What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+ What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.11 How are you able to access your server: Direct access via physical keyboard/screen Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: No
Describe your issue
I am using YunoHost 12.0.11 (stable) on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. The system is running off an SSD connected via USB, and there is no SD card.
I have acquired a new Raspberry Pi 5. If I connect the SSD to this new device and boot from it, will the system work? Is there anything else I need to do? If this method is not suitable, is backing up the data and reinstalling on the new device the only option?
Thank you.
I have no experience with Yunohost on RPi, so I hope someone with that experience can chime in.
Possibly of interest, have you installed your current system by starting with Debian, and adding Yunohost, or by installing the Raspberry Pi image?
In the basis, Yunohost is Debian + packages. Debian 12 / Bookworm supports RPi 5, so in principle you should be able to power down your system, switch the SSD to your new Pi, and boot.
Where the uncertainty comes in, is with the RPi-specific image. I don’t know to which degree it is geared specifically to the then current generation of RPi devices.
If it were my devices, I’d give it a try. If no other users chime in on this forum, you could try a RPi / raspbian-specific forum. On such a forum I found this suggestion (emphasis mine):
Getting back to your initial questions, numbered for easy reference:
you proved not to work in your case.
may offer another way than 3) by changing something on the system to make it compatible with RPi5. Maybe another reader will chime in; otherwise you could try asking over at the Raspbian forum (Yunohost is ‘plain Debian’, so if they can help you make a change that boots Debian/Raspbian off RPI5, it will be valid for Yunohost)
sounds more desperate than it is, as long as your backup device is large enough of course. In my experience the backup on one device / restore on another works flawless. You’d restore your backup instead of running post-install on the new installation
To migrate from RPi3b to RPi5 using a backup:
backup the whole system+apps; pay attention that some apps (such as Nextcloud) by default don’t include data in the backup (it would unnecessarily get too large in the regular case of upgrades) → set BACKUP_CORE_ONLY=0 (‘readme’)
move the backup to secondary storage, so you have it somewhere safe
install Yunohost 12 on your RPi5, either by
installing Debian/Raspbian Bookworm + curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash , or
using a RPi-specific Yunohost image
move your backup + the json-file to /home/yunohost.backup/archives/ (after creating the directory if necessary)
instead of running yunohost postinstall, run yunohost backup restore name_of_backup