Migration Debian Bullseye and YunoHost 11.x

Yes and then I would try re-running the migration which may unlock the libc6-dev nightmare

as i mentioned you dont need to do that unless there are no solutions as plan B
your sources list doesnt seems to be an ordinary debian sources list so dont mess with it, jsut leave as it is,
let me explain what happens here:
at initially you had this problem =>

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libc6-dev : Breaks: libgcc-8-dev (< 8.4.0-2~) but 8.3.0-6+rpi1 is to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.

after i told you to install gcc-9-base

you are now solved this issue and moved to this problem =>
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libgirepository-1.0-1 : Breaks: python3-gi (< 3.34.0-4~) but 3.30.4-1 is to be installed
libtool : Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.

which means python version is too new for your gcc
so aleks told you to delete this python repository dependent version

you successfully did
so now you need to upgrade your system

Thanks to both of you. I’ve managed to go a (little) bit further, but not much. The last logs after attempt to upgrade:


@izakis : what I meant is that I already have the bullseye changed in my file (since the begin of my attempt to do the migration probably… I can’t remember), no attemp to follow your instructions !

your log ends with the same first problem again,
i don’t know what to say…

try to install gcc-9-base
sudo apt-get install gcc-9-base libgcc-9-dev

and run upgrade without too many commands

you have too many commands over there

also your log says you have missing files on libc

dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libc6:armhf' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libc6-dev:armhf' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed

try to run this command and see what happens
for package in $(apt-get upgrade 2>&1 | grep “warning: files list file for package '” | grep -Po “[^‘\n ]+’” | grep -Po “[^']+”); do apt-get install --reinstall “$package”; done

after its done try this:
sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade
as you tried before and check if you still see the two lines above

i found some fix script for this here:

people clams it helps in same situation so if you want to use it on your own risk without blaming me i am already traumatized for being blamed and only if aleks suggest that,

to try it simply use wget to download the script:
cd /
mkdir fixscript
cd fixscript
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jeffersfp/33037aa05b042f35277a6c057930c81b/raw/3a48d04cd7a3bddb05f5f815e57aa85b88ed55c3/fix.sh

chmod +x fix.sh
chmod 770 fix.sh

Please try to rerun the migration, not some apt update or whatever. The migration includes some special stuff which are supposed to fix the whole libc6-dev nightmare automagically.

As a rule of thumb, just dont run any apt update / apt (dist)upgrade unless explicitly advised. I’m stressing this because too many people encountering issues with the migration just apply some apt install/remove trick, and then immediately re-run apt update/upgrade manually which create more issues than rerunning the migration

Ok, that’s first thing I ran before updating / upgrading:

admin@xxxxxx:~ $ sudo yunohost tools migrations run
Info: No migrations to run

As i stated before, even in my admin console, it says that migration 21 has been done and that there are no pending migration. However my yunohost version is still

Heuarg okay, maybe it got skipped ? x_x

Let’s look at cat /etc/yunohost/migrations.yaml | grep migrate (not juste about the exact name of the yaml file)

arfff… some issues here

admin@xxxxxx:~ $ sudo cat /etc/yunohost/migrations.yaml | grep migrate
  0015_migrate_to_buster: skipped
  0021_migrate_to_bullseye: skipped

Yeah so I guess at some point you told YunoHost to skip the migration instead of running it … Or you ran the “finish_the_bullseye_migration” script that’s hanging somewhere maybe, idk …

I’m puzzled because after all this thread it’s not clear what’s the current situation on your server. I was about to say “just remove the migrate_to_bullseye: skipped line from the file” but if you already ran the huge apt upgrade manually then that won’t fix the issue

Does lsb_release -a tells that you are running Buster, or Bullseye already ?

@Aleks Indeed it turns out I ran the script “finish_the_bullseye_migration” at some point when I was in a desperate attempt to figure this out myself… sorry for not telling earlier and creating such a mess.


admin@xxxxxx:~ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Raspbian
Description:	Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:	11
Codename:	bullseye

Also, I’ve wasted much of my time and your time with my issue… if you’re running out of suggestions, what would be the ultimate attempt ? Follow @izakis solution ?

Of course I’m ok to pay the price of a full reinstall if this fails.

if aleks have no suggestions anymore, i believe he do have more suggestions,
but i am saying if not

in any situation make a full image of your raspberry before you install anything whether it will be going for installing the latest yunohost from scratch, so you will have a full backup of your server if its include too many important things,

i don’t use raspberry i am using vmware for all my servers and its easier to back up virtual machines, but in your case you’re using a physical machine so you have two options,
to create backup’s through the yunohost interface which i am not sure how they will work in case or restoration, but if they work well so all you need to do is to backup your most important apps and upload them to your computer at home so you can bring them back later into the new yunohost and restore, (i believe you have a computer aside the raspberry)

the other option is to create a full image of your partition,
and again that possible if you have a computer, you’re taking your SD card, as i understand those raspberry pi works with SD cards?
insert that to the computer and use a program such as paragon advanced manager to full image it, it can be extracted to an virtual machine partition any time you like and can be managed to get anything from there to the new yunohost server, such as sql db’s and so on, whatever, (of course is not necessary if yunohost backup do works well in transferring and restoring things on the new os well)

in any case you should have those backups, that might you will realize you lost some critical things after you will install the new version,

to my opinion a new version of the server is always the best choice,
that’s why i did delete my server and did reinstalled it from scratch, due to also some errors which i did fix them finally but i still had some issues, for example the yunohost admin said its being upgraded and when i wanted to install a ne app it said the app is not supported on this version and require a newer version, and i didn’t upgraded my yunohost buster with commands, i did perform an upgrade through the yunohost panel,
but i believe it happened cause i were waiting too long before i chose to preform an upgrade, if you wait too long things goes wrong,

if you’re asking me, if i was in your situation, and aleks have no suggestions anymore,
i will make a backup for the most important apps through the yunohost admin panel,
install a desktop environment so it will be easy to copy the “backup” files from the debian with ftp to another machine,
and also, might a full partition backup of the SD card along,
and then go and install latest yunohost perfectly working with all the new features and needs in it,
and just restore what important,

take the most important things in account before you take such action as installing yunohost,
which is not only the apps backup,
take a screenshot of all of your subdomains in png format and also copy the list to txt file so you will remember what exactly was the subdomains names you gave at the previous OS and which domain was for what app,
take a screenshot of your apps list again as an png/jpg file of the whole “installed apps” page,
and also in txt format,
that can be achieve on other device (a computer),
to make things easy there are browser extensions for chromium/firefox what calls:
full page screenshot,

than when you have a full list of domains and apps + backups it will a quick reinstall without all the stress,

just remember i am always here if you have any questions or need any help,
and don’t worry about consuming our time we are here as a community and we are here to help each other, just no need to put blames for stupid things,

just update me what is your final decision before you’re taking any steps,

Weeeeell that’s a pretty good news actually, it means you succeeded doing the migration in some way :thinking: :sweat_smile:

I’m actually not sure of what problem we’re trying to address if you’re on bullseye etc…

Does apt dist-upgrade --dry-run shows anything remaining to upgrade ? (Maybe the libc6-stuff ? That would be odd though, I don’t think you’d be on Bullseye if that was still the case)

hummm… ok, then great :sparkler:… I guess !

Well now my real problem is that I can’t update my system and I need to upgrade to yunohost 11.x, because I’m can’t install some apps that require 11.x

admin@xxxxxx:~ $ apt dist-upgrade --dry-run
NOTE: This is only a simulation!
      apt needs root privileges for real execution.
      Keep also in mind that locking is deactivated,
      so don't depend on the relevance to the real current situation!
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Error!
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libc6-dev : Breaks: libgcc-8-dev (< 8.4.0-2~) but 8.3.0-6+rpi1 is to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.

Well well well…

The fact that bullseyes migration was done, my concern was to do the upgrade to yunohost 11.x

So i did the following sequence:

I now still have to check that everything works fine…
Huge thanks to @Aleks and @izakis for your help. Please leave your comments if you see major issues in my sequence of commands.

I leave the topic open for a few days to check that new version doesn’t have problems.

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Soooo uuuh did the last line work ? Are you on Yunohost 11.x now ? o.O

Well, believe it or not (I’m not sure I believe it myself)… but yes it did. I am now running yunohost

The two main steps where

sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt install gcc-8-base guile-2.2-libs moulinette ssowat yunohost yunohost-admin
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i summarized all of your events chain what finally solved it, from the beginning to end that might help someone if they’ve got here:


  1. migration to bullseye have done but cant install new apps what require Yunohost 11
  2. Yunohost admin still shows old version of Yunohost 10x instead of 11x though migration being done.
  3. Yunohost being migrated to bullseye but you think is not cause the two issues described above,
  • libc6-dev : Breaks: libgcc-8-dev (< 8.4.0-2~) but 8.3.0-6+rpi1 is to be installed




error on update/upgrade commands (as well through admin panel):
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libc6-dev : Breaks: libgcc-8-dev (< 8.4.0-2~) but 8.3.0-6+rpi1 is to be installed

SOLUTION: (have done on raspberry pi - use with caution on other platforms):

  1. sudo apt-get install gcc-8-base
  2. sudo apt remove build-essential gcc-8 libgcc-8-dev
  3. sudo apt remove libgirepository-1.0-1 --dry-run
  4. sudo apt autoremove
  5. sudo apt --fix-broken install
  6. sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade
  7. sudo apt dist-upgrade
  8. sudo apt install gcc-8-base guile-2.2-libs moulinette ssowat yunohost yