ‘php_pm’)
2024-02-11 19:13:35,107: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:35,107: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-11 19:13:35,240: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:35,254: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:35,260: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-11 19:13:35,265: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf --value=68abac70ae7df2eee75d7dadd997b85c
2024-02-11 19:13:35,270: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:35,828: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:35,829: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:35,834: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf 68abac70ae7df2eee75d7dadd997b85c
2024-02-11 19:13:35,989: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:35,989: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-11 19:13:35,989: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/php-fpm.ini ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:35,989: DEBUG - + php-fpm8.1 --test
2024-02-11 19:13:36,183: DEBUG - + ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php8.1-fpm --action=reload
2024-02-11 19:13:36,935: DEBUG - + service_name=php8.1-fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:36,942: DEBUG - + action=reload
2024-02-11 19:13:36,943: DEBUG - + line_match=
2024-02-11 19:13:36,943: DEBUG - + length=20
2024-02-11 19:13:36,943: DEBUG - + log_path=/var/log/php8.1-fpm/php8.1-fpm.log
2024-02-11 19:13:36,943: DEBUG - + timeout=300
2024-02-11 19:13:36,943: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == stop ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:36,943: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == reload ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:36,943: DEBUG - + action=reload-or-restart
2024-02-11 19:13:36,951: DEBUG - ++ date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
2024-02-11 19:13:36,956: DEBUG - ++ cut -d+ -f1
2024-02-11 19:13:36,964: DEBUG - + local ‘time_start=2024-02-11 19:13:36 UTC’
2024-02-11 19:13:36,964: DEBUG - + systemctl reload-or-restart php8.1-fpm
2024-02-11 19:13:37,035: DEBUG - + ynh_add_nginx_config
2024-02-11 19:13:37,035: DEBUG - + local finalnginxconf=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,035: DEBUG - + ynh_add_config --template=nginx.conf --destination=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,298: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/nginx.conf ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:37,298: DEBUG - + template_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/nginx.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,298: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,377: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,378: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,379: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:37,646: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:37,646: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:37,646: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,745: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=
2024-02-11 19:13:37,745: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-11 19:13:37,745: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:37,745: DEBUG - + touch /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,753: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,761: DEBUG - + chmod 640 /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,778: DEBUG - + cp -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,801: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,801: DEBUG - + local target=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:37,808: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-11 19:13:37,819: DEBUG - ++ tr -d '<>= ’
2024-02-11 19:13:37,967: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:37,967: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:37,967: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:37,968: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:37,970: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:37,976: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-11 19:13:38,002: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-11 19:13:38,009: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:38,014: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-11 19:13:38,155: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-11 19:13:38,156: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-11 19:13:38,168: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,176: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,190: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,199: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:38,284: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:38,297: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,318: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-11 19:13:38,321: DEBUG - + echo /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,332: DEBUG - + chmod 400 /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,344: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,352: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_vars --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,432: DEBUG - + test -n /webmail
2024-02-11 19:13:38,433: DEBUG - + local path_url_slash_less=/webmail
2024-02-11 19:13:38,433: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH/ --replace_string=/webmail/ --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,957: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $'s\001__PATH
_/\001/webmail/\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:38,970: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH --replace_string=/webmail --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:39,565: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__PATH__\001/webmail\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:39,579: DEBUG - + test -n roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:39,579: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAME --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:40,154: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAME__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:40,171: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAMETOCHANGE --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:40,777: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAMETOCHANGE__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:40,963: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=USER --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:41,561: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__USER__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:41,579: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-11 19:13:41,579: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-11 19:13:41,591: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-11 19:13:41,607: DEBUG - ++ sort --unique
2024-02-11 19:13:41,613: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘[A-Z0-9]+?[A-Z0-9_]?[A-Z0-9]?’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:41,615: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s@([^.]*)@\L\1@g’
2024-02-11 19:13:41,623: DEBUG - + uniques_vars=(‘install_dir’ ‘phpversion’)
2024-02-11 19:13:41,731: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:41,731: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-11 19:13:41,903: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:41,914: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:41,919: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-11 19:13:41,931: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf --value=ca5fd0e5d80881ad109569851b16852f
2024-02-11 19:13:41,931: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:42,491: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:42,492: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:42,492: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf ca5fd0e5d80881ad109569851b16852f
2024-02-11 19:13:42,786: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:42,786: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-11 19:13:42,786: DEBUG - + ‘[’ /webmail ‘!=’ / ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:42,786: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string ‘–match_string=^#sub_path_only’ --replace_string= --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:43,394: DEBUG - + sed --in-place ‘s^#sub_path_onlyg’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:43,406: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:43,409: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-11 19:13:43,554: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:43,572: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-11 19:13:43,574: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-11 19:13:43,585: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf --value=4cc82fc6d08e9eca22357fc9971c7cd7
2024-02-11 19:13:43,586: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:44,184: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:44,185: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:44,185: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf 4cc82fc6d08e9eca22357fc9971c7cd7
2024-02-11 19:13:44,298: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:44,298: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-11 19:13:44,299: DEBUG - + ynh_systemd_action --service_name=nginx --action=reload
2024-02-11 19:13:45,108: DEBUG - + service_name=nginx
2024-02-11 19:13:45,108: DEBUG - + action=reload
2024-02-11 19:13:45,108: DEBUG - + line_match=
2024-02-11 19:13:45,108: DEBUG - + length=20
2024-02-11 19:13:45,108: DEBUG - + log_path=/var/log/nginx/nginx.log
2024-02-11 19:13:45,108: DEBUG - + timeout=300
2024-02-11 19:13:45,108: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == stop ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:45,109: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == reload ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:45,109: DEBUG - + action=reload-or-restart
2024-02-11 19:13:45,124: DEBUG - ++ date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
2024-02-11 19:13:45,129: DEBUG - ++ cut -d+ -f1
2024-02-11 19:13:45,134: DEBUG - + local ‘time_start=2024-02-11 19:13:45 UTC’
2024-02-11 19:13:45,140: DEBUG - + systemctl reload-or-restart nginx
2024-02-11 19:13:45,337: DEBUG - + ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_APP ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:46,029: INFO - [##…] > Reconfiguring Roundcube…
2024-02-11 19:13:46,030: DEBUG - ++ ynh_string_random --length=24
2024-02-11 19:13:46,185: DEBUG - ++ length=24
2024-02-11 19:13:46,185: DEBUG - ++ filter=A-Za-z0-9
2024-02-11 19:13:46,191: DEBUG - ++ tr --complement --delete A-Za-z0-9
2024-02-11 19:13:46,197: DEBUG - ++ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=1000
2024-02-11 19:13:46,205: DEBUG - ++ sed --quiet ‘s/(.{24})./\1/p’
2024-02-11 19:13:46,217: DEBUG - + deskey=
2024-02-11 19:13:46,217: DEBUG - + ynh_add_config --template=…/conf/config.inc.php --destination=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:46,509: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/…/conf/config.inc.php ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:46,509: DEBUG - + template_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/…/conf/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:46,509: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:46,596: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:46,597: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:46,598: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:46,880: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:46,881: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:46,881: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:46,984: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=818aca0099e2dfc8a5bf43c92c488f0b
2024-02-11 19:13:46,984: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-11 19:13:46,990: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n 818aca0099e2dfc8a5bf43c92c488f0b ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:46,991: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:46,998: DEBUG - + md5sum --check --status
2024-02-11 19:13:47,007: DEBUG - + touch /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,022: DEBUG - + chown root:root /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,029: DEBUG - + chmod 640 /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,046: DEBUG - + cp -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/conf/…/conf/config.inc.php /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,057: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,057: DEBUG - + local target=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,076: DEBUG - ++ tr -d '<>= ’
2024-02-11 19:13:47,077: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-11 19:13:47,221: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:47,221: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:47,222: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:47,222: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:47,228: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:47,234: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-11 19:13:47,249: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_w4y0ezyf/manifest.toml
2024-02-11 19:13:47,257: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-11 19:13:47,261: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-11 19:13:47,326: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-11 19:13:47,328: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-11 19:13:47,345: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,355: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,365: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,378: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:47,455: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:47,466: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,489: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-11 19:13:47,497: DEBUG - + echo /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,500: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_vars --file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:47,579: DEBUG - + test -n /webmail
2024-02-11 19:13:47,579: DEBUG - + local path_url_slash_less=/webmail
2024-02-11 19:13:47,579: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH/ --replace_string=/webmail/ --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:48,210: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $'s\001__PATH
_/\001/webmail/\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:48,225: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH --replace_string=/webmail --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:48,866: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__PATH__\001/webmail\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:48,879: DEBUG - + test -n roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:48,880: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAME --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:49,508: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAME__\001roundcube\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:49,528: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAMETOCHANGE --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:50,339: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAMETOCHANGE__\001roundcube\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:50,356: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=USER --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:51,049: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__USER__\001roundcube\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:51,059: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-11 19:13:51,059: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-11 19:13:51,084: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-11 19:13:51,104: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘[A-Z0-9]+?[A-Z0-9_]?[A-Z0-9]?’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:51,117: DEBUG - ++ sort --unique
2024-02-11 19:13:51,125: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s@([^.]*)@\L\1@g’
2024-02-11 19:13:51,142: DEBUG - + uniques_vars=(‘db_name’ ‘db_pwd’ ‘deskey’ ‘language’)
2024-02-11 19:13:51,207: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:51,209: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-11 19:13:51,370: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:51,388: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-11 19:13:51,395: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-11 19:13:51,401: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php --value=a5bd4f535d129fefbe1c8a399280a9d9
2024-02-11 19:13:51,401: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:52,057: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:52,057: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-11 19:13:52,058: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php a5bd4f535d129fefbe1c8a399280a9d9
2024-02-11 19:13:52,147: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-11 19:13:52,148: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-11 19:13:52,842: INFO - [##++++++++…] > Updating dependencies with Composer…
2024-02-11 19:13:52,843: DEBUG - + ynh_install_composer
2024-02-11 19:13:52,843: DEBUG - + local _globalphpversion=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:52,844: DEBUG - + declare -Ar args_array
2024-02-11 19:13:52,844: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-11 19:13:52,855: DEBUG - + workdir=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:52,856: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-11 19:13:52,871: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:52,871: DEBUG - + install_args=
2024-02-11 19:13:52,872: DEBUG - + composerversion=2.5.5
2024-02-11 19:13:52,888: DEBUG - + curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer
2024-02-11 19:13:52,919: DEBUG - + COMPOSER_HOME=/var/www/roundcube/.composer
2024-02-11 19:13:52,920: DEBUG - + php8.1 – --quiet --install-dir=/var/www/roundcube --version=2.5.5
2024-02-11 19:13:53,408: DEBUG - + ynh_composer_exec --phpversion=8.1 --workdir=/var/www/roundcube '–commands=install --no-dev ’
2024-02-11 19:13:53,408: DEBUG - + local _globalphpversion=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:53,408: DEBUG - + declare -Ar args_array
2024-02-11 19:13:54,021: DEBUG - + workdir=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-11 19:13:54,021: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-11 19:13:54,033: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.1
2024-02-11 19:13:54,034: DEBUG - + COMPOSER_HOME=/var/www/roundcube/.composer
2024-02-11 19:13:54,034: DEBUG - + COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1
2024-02-11 19:13:54,034: DEBUG - + php8.1 /var/www/roundcube/composer.phar install --no-dev -d /var/www/roundcube --no-interaction --no-ansi
2024-02-11 19:13:54,533: DEBUG - Composer plugins have been disabled for safety in this non-interactive session. Set COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 if you want to allow plugins to run as root/super user.
2024-02-11 19:13:54,534: DEBUG - Do not run Composer as root/super user! See How do I install untrusted packages safely? Is it safe to run Composer as superuser or root? - Composer for details
2024-02-11 19:13:56,341: DEBUG - Installing dependencies from lock file
2024-02-11 19:13:56,342: DEBUG - Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
2024-02-11 19:13:56,350: DEBUG - Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. It is recommended that you run composer update or composer update <package name>.
2024-02-11 19:13:56,352: DEBUG - - Required package “guzzlehttp/guzzle” is in the lock file as “6.5.8” but that does not satisfy your constraint “^7.3.0”.
2024-02-11 19:13:56,352: DEBUG - - Required package “bacon/bacon-qr-code” is not present in the lock file.
2024-02-11 19:13:56,352: DEBUG - This usually happens when composer files are incorrectly merged or the composer.json file is manually edited.
2024-02-11 19:13:56,352: DEBUG - Read more about correctly resolving merge conflicts Resolving merge conflicts - Composer
2024-02-11 19:13:56,352: DEBUG - and prefer using the “require” command over editing the composer.json file directly Command-line interface / Commands - Composer
2024-02-11 19:13:56,365: DEBUG - + ynh_die ‘–message=Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.’
2024-02-11 19:13:56,534: WARNING - Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.
2024-02-11 19:13:56,536: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-11 19:13:56,536: DEBUG - + [[ upgrade =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-11 19:13:58,055: ERROR - Could not upgrade roundcube: An error occurred inside the app upgrade script

Salut. Même erreur sur mon serveur.


ended_at: 2024-02-15 03:54:30.061072
YNH_APP_BASEDIR: /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x
YNH_APP_ID: roundcube
YNH_ARCH: amd64
error: An error occurred inside the app upgrade script
interface: api
operation: app_upgrade
parent: null

    • app
    • roundcube
      started_at: 2024-02-15 03:54:10.318134
      success: false
      yunohost_version: 11.2.10


2024-02-14 22:54:10,329: INFO - Provisioning sources…
2024-02-14 22:54:10,330: DEBUG - Prefetching asset main: https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz
2024-02-14 22:54:11,371: INFO - Updating system_user…
2024-02-14 22:54:11,432: INFO - Updating install_dir…
2024-02-14 22:54:11,452: INFO - Provisioning permissions…
2024-02-14 22:54:11,722: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-14 22:54:11,839: DEBUG - Permission ‘roundcube.main’ updated
2024-02-14 22:54:11,839: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update accesses for permission ‘roundcube’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,126: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-02-14 22:54:12,126: DEBUG - Permission ‘roundcube.main’ updated
2024-02-14 22:54:12,244: DEBUG - Full log of this operation: ‘Update URL related to permission ‘roundcube’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,370: DEBUG - The permission database has been resynchronized
2024-02-14 22:54:12,534: DEBUG - SSOwat configuration regenerated
2024-02-14 22:54:12,540: INFO - Provisioning apt…
2024-02-14 22:54:12,557: DEBUG - Executing command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘/bin/bash -x “./provision_or_update_apt” 7>&1’]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,564: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-02-14 22:54:12,564: DEBUG - +++ set +o
2024-02-14 22:54:12,565: DEBUG - +++ grep xtrace
2024-02-14 22:54:12,565: DEBUG - ++ readonly ‘XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,566: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE=‘set -o xtrace’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,579: DEBUG - + ynh_abort_if_errors
2024-02-14 22:54:12,579: DEBUG - + trap ynh_exit_properly EXIT
2024-02-14 22:54:12,580: DEBUG - + ynh_install_app_dependencies mariadb-server php-pear php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-cli php8.1-intl php8.1-zip php8.1-gd php8.1-mbstring php8.1-dom php8.1-curl
2024-02-14 22:54:12,580: DEBUG - + local ‘dependencies=mariadb-server php-pear php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-cli php8.1-intl php8.1-zip php8.1-gd php8.1-mbstring php8.1-dom php8.1-curl’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,580: DEBUG - ++ echo ‘mariadb-server php-pear php8.1-ldap php8.1-mysql php8.1-cli php8.1-intl php8.1-zip php8.1-gd php8.1-mbstring php8.1-dom php8.1-curl’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,580: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/([^<=>])\ ([^(])/\1, \2/g’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,581: DEBUG - + dependencies=‘mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,581: DEBUG - + local ‘dependencies=mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,581: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=version
2024-02-14 22:54:12,591: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,591: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_j9l8ffgv/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,592: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_j9l8ffgv/manifest.json
2024-02-14 22:54:12,592: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_j9l8ffgv/manifest.json
2024-02-14 22:54:12,592: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,592: DEBUG - ++ jq .version /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_j9l8ffgv/manifest.json --raw-output
2024-02-14 22:54:12,622: DEBUG - + local version=1.6.0~ynh4
2024-02-14 22:54:12,622: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z 1.6.0~ynh4 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,622: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 1.6.0~ynh4 == null ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,622: DEBUG - + local dep_app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,622: DEBUG - + [[ mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl =~ [<=>] ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:12,622: DEBUG - ++ echo mariadb-server, php-pear, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-cli, php8.1-intl, php8.1-zip, php8.1-gd, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-dom, php8.1-curl
2024-02-14 22:54:12,623: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘(?<=php)[0-9.]+(?=-|>|)’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,623: DEBUG - ++ sort -u
2024-02-14 22:54:12,624: DEBUG - + local specific_php_version=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:12,624: DEBUG - + [[ -n 8.1 ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:12,624: DEBUG - ++ echo 8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:12,624: DEBUG - ++ wc -l
2024-02-14 22:54:12,625: DEBUG - + [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:12,625: DEBUG - + dependencies+=‘, php8.1, php8.1-fpm, php8.1-common’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,626: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=phpversion
2024-02-14 22:54:12,626: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,643: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,643: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:12,643: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube phpversion
2024-02-14 22:54:12,684: DEBUG - + local old_phpversion=7.4
2024-02-14 22:54:12,684: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n 7.4 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,684: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 7.4 ‘!=’ 8.1 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,684: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_config_dir
2024-02-14 22:54:12,684: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,704: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,704: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:12,704: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_config_dir
2024-02-14 22:54:12,751: DEBUG - + local old_php_fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/7.4/fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:12,751: DEBUG - + local old_php_finalphpconf=/etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:12,751: DEBUG - + [[ -f /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:12,752: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:12,759: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:12,760: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:12,760: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,781: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,781: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:12,781: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__etc_php_7.4_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:12,830: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=a43522188d1a80a0f49e03394381e183
2024-02-14 22:54:12,830: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-14 22:54:12,830: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n a43522188d1a80a0f49e03394381e183 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,831: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:12,831: DEBUG - + md5sum --check --status
2024-02-14 22:54:12,831: DEBUG - + ynh_remove_fpm_config
2024-02-14 22:54:12,832: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_config_dir
2024-02-14 22:54:12,832: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,851: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,851: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:12,851: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_config_dir
2024-02-14 22:54:12,895: DEBUG - + local fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/7.4/fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:12,896: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_service
2024-02-14 22:54:12,896: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,914: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,914: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:12,915: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_service
2024-02-14 22:54:12,959: DEBUG - + local fpm_service=php7.4-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:12,959: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_dedicated_service
2024-02-14 22:54:12,960: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,981: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:12,981: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_dedicated_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:12,982: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_dedicated_service
2024-02-14 22:54:13,030: DEBUG - + local dedicated_service=0
2024-02-14 22:54:13,031: DEBUG - + dedicated_service=0
2024-02-14 22:54:13,031: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=phpversion
2024-02-14 22:54:13,031: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:13,050: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:13,050: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:13,050: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube phpversion
2024-02-14 22:54:13,092: DEBUG - + local phpversion=7.4
2024-02-14 22:54:13,092: DEBUG - + phpversion=7.4
2024-02-14 22:54:13,092: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z /etc/php/7.4/fpm ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,092: DEBUG - + ynh_secure_remove --file=/etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:13,106: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /etc/php/7.4/fpm/conf.d/20-roundcube.ini ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,106: DEBUG - + ynh_package_is_installed --package=php7.4-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:13,112: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-14 22:54:13,216: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-14 22:54:13,216: DEBUG - + dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ php7.4-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:13,216: DEBUG - + grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,231: DEBUG - + ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php7.4-fpm --action=reload
2024-02-14 22:54:13,293: DEBUG - + service_name=php7.4-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:13,294: DEBUG - + action=reload
2024-02-14 22:54:13,294: DEBUG - + line_match=
2024-02-14 22:54:13,294: DEBUG - + length=20
2024-02-14 22:54:13,294: DEBUG - + log_path=/var/log/php7.4-fpm/php7.4-fpm.log
2024-02-14 22:54:13,294: DEBUG - + timeout=300
2024-02-14 22:54:13,294: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == stop ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,295: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == reload ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,295: DEBUG - + action=reload-or-restart
2024-02-14 22:54:13,295: DEBUG - ++ date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
2024-02-14 22:54:13,295: DEBUG - ++ cut -d+ -f1
2024-02-14 22:54:13,295: DEBUG - + local ‘time_start=2024-02-15 03:54:13 UTC’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,295: DEBUG - + systemctl reload-or-restart php7.4-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:13,304: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 7.4 ‘!=’ 7.4 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,304: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=phpversion --value=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:13,304: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:13,346: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:13,346: DEBUG - + [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:13,346: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube phpversion 8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:13,393: DEBUG - + test -e /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-02-14 22:54:13,393: DEBUG - + update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-02-14 22:54:13,395: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-02-14 22:54:13,400: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-14 22:54:13,502: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-02-14 22:54:13,503: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ postgresql-13
2024-02-14 22:54:13,503: DEBUG - ++ grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-14 22:54:13,514: DEBUG - ++ echo yes
