Misc. severe issues after upgrade to YNH 12 (subdomain support, Seafile, Gitea)

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: main domain handles e-mail only, sub-domain everything else

Describe your issue


I upgraded my YNH installation from 11.x to yesterday, unfortunately without creating a snapshot from my VPS before.
Now I have run into several severe issues.
(Inserted spaces in the URLs so that they are not recognized as links by the forum software allowing only 5 links per post.)

Domain Configuration

I previously had configured YNH for my domain (in the following text replaced w/ “example. com”) in such a way that

  • mail is handled by YNH for the main domain (e.g. me@example. com),
  • all web requests to the main domain are handled by a separate server (not running YNH),
  • YNH web requests are handled by the sub-domain “apps. example. com”.

After upgrading to YNH 12 whenever I visit “apps. example. com” I am immediately redirected to “example. com”, although “apps. example. com” is configured as default domain in the webadmin of YNH. I have not touched the (rather complex) DNS config on my domain provider’s side.


I have an automatically created backup of my Seafile installation. However, the app update already failed on the YNH 11.x installation and could not be restored from the seafile-pre-upgrade1.tar archive. Trying to restore it on a freshly installed YNH 11 (running on the noho.st domain) (after pro-forma adding the apps. example. com domain to that installation without changing the DNS entries in order to allow the backup to be restored on that new server) and moving it to the example. noho. st domain in its app settings I get an empty seafile storage. Any idea how to restore the files? (They seem to exist in the backup as data junks.)
For the logs when restoring Seafile and changing its app domain see the attached logs.


When vising apps. example. com/gitea on the upgraded YNH 12 I can access the web GUI of Gitea. However, pushing or pulling via “git push origin” or “git fetch origin” results in “remote: Unauthorized - fatal: Authentication failed for ‘https:// apps. example. com/ gitea/username/reponame/’”.

I know that the last two issues are app-specific, but I decided to add them to the “general issues” topic because I suppose that there may be a connection between all three.

It would be glad when anybody replies.
In case more details are required I will provide logs, configuration etc.



Share relevant logs or error messages



For gitea can you check that you have the last testing version and if not upgrade and try again.

And for seafile can you clarify exactly what did it happen. By example it not really clear to me if at some point the app was removed and after restored when did you try the upgradeif the app was working after the upgrade and if the app was working while you did the upgrade to Yunohost 12.


thanks for your quick reply!
I didn’t dare ;o) to update Gitea, so I’m still on 1.21.2~ynh1. Will try…

Regarding Seafile: Here some more details of what happened:
I tried to update the app while still running YNH 11 (see https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/nabujoleca).
However, this resulted in that the Seafile app was removed due to an error during the update (see https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/unaqohaxew) and restored from the backup (see https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/oqobadituc).
However, the state then was that I was able to see the libraries in Seafile, but received an error when trying to view their content.
After that, I performed the migration to YNH 12 hoping that it would fix the issues (and forgot to take a VPS snapshot before).
That resulted in another failed update of the Seafile app (see https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/uwozudavay) and removal of it (see https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/umatirozex).
Trying to restore it from the backup also resulted in an error (see https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/isuyanujan) and removal.

Thanks for further help in advance!



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