Migration guide

No worries, it’s the occasion to sum it up and refine the documentation.

  1. Perform a full backup (system and apps)
  2. Install your new server, but do not perform the postinstallation step. That one is either performed with the browser-based form or the yunohost tools postinstall command. Do not do it.
  3. Download the backup (yes, scp is a solution, most likely better than trying to download a huge archive from the browser as shown first in the doc. You can scp directly from the command line of the new server, and put the archive back into /home/yunohost.backup/archives/<archivename>.tar)
  4. Restore your backup from the command line: yunohost backup restore <archivename>
  5. Change your DNS configuration at your registrar. That way, since DNS propagation varies widely, you have two servers offering the same content available at the same time, very useful for you not to lose visitors. Be careful if you have users generating content meanwhile, they have to check they are connecting to the new server (a ping to check the IP address should be enough).
  6. Delete your old server the next day, it should be long enough time for the new DNS records to propagate, and for you to make sure everything is working on the new one.

Side note for documentation editors, myself included: this antediluvian page has to be updated.