2024-02-14 22:54:13,514: DEBUG - + local psql_installed=yes
2024-02-14 22:54:13,514: DEBUG - + [[ true == \t\r\u\e ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:13,515: DEBUG - + YNH_INSTALL_APP_DEPENDENCIES_REPLACE=false
2024-02-14 22:54:13,515: DEBUG - + cat
2024-02-14 22:54:13,515: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install_from_equivs /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-14 22:54:13,516: DEBUG - + local controlfile=/tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-14 22:54:13,516: DEBUG - ++ grep '^Package: ’ /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-14 22:54:13,516: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=2
2024-02-14 22:54:13,518: DEBUG - + local pkgname=roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-14 22:54:13,518: DEBUG - ++ grep '^Version: ’ /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-14 22:54:13,518: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘–delimiter= ’ --fields=2
2024-02-14 22:54:13,520: DEBUG - + local pkgversion=1.6.0~ynh4
2024-02-14 22:54:13,520: DEBUG - + [[ -z roundcube-ynh-deps ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:13,520: DEBUG - + [[ -z 1.6.0~ynh4 ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:13,520: DEBUG - + ynh_package_update
2024-02-14 22:54:13,520: DEBUG - + ynh_apt update
2024-02-14 22:54:13,521: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-14 22:54:13,638: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-14 22:54:13,638: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-14 22:54:13,638: DEBUG - + DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-02-14 22:54:13,638: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 update
2024-02-14 22:54:14,021: DEBUG - Hit:1 Index of /debian bullseye InRelease
2024-02-14 22:54:14,031: DEBUG - Hit:2 Index of /debian-security bullseye-security InRelease
2024-02-14 22:54:14,118: DEBUG - Hit:3 Index of /debian/ bullseye InRelease
2024-02-14 22:54:14,120: DEBUG - Hit:4 Index of /debian bullseye-updates InRelease
2024-02-14 22:54:14,270: DEBUG - Hit:5 Index of /php/ bullseye InRelease
2024-02-14 22:54:15,025: DEBUG - Reading package lists…
2024-02-14 22:54:15,035: DEBUG - ++ mktemp --directory
2024-02-14 22:54:15,037: DEBUG - + local TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.w2BYrXQaho
2024-02-14 22:54:15,037: DEBUG - + rm -f /usr/share/equivs/template/debian/compat
2024-02-14 22:54:15,038: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-14 22:54:15,143: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-14 22:54:15,143: DEBUG - + cp /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control /tmp/tmp.w2BYrXQaho/control
2024-02-14 22:54:15,144: DEBUG - + cd /tmp/tmp.w2BYrXQaho
2024-02-14 22:54:15,145: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-14 22:54:15,145: DEBUG - + equivs-build ./control
2024-02-14 22:54:15,300: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-14 22:54:15,301: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 1.6.0~ynh4
2024-02-14 22:54:15,301: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution unstable
2024-02-14 22:54:15,301: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Equivs Dummy Package Generator root@maindomain.tld
2024-02-14 22:54:15,345: DEBUG - dpkg-source --before-build .
2024-02-14 22:54:15,345: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: host architecture amd64
2024-02-14 22:54:15,452: DEBUG - debian/rules clean
2024-02-14 22:54:15,455: DEBUG - dh clean
2024-02-14 22:54:15,538: DEBUG - dh_clean
2024-02-14 22:54:15,580: DEBUG - debian/rules binary
2024-02-14 22:54:15,582: DEBUG - dh binary
2024-02-14 22:54:15,660: DEBUG - dh_update_autotools_config
2024-02-14 22:54:15,698: DEBUG - dh_autoreconf
2024-02-14 22:54:15,743: DEBUG - create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp
2024-02-14 22:54:15,743: DEBUG - dh_prep
2024-02-14 22:54:15,777: DEBUG - dh_install
2024-02-14 22:54:15,813: DEBUG - dh_installdocs
2024-02-14 22:54:15,854: DEBUG - dh_installchangelogs
2024-02-14 22:54:15,958: DEBUG - dh_perl
2024-02-14 22:54:15,996: DEBUG - dh_link
2024-02-14 22:54:16,033: DEBUG - dh_strip_nondeterminism
2024-02-14 22:54:16,101: DEBUG - dh_compress
2024-02-14 22:54:16,150: DEBUG - dh_fixperms
2024-02-14 22:54:16,190: DEBUG - dh_missing
2024-02-14 22:54:16,217: DEBUG - dh_installdeb
2024-02-14 22:54:16,254: DEBUG - dh_gencontrol
2024-02-14 22:54:16,384: DEBUG - dh_md5sums
2024-02-14 22:54:16,428: DEBUG - dh_builddeb
2024-02-14 22:54:16,457: DEBUG - dpkg-deb: building package ‘roundcube-ynh-deps’ in ‘…/roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_all.deb’.
2024-02-14 22:54:16,477: DEBUG - dpkg-genbuildinfo --build=binary
2024-02-14 22:54:17,074: DEBUG - dpkg-genchanges --build=binary >…/roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_amd64.changes
2024-02-14 22:54:17,158: DEBUG - dpkg-genchanges: info: binary-only upload (no source code included)
2024-02-14 22:54:17,161: DEBUG - dpkg-source --after-build .
2024-02-14 22:54:17,270: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: binary-only upload (no source included)
2024-02-14 22:54:17,276: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:17,277: DEBUG - The package has been created.
2024-02-14 22:54:17,277: DEBUG - Attention, the package has been created in the current directory,
2024-02-14 22:54:17,277: DEBUG - not in “…” as indicated by the message above!
2024-02-14 22:54:17,278: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-14 22:54:17,278: DEBUG - + dpkg --force-depends --install ./roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_all.deb
2024-02-14 22:54:17,278: DEBUG - + tee ./dpkg_log
2024-02-14 22:54:17,347: DEBUG - (Reading database … 67740 files and directories currently installed.)
2024-02-14 22:54:17,349: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/roundcube-ynh-deps_1.6.0~ynh4_all.deb …
2024-02-14 22:54:17,362: DEBUG - Unpacking roundcube-ynh-deps (1.6.0~ynh4) over (1.6.0~ynh4) …
2024-02-14 22:54:17,408: DEBUG - dpkg: roundcube-ynh-deps: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as you requested:
2024-02-14 22:54:17,409: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-mysql; however:
2024-02-14 22:54:17,409: DEBUG - Package php8.1-mysql is not installed.
2024-02-14 22:54:17,409: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-intl; however:
2024-02-14 22:54:17,409: DEBUG - Package php8.1-intl is not installed.
2024-02-14 22:54:17,410: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-zip; however:
2024-02-14 22:54:17,410: DEBUG - Package php8.1-zip is not installed.
2024-02-14 22:54:17,410: DEBUG - roundcube-ynh-deps depends on php8.1-curl; however:
2024-02-14 22:54:17,410: DEBUG - Package php8.1-curl is not installed.
2024-02-14 22:54:17,410: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:17,410: DEBUG - Setting up roundcube-ynh-deps (1.6.0~ynh4) …
2024-02-14 22:54:17,441: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install --fix-broken
2024-02-14 22:54:17,442: DEBUG - + ynh_apt --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-02-14 22:54:17,442: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-14 22:54:17,552: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-14 22:54:17,552: DEBUG - + LC_ALL=C
2024-02-14 22:54:17,552: DEBUG - + DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-02-14 22:54:17,552: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=–force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-02-14 22:54:17,799: DEBUG - Reading package lists…
2024-02-14 22:54:17,952: DEBUG - Building dependency tree…
2024-02-14 22:54:17,952: DEBUG - Reading state information…
2024-02-14 22:54:18,037: DEBUG - Correcting dependencies… Done
2024-02-14 22:54:18,155: DEBUG - The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
2024-02-14 22:54:18,155: DEBUG - linux-image-5.10.0-26-amd64
2024-02-14 22:54:18,155: DEBUG - Use ‘apt autoremove’ to remove it.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,156: DEBUG - The following additional packages will be installed:
2024-02-14 22:54:18,157: DEBUG - php8.1-curl php8.1-intl php8.1-mysql php8.1-zip
2024-02-14 22:54:18,173: DEBUG - The following NEW packages will be installed:
2024-02-14 22:54:18,173: DEBUG - php8.1-curl php8.1-intl php8.1-mysql php8.1-zip
2024-02-14 22:54:18,591: DEBUG - 0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,591: DEBUG - Need to get 0 B/299 kB of archives.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,591: DEBUG - After this operation, 1232 kB of additional disk space will be used.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,628: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-curl.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,652: DEBUG - (Reading database … 67740 files and directories currently installed.)
2024-02-14 22:54:18,654: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/php8.1-curl_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,663: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-curl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,723: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-intl.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,727: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/php8.1-intl_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,733: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-intl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,791: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-mysql.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,795: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/php8.1-mysql_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,800: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-mysql (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,859: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.1-zip.
2024-02-14 22:54:18,864: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack …/php8.1-zip_8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2_amd64.deb …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,869: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.1-zip (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:18,923: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-curl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:19,102: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:19,102: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/curl.ini with new version
2024-02-14 22:54:19,249: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-mysql (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:19,433: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:19,433: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/mysqlnd.ini with new version
2024-02-14 22:54:19,750: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:19,750: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/mysqli.ini with new version
2024-02-14 22:54:20,050: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:20,051: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/pdo_mysql.ini with new version
2024-02-14 22:54:20,185: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-zip (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:20,355: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:20,355: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/zip.ini with new version
2024-02-14 22:54:20,494: DEBUG - Setting up php8.1-intl (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:20,681: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:20,681: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/intl.ini with new version
2024-02-14 22:54:20,822: DEBUG - Processing triggers for php8.1-fpm (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:20,918: DEBUG - Processing triggers for php8.1-cli (8.1.27-1+0~20231221.58+debian11~1.gbp3895b2) …
2024-02-14 22:54:21,039: DEBUG - + [[ -n /tmp/tmp.w2BYrXQaho ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:21,039: DEBUG - + rm --recursive --force /tmp/tmp.w2BYrXQaho
2024-02-14 22:54:21,040: DEBUG - + ynh_package_is_installed roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-14 22:54:21,047: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-14 22:54:21,146: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-02-14 22:54:21,147: DEBUG - + dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ roundcube-ynh-deps
2024-02-14 22:54:21,147: DEBUG - + grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-14 22:54:21,161: DEBUG - + rm /tmp/roundcube-ynh-deps.control
2024-02-14 22:54:21,163: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-02-14 22:54:21,170: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-02-14 22:54:21,303: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-02-14 22:54:21,303: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show ‘–showformat=${Status}’ postgresql-13
2024-02-14 22:54:21,303: DEBUG - ++ grep --count ‘ok installed’
2024-02-14 22:54:21,318: DEBUG - ++ echo yes
2024-02-14 22:54:21,318: DEBUG - + local psql_installed2=yes
2024-02-14 22:54:21,318: DEBUG - + [[ yes != \y\e\s ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:21,319: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-14 22:54:21,319: DEBUG - + [[ provision_or_update_apt =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,321: INFO - Provisioning database…
2024-02-14 22:54:22,415: DEBUG - Executing command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘/bin/bash -x “./upgrade” 7>&1’]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,422: DEBUG - + source common.sh
2024-02-14 22:54:22,422: DEBUG - ++ YNH_COMPOSER_VERSION=2.5.5
2024-02-14 22:54:22,422: DEBUG - ++ contextmenu_version=3.3.1
2024-02-14 22:54:22,422: DEBUG - ++ automatic_addressbook_version=v0.4.3
2024-02-14 22:54:22,423: DEBUG - ++ carddav_version=5.0.1
2024-02-14 22:54:22,423: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-02-14 22:54:22,423: DEBUG - +++ set +o
2024-02-14 22:54:22,423: DEBUG - +++ grep xtrace
2024-02-14 22:54:22,423: DEBUG - ++ readonly ‘XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,423: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE=‘set -o xtrace’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,437: DEBUG - ++ ynh_check_app_version_changed
2024-02-14 22:54:22,437: DEBUG - ++ local return_value=UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-14 22:54:22,438: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_SAME ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,438: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == DOWNGRADE ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,438: DEBUG - ++ echo UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-14 22:54:22,438: DEBUG - + upgrade_type=UPGRADE_APP
2024-02-14 22:54:22,486: INFO - […] > Ensuring downward compatibility…
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z 1 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z fr_FR ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z 0 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - ++ grep RCMAIL_VERSION /var/www/roundcube/program/include/iniset.php
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘-d’'‘’ -f4
2024-02-14 22:54:22,487: DEBUG - + oldversion=1.6.0
2024-02-14 22:54:22,488: DEBUG - + ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_APP ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,528: INFO - [+…] > Upgrading source files…
2024-02-14 22:54:22,529: DEBUG - + ynh_setup_source --dest_dir=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:22,546: DEBUG - + keep=
2024-02-14 22:54:22,547: DEBUG - + full_replace=0
2024-02-14 22:54:22,547: DEBUG - + test -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:22,547: DEBUG - + cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:22,547: DEBUG - + toml_to_json
2024-02-14 22:54:22,547: DEBUG - + python3 -c ‘import toml, json, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,547: DEBUG - + jq -e .resources.sources
2024-02-14 22:54:22,581: DEBUG - + source_id=main
2024-02-14 22:54:22,581: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:22,581: DEBUG - ++ toml_to_json
2024-02-14 22:54:22,582: DEBUG - ++ jq ‘.resources.sources[“main”]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,582: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import toml, json, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - + local ‘sources_json={
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - “url”: “https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz”,
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - “sha256”: “40e4d7505b01f401e757f7439930ed96b1245ffc3863dd326fcf21e0e5847c74”,
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - “autoupdate”: {
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - “strategy”: “latest_github_release”
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - }
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - }’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,615: DEBUG - + jq -re .url
2024-02-14 22:54:22,645: DEBUG - https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz
2024-02-14 22:54:22,645: DEBUG - + local arch_prefix=
2024-02-14 22:54:22,646: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .url
2024-02-14 22:54:22,646: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,683: DEBUG - + local src_url=https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz
2024-02-14 22:54:22,684: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .sha256
2024-02-14 22:54:22,685: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,721: DEBUG - + local src_sum=40e4d7505b01f401e757f7439930ed96b1245ffc3863dd326fcf21e0e5847c74
2024-02-14 22:54:22,721: DEBUG - + local src_sumprg=sha256sum
2024-02-14 22:54:22,722: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .format
2024-02-14 22:54:22,722: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,759: DEBUG - + local src_format=
2024-02-14 22:54:22,759: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .in_subdir
2024-02-14 22:54:22,759: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,790: DEBUG - + local src_in_subdir=
2024-02-14 22:54:22,790: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .extract
2024-02-14 22:54:22,791: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,828: DEBUG - + local src_extract=
2024-02-14 22:54:22,828: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .platform
2024-02-14 22:54:22,829: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,859: DEBUG - + local src_platform=
2024-02-14 22:54:22,860: DEBUG - ++ jq -r .rename
2024-02-14 22:54:22,860: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s/^null$//’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,890: DEBUG - + local src_rename=
2024-02-14 22:54:22,891: DEBUG - + [[ -n https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,891: DEBUG - + [[ -n 40e4d7505b01f401e757f7439930ed96b1245ffc3863dd326fcf21e0e5847c74 ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,891: DEBUG - + [[ -z ‘’ ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,891: DEBUG - + [[ https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz =~ ^..zip$ ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,891: DEBUG - + [[ https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz =~ ^.
/zipball/.$ ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,891: DEBUG - + [[ https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz =~ ^.
.tar.gz$ ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + src_sumprg=sha256sum
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + src_in_subdir=true
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - ++ echo tar.gz
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - ++ tr ‘[:upper:]’ ‘[:lower:]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + src_extract=true
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + [[ true != \t\r\u\e ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:22,892: DEBUG - + local local_src=/opt/yunohost-apps-src/roundcube/main
2024-02-14 22:54:22,893: DEBUG - ++ dirname /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main
2024-02-14 22:54:22,893: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:22,894: DEBUG - + src_filename=/var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main
2024-02-14 22:54:22,894: DEBUG - + ‘[’ tar.gz = docker ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,894: DEBUG - + test -e /opt/yunohost-apps-src/roundcube/main
2024-02-14 22:54:22,894: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.6/roundcubemail-1.6.6.tar.gz ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,895: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,895: DEBUG - + sha256sum --check --status
2024-02-14 22:54:22,919: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ‘!’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,920: DEBUG - + sha256sum --check --status
2024-02-14 22:54:22,945: DEBUG - + rm -rf /var/cache/yunohost/files_to_keep_during_setup_source/
2024-02-14 22:54:22,945: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,946: DEBUG - + mkdir --parents /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:22,946: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n /var/www/roundcube ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,946: DEBUG - + ‘[’ /var/www/roundcube == /var/www/roundcube ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,946: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:22,947: DEBUG - + local target=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:22,947: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-14 22:54:22,947: DEBUG - ++ tr -d ‘<>= ’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,957: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,958: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,958: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,958: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:22,958: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:22,958: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,959: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:22,959: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-14 22:54:22,959: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-14 22:54:22,992: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-14 22:54:22,992: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-14 22:54:22,993: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:22,994: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:22,995: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,026: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,032: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,034: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,038: DEBUG - + echo /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,038: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,039: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,039: DEBUG - + [[ true == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:23,039: DEBUG - + [[ tar.gz == \d\o\c\k\e\r ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:23,039: DEBUG - + [[ tar.gz == \z\i\p ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:23,040: DEBUG - + local strip=
2024-02-14 22:54:23,040: DEBUG - + ‘[’ true ‘!=’ false ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,040: DEBUG - + ‘[’ true == true ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,040: DEBUG - + local sub_dirs=1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,040: DEBUG - + strip=’–strip-components 1’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,040: DEBUG - + [[ tar.gz =~ ^tar.gz|tar.bz2|tar.xz$ ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:23,040: DEBUG - + tar --extract --file=/var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main --directory=/var/www/roundcube --strip-components 1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,177: DEBUG - + ynh_secure_remove --file=/var/cache/yunohost/download/roundcube/main
2024-02-14 22:54:23,192: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -d /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/sources/patches/ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,192: DEBUG - ++ realpath /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/sources/patches/
2024-02-14 22:54:23,193: DEBUG - + local patches_folder=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/sources/patches
2024-02-14 22:54:23,194: DEBUG - ++ find /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/sources/patches -type f -name ‘main-*.patch’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,194: DEBUG - ++ wc --lines
2024-02-14 22:54:23,195: DEBUG - + (( 0 > 0 ))
2024-02-14 22:54:23,196: DEBUG - + test -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/sources/extra_files/main
2024-02-14 22:54:23,196: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,196: DEBUG - + rm -rf /var/cache/yunohost/files_to_keep_during_setup_source/
2024-02-14 22:54:23,196: DEBUG - + chmod -R o-rwx /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,232: DEBUG - + chown -R roundcube:www-data /var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,310: DEBUG - + ynh_add_fpm_config --usage=low --footprint=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,310: INFO - [#+…] > Upgrading PHP-FPM configuration…
2024-02-14 22:54:23,311: DEBUG - + local globalphpversion=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,362: DEBUG - + package=
2024-02-14 22:54:23,362: DEBUG - + group=
2024-02-14 22:54:23,362: DEBUG - + local autogenconf=false
2024-02-14 22:54:23,362: DEBUG - + usage=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,362: DEBUG - + footprint=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,362: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n low ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,362: DEBUG - + autogenconf=true
2024-02-14 22:54:23,363: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_usage
2024-02-14 22:54:23,363: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,383: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,383: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_usage =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:23,383: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_usage
2024-02-14 22:54:23,423: DEBUG - + local fpm_usage_in_setting=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,423: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,424: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=fpm_footprint
2024-02-14 22:54:23,424: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,444: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,444: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_footprint =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:23,444: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube fpm_footprint
2024-02-14 22:54:23,486: DEBUG - + local fpm_footprint_in_setting=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,487: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -z low ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,487: DEBUG - + dedicated_service=0
2024-02-14 22:54:23,487: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-14 22:54:23,487: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,488: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=phpversion
2024-02-14 22:54:23,488: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,507: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,507: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:23,507: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube phpversion
2024-02-14 22:54:23,547: DEBUG - + local old_phpversion=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,547: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n 8.1 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,547: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 8.1 ‘!=’ 8.1 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,548: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,548: DEBUG - + local fpm_service=php8.1-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:23,548: DEBUG - + local fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/8.1/fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:23,548: DEBUG - + mkdir --parents /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d
2024-02-14 22:54:23,548: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=fpm_config_dir --value=/etc/php/8.1/fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:23,549: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,593: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,593: DEBUG - + [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:23,593: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube fpm_config_dir /etc/php/8.1/fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:23,635: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=fpm_service --value=php8.1-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:23,635: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,681: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,681: DEBUG - + [[ fpm_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:23,681: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube fpm_service php8.1-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:23,723: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=fpm_dedicated_service --value=0
2024-02-14 22:54:23,723: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,772: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,772: DEBUG - + [[ fpm_dedicated_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:23,772: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube fpm_dedicated_service 0
2024-02-14 22:54:23,823: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=phpversion --value=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,824: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,873: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:23,873: DEBUG - + [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:23,874: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube phpversion 8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,925: DEBUG - + ‘[’ true == false ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,925: DEBUG - + ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm --usage=low --footprint=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,955: DEBUG - + footprint=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,955: DEBUG - + usage=low
2024-02-14 22:54:23,955: DEBUG - + print=0
2024-02-14 22:54:23,955: DEBUG - + ‘[’ low = low ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,956: DEBUG - + footprint=20
2024-02-14 22:54:23,956: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 20 -le 20 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,956: DEBUG - + min_spare_servers_factor=8
2024-02-14 22:54:23,956: DEBUG - + ‘[’ low = low ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,956: DEBUG - + php_pm=ondemand
2024-02-14 22:54:23,956: DEBUG - ++ ynh_get_ram --total --ignore_swap
2024-02-14 22:54:23,990: DEBUG - ++ ignore_swap=1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,990: DEBUG - ++ only_swap=0
2024-02-14 22:54:23,990: DEBUG - ++ free=0
2024-02-14 22:54:23,990: DEBUG - ++ total=1
2024-02-14 22:54:23,991: DEBUG - +++ LC_ALL=C
2024-02-14 22:54:23,991: DEBUG - +++ vmstat --stats --unit M
2024-02-14 22:54:23,991: DEBUG - +++ grep ‘total memory’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,991: DEBUG - +++ awk ‘{print $1}’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,993: DEBUG - ++ local total_ram=11945
2024-02-14 22:54:23,993: DEBUG - +++ LC_ALL=C
2024-02-14 22:54:23,994: DEBUG - +++ vmstat --stats --unit M
2024-02-14 22:54:23,994: DEBUG - +++ grep ‘total swap’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,994: DEBUG - +++ awk ‘{print $1}’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,996: DEBUG - ++ local total_swap=975
2024-02-14 22:54:23,996: DEBUG - ++ local total_ram_swap=12920
2024-02-14 22:54:23,996: DEBUG - ++ local ram=12920
2024-02-14 22:54:23,996: DEBUG - ++ ram=11945
2024-02-14 22:54:23,996: DEBUG - ++ echo 11945
2024-02-14 22:54:23,996: DEBUG - + local max_ram=11945
2024-02-14 22:54:23,996: DEBUG - + php_max_children=298
2024-02-14 22:54:23,997: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = static ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,997: DEBUG - ++ at_least_one 298
2024-02-14 22:54:23,997: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ 298 -le 0 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,997: DEBUG - ++ echo 298
2024-02-14 22:54:23,997: DEBUG - + php_max_children=298
2024-02-14 22:54:23,997: DEBUG - ++ nproc
2024-02-14 22:54:23,998: DEBUG - + local core_number=4
2024-02-14 22:54:23,998: DEBUG - + local max_proc=16
2024-02-14 22:54:23,998: DEBUG - + ‘[’ 298 -gt 16 ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:23,999: DEBUG - + php_max_children=16
2024-02-14 22:54:23,999: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=php_forced_max_children
2024-02-14 22:54:23,999: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,018: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,019: DEBUG - ++ [[ php_forced_max_children =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:24,019: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube php_forced_max_children
2024-02-14 22:54:24,066: DEBUG - + local php_forced_max_children=
2024-02-14 22:54:24,066: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,067: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = dynamic ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,067: DEBUG - + php_min_spare_servers=0
2024-02-14 22:54:24,067: DEBUG - + php_max_spare_servers=0
2024-02-14 22:54:24,067: DEBUG - + php_start_servers=0
2024-02-14 22:54:24,067: DEBUG - ++ echo roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,067: DEBUG - + local phpfpm_group=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG - + local phpfpm_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/php-fpm.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG - [APP]
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG - user = APP
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG - group = PHPFPM_GROUP
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG - chdir = INSTALL_DIR
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:24,068: DEBUG - listen = /var/run/php/php__PHPVERSION
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - listen.owner = www-data
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - listen.group = www-data
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG -
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - pm = PHP_PM
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - pm.max_children = PHP_MAX_CHILDREN
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - pm.max_requests = 500
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - request_terminate_timeout = 1d
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - ’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = dynamic ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,069: DEBUG - + ‘[’ ondemand = ondemand ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,070: DEBUG - pm.process_idle_timeout = 10s
2024-02-14 22:54:24,070: DEBUG - ’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,070: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/extra_php-fpm.conf ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,070: DEBUG - + cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/extra_php-fpm.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,070: DEBUG - + local finalphpconf=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,070: DEBUG - + ynh_add_config --template=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/php-fpm.conf --destination=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,088: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf//var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/php-fpm.conf ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,088: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/php-fpm.conf ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,088: DEBUG - + template_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/php-fpm.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,088: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,093: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,094: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,094: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,113: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,113: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:24,113: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,153: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=
2024-02-14 22:54:24,154: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-14 22:54:24,154: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,154: DEBUG - + touch /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,154: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,155: DEBUG - + chmod 640 /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,156: DEBUG - + cp -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/php-fpm.conf /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,157: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,157: DEBUG - + local target=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,158: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-14 22:54:24,158: DEBUG - ++ tr -d '<>= ’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,169: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,169: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,169: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,169: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:24,169: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:24,170: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,170: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:24,171: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,171: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-14 22:54:24,204: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-14 22:54:24,204: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-14 22:54:24,205: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,206: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,206: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,207: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,213: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,214: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,215: DEBUG - + echo /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,216: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,217: DEBUG - + chmod 400 /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,217: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,218: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_vars --file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,224: DEBUG - + test -n /webmail
2024-02-14 22:54:24,225: DEBUG - + local path_url_slash_less=/webmail
2024-02-14 22:54:24,225: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH/ --replace_string=/webmail/ --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,263: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $'s\001__PATH
/\001/webmail/\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,264: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH --replace_string=/webmail --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,303: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__PATH__\001/webmail\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,304: DEBUG - + test -n roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,304: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAME --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,343: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAME__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,344: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAMETOCHANGE --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,383: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAMETOCHANGE__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,384: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=USER --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,423: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__USER__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,424: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,424: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-14 22:54:24,425: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,425: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘[A-Z0-9]+?[A-Z0-9_]?[A-Z0-9]?’ /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,426: DEBUG - ++ sort --unique
2024-02-14 22:54:24,426: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s@([^.]*)@\L\1@g’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,427: DEBUG - + uniques_vars=(‘app’ ‘install_dir’ ‘phpfpm_group’ ‘php_max_children’ ‘php_pm’ ‘phpversion’)
2024-02-14 22:54:24,434: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,435: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-14 22:54:24,445: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,445: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,446: DEBUG - ++ cut ‘–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-14 22:54:24,447: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf --value=686c0695ebdef15496c767620b0acb90
2024-02-14 22:54:24,447: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,485: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,486: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:24,486: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__etc_php_8.1_fpm_pool.d_roundcube.conf 686c0695ebdef15496c767620b0acb90
2024-02-14 22:54:24,530: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,530: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-14 22:54:24,530: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/php-fpm.ini ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,530: DEBUG - + php-fpm8.1 --test
2024-02-14 22:54:24,569: DEBUG - + ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php8.1-fpm --action=reload
2024-02-14 22:54:24,630: DEBUG - + service_name=php8.1-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:24,630: DEBUG - + action=reload
2024-02-14 22:54:24,630: DEBUG - + line_match=
2024-02-14 22:54:24,630: DEBUG - + length=20
2024-02-14 22:54:24,630: DEBUG - + log_path=/var/log/php8.1-fpm/php8.1-fpm.log
2024-02-14 22:54:24,631: DEBUG - + timeout=300
2024-02-14 22:54:24,631: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == stop ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,631: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == reload ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,631: DEBUG - + action=reload-or-restart
2024-02-14 22:54:24,631: DEBUG - ++ date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
2024-02-14 22:54:24,631: DEBUG - ++ cut -d+ -f1
2024-02-14 22:54:24,632: DEBUG - + local ‘time_start=2024-02-15 03:54:24 UTC’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,632: DEBUG - + systemctl reload-or-restart php8.1-fpm
2024-02-14 22:54:24,639: DEBUG - + ynh_add_nginx_config
2024-02-14 22:54:24,639: DEBUG - + local finalnginxconf=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,640: DEBUG - + ynh_add_config --template=nginx.conf --destination=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,661: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/nginx.conf ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,661: DEBUG - + template_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/nginx.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,661: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,668: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,668: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,668: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,689: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,690: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:24,690: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,734: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=
2024-02-14 22:54:24,734: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-14 22:54:24,735: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,735: DEBUG - + touch /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,736: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,737: DEBUG - + chmod 640 /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,738: DEBUG - + cp -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,739: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,739: DEBUG - + local target=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,740: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-14 22:54:24,740: DEBUG - ++ tr -d '<>= ’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,752: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,753: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,753: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,753: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:24,753: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:24,753: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,754: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:24,754: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,754: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-14 22:54:24,787: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-14 22:54:24,787: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-14 22:54:24,788: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,789: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,790: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,791: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,797: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,799: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,800: DEBUG - + echo /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,800: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-14 22:54:24,801: DEBUG - + chmod 400 /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,802: DEBUG - + chown root:root /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,803: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_vars --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,809: DEBUG - + test -n /webmail
2024-02-14 22:54:24,809: DEBUG - + local path_url_slash_less=/webmail
2024-02-14 22:54:24,810: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH/ --replace_string=/webmail/ --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,851: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $'s\001__PATH
_/\001/webmail/\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,853: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH --replace_string=/webmail --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,894: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__PATH__\001/webmail\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,895: DEBUG - + test -n roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:24,895: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAME --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,937: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAME__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,938: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAMETOCHANGE --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,980: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAMETOCHANGE__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:24,982: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=USER --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,024: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__USER__\001roundcube\001g’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,025: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,025: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-14 22:54:25,026: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,026: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘[A-Z0-9]+?[A-Z0-9_]?[A-Z0-9]?’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,026: DEBUG - ++ sort --unique
2024-02-14 22:54:25,026: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s@([^.]*)@\L\1@g’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,028: DEBUG - + uniques_vars=(‘install_dir’ ‘phpversion’)
2024-02-14 22:54:25,030: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,031: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-14 22:54:25,042: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,043: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,043: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-14 22:54:25,044: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf --value=ca5fd0e5d80881ad109569851b16852f
2024-02-14 22:54:25,044: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,085: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,085: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:25,085: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf ca5fd0e5d80881ad109569851b16852f
2024-02-14 22:54:25,128: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,129: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-14 22:54:25,129: DEBUG - + ‘[’ /webmail ‘!=’ / ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,129: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string ‘–match_string=^#sub_path_only’ --replace_string= --target_file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,175: DEBUG - + sed --in-place ‘s^#sub_path_onlyg’ /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,176: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,177: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-14 22:54:25,189: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,189: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/roundcube.conf
2024-02-14 22:54:25,189: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-14 22:54:25,191: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf --value=4cc82fc6d08e9eca22357fc9971c7cd7
2024-02-14 22:54:25,191: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,234: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,234: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:25,234: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__etc_nginx_conf.d_maindomain.tld.d_roundcube.conf 4cc82fc6d08e9eca22357fc9971c7cd7
2024-02-14 22:54:25,277: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,278: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-14 22:54:25,278: DEBUG - + ynh_systemd_action --service_name=nginx --action=reload
2024-02-14 22:54:25,337: DEBUG - + service_name=nginx
2024-02-14 22:54:25,337: DEBUG - + action=reload
2024-02-14 22:54:25,337: DEBUG - + line_match=
2024-02-14 22:54:25,337: DEBUG - + length=20
2024-02-14 22:54:25,337: DEBUG - + log_path=/var/log/nginx/nginx.log
2024-02-14 22:54:25,337: DEBUG - + timeout=300
2024-02-14 22:54:25,338: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == stop ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,338: DEBUG - + ‘[’ reload == reload ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,338: DEBUG - + action=reload-or-restart
2024-02-14 22:54:25,338: DEBUG - ++ date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
2024-02-14 22:54:25,338: DEBUG - ++ cut -d+ -f1
2024-02-14 22:54:25,339: DEBUG - + local ‘time_start=2024-02-15 03:54:25 UTC’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,339: DEBUG - + systemctl reload-or-restart nginx
2024-02-14 22:54:25,513: DEBUG - + ‘[’ UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_APP ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,572: INFO - [##…] > Reconfiguring Roundcube…
2024-02-14 22:54:25,572: DEBUG - ++ ynh_string_random --length=24
2024-02-14 22:54:25,584: DEBUG - ++ length=24
2024-02-14 22:54:25,584: DEBUG - ++ filter=A-Za-z0-9
2024-02-14 22:54:25,584: DEBUG - ++ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=1000
2024-02-14 22:54:25,584: DEBUG - ++ tr --complement --delete A-Za-z0-9
2024-02-14 22:54:25,584: DEBUG - ++ sed --quiet ‘s/(.{24})./\1/p’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,587: DEBUG - + deskey=
2024-02-14 22:54:25,587: DEBUG - + ynh_add_config --template=…/conf/config.inc.php --destination=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,607: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/…/conf/config.inc.php ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,607: DEBUG - + template_path=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/…/conf/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,607: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,613: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,613: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,613: DEBUG - ++ local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,633: DEBUG - ++ app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,633: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:25,633: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting get roundcube checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,675: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=1893fb7bd948857c09147f941e82e71c
2024-02-14 22:54:25,675: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-02-14 22:54:25,675: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n 1893fb7bd948857c09147f941e82e71c ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,675: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -e /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,676: DEBUG - + md5sum --check --status
2024-02-14 22:54:25,676: DEBUG - + touch /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,677: DEBUG - + chown root:root /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,678: DEBUG - + chmod 640 /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,679: DEBUG - + cp -f /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/conf/…/conf/config.inc.php /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,680: DEBUG - + ynh_apply_default_permissions /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,680: DEBUG - + local target=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,680: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=requirements.yunohost
2024-02-14 22:54:25,681: DEBUG - ++ tr -d '<>= ’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,692: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ -e ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,692: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.json ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,692: DEBUG - ++ ‘[’ -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,692: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:25,693: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:25,693: DEBUG - ++ grep -q ‘.json$’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,694: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_ky1tak6x/manifest.toml
2024-02-14 22:54:25,694: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c ‘import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,694: DEBUG - ++ jq .requirements.yunohost --raw-output
2024-02-14 22:54:25,727: DEBUG - + local ynh_requirement=null
2024-02-14 22:54:25,728: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 ge 2
2024-02-14 22:54:25,729: DEBUG - + chmod o-rwx /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,729: DEBUG - + chmod g-w /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,730: DEBUG - + chown -R root:root /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,731: DEBUG - + ynh_system_user_exists roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,737: DEBUG - + getent passwd roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,738: DEBUG - + chown roundcube:roundcube /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,739: DEBUG - + echo /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,740: DEBUG - + grep -q ‘^/etc/cron|/etc/php|/etc/nginx/conf.d|/etc/fail2ban|/etc/systemd/system’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,741: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_vars --file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,747: DEBUG - + test -n /webmail
2024-02-14 22:54:25,747: DEBUG - + local path_url_slash_less=/webmail
2024-02-14 22:54:25,747: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH/ --replace_string=/webmail/ --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,787: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $'s\001__PATH
_/\001/webmail/\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,788: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=PATH --replace_string=/webmail --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,829: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__PATH__\001/webmail\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,830: DEBUG - + test -n roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:25,830: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAME --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,869: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAME__\001roundcube\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,870: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=NAMETOCHANGE --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,910: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__NAMETOCHANGE__\001roundcube\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,911: DEBUG - + ynh_replace_string --match_string=USER --replace_string=roundcube --target_file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,951: DEBUG - + sed --in-place $‘s\001__USER__\001roundcube\001g’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,963: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,963: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-14 22:54:25,964: DEBUG - + test -n ‘’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,965: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP ‘[A-Z0-9]+?[A-Z0-9_]?[A-Z0-9]?’ /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,965: DEBUG - ++ sort --unique
2024-02-14 22:54:25,965: DEBUG - ++ sed ‘s@([^.]*)@\L\1@g’
2024-02-14 22:54:25,967: DEBUG - + uniques_vars=(‘db_name’ ‘db_pwd’ ‘deskey’ ‘language’)
2024-02-14 22:54:25,972: DEBUG - + ynh_store_file_checksum --file=/var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,972: DEBUG - + update_only=0
2024-02-14 22:54:25,983: DEBUG - + local checksum_setting_name=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,984: DEBUG - ++ md5sum /var/www/roundcube/config/config.inc.php
2024-02-14 22:54:25,984: DEBUG - ++ cut '–delimiter= ’ --fields=1
2024-02-14 22:54:25,985: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=roundcube --key=checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php --value=cd54fee1460e704120c3a01c609d7c17
2024-02-14 22:54:25,985: DEBUG - + local globalapp=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:26,026: DEBUG - + app=roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:26,026: DEBUG - + [[ checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)
2024-02-14 22:54:26,026: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting set roundcube checksum__var_www_roundcube_config_config.inc.php cd54fee1460e704120c3a01c609d7c17
2024-02-14 22:54:26,070: DEBUG - + ‘[’ -n ‘’ ‘]’
2024-02-14 22:54:26,070: DEBUG - + unset backup_file_checksum
2024-02-14 22:54:26,119: DEBUG - + ynh_install_composer
2024-02-14 22:54:26,119: DEBUG - + local _globalphpversion=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:26,119: INFO - [##++++++++…] > Updating dependencies with Composer…
2024-02-14 22:54:26,120: DEBUG - + declare -Ar args_array
2024-02-14 22:54:26,120: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-14 22:54:26,121: DEBUG - + workdir=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:26,121: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-14 22:54:26,121: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:26,121: DEBUG - + install_args=
2024-02-14 22:54:26,121: DEBUG - + composerversion=2.5.5
2024-02-14 22:54:26,121: DEBUG - + curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer
2024-02-14 22:54:26,121: DEBUG - + COMPOSER_HOME=/var/www/roundcube/.composer
2024-02-14 22:54:26,122: DEBUG - + php8.1 – --quiet --install-dir=/var/www/roundcube --version=2.5.5
2024-02-14 22:54:28,287: DEBUG - + ynh_composer_exec --phpversion=8.1 --workdir=/var/www/roundcube '–commands=install --no-dev ’
2024-02-14 22:54:28,287: DEBUG - + local _globalphpversion=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:28,288: DEBUG - + declare -Ar args_array
2024-02-14 22:54:28,345: DEBUG - + workdir=/var/www/roundcube
2024-02-14 22:54:28,345: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 2.0 lt 2
2024-02-14 22:54:28,347: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.1
2024-02-14 22:54:28,347: DEBUG - + COMPOSER_HOME=/var/www/roundcube/.composer
2024-02-14 22:54:28,347: DEBUG - + COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1
2024-02-14 22:54:28,347: DEBUG - + php8.1 /var/www/roundcube/composer.phar install --no-dev -d /var/www/roundcube --no-interaction --no-ansi
2024-02-14 22:54:28,441: DEBUG - Composer plugins have been disabled for safety in this non-interactive session. Set COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 if you want to allow plugins to run as root/super user.
2024-02-14 22:54:28,441: DEBUG - Do not run Composer as root/super user! See How do I install untrusted packages safely? Is it safe to run Composer as superuser or root? - Composer for details
2024-02-14 22:54:28,528: DEBUG - Installing dependencies from lock file
2024-02-14 22:54:28,529: DEBUG - Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
2024-02-14 22:54:28,533: DEBUG - Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. It is recommended that you run composer update or composer update <package name>.
2024-02-14 22:54:28,535: DEBUG - - Required package “guzzlehttp/guzzle” is in the lock file as “6.5.8” but that does not satisfy your constraint “^7.3.0”.
2024-02-14 22:54:28,535: DEBUG - - Required package “bacon/bacon-qr-code” is not present in the lock file.
2024-02-14 22:54:28,535: DEBUG - This usually happens when composer files are incorrectly merged or the composer.json file is manually edited.
2024-02-14 22:54:28,535: DEBUG - Read more about correctly resolving merge conflicts Resolving merge conflicts - Composer
2024-02-14 22:54:28,535: DEBUG - and prefer using the “require” command over editing the composer.json file directly Command-line interface / Commands - Composer
2024-02-14 22:54:28,540: DEBUG - + ynh_die ‘–message=Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.’
2024-02-14 22:54:28,556: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-14 22:54:28,556: DEBUG - + [[ upgrade =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-14 22:54:28,556: WARNING - Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.
2024-02-14 22:54:30,060: ERROR - Could not upgrade roundcube: An error occurred inside the app upgrade script

Matériel: Ordinateur
Version de YunoHost: 11.2.10 (stable)
J’ai accès à mon serveur : FTP | SSH | Webadmin
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modifications particulières sur votre instance ? : Non, un domaine principal + un sous-domaine + applications. Pas de modifications de fichiers core.
Problème: Plus de réception de courriel interne (entre les applications)

Here is a workaround => Roundube ne se met pas à jour - #6 by rodinux

@blodarn Hello,
Merci de ton message.
Tu as pu trouver une solution?

(J’ai renommé le sujet avec un titre plus pertinent et l’ai déplacé dans la catégorie « Support apps » où est sa place, afin qu’il reçoive plus facilement des réponses appropriées)

1 Like

Pour inforrmation, je n’ai toujours pas trouvé de soluce, toujours en recherche. Pour faire court, l’erreur c’est ça:
024-02-25 10:53:00,461: DEBUG - Installing dependencies from lock file
2024-02-25 10:53:00,462: DEBUG - Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
2024-02-25 10:53:00,468: DEBUG - Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. It is recommended that you run composer update or composer update <package name>.
2024-02-25 10:53:00,469: DEBUG - - Required package “guzzlehttp/guzzle” is in the lock file as “6.5.8” but that does not satisfy your constraint “^7.3.0”.
2024-02-25 10:53:00,470: DEBUG - - Required package “bacon/bacon-qr-code” is not present in the lock file.
2024-02-25 10:53:00,470: DEBUG - This usually happens when composer files are incorrectly merged or the composer.json file is manually edited.
2024-02-25 10:53:00,470: DEBUG - Read more about correctly resolving merge conflicts Resolving merge conflicts - Composer
2024-02-25 10:53:00,470: DEBUG - and prefer using the “require” command over editing the composer.json file directly Command-line interface / Commands - Composer
2024-02-25 10:53:00,480: DEBUG - + ynh_die ‘–message=Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.’
2024-02-25 10:53:00,503: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-25 10:53:00,503: DEBUG - + [[ upgrade =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-25 10:53:00,503: WARNING - Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.
2024-02-25 10:53:02,009: ERROR - Could not upgrade roundcube: An error occurred inside the app upgrade script

Je vais tenter une update du Composer…à suivre…

Le composer ne trouve pas `composer.phar…recherche à la main…:

Est-ce que tu as essayé ma méthode auparavant, comme suggéré plus haut ? de renommer le fichier composer.lock en composer.lock.bkp et de lancer la mise à jour ??

Je crois qu’il ne faut pas essayer de lancer la mise à jour de composer.phar en root et pas sûr que ça fonctionne…

@rodinux EN effet, it worked.
Merci à toi

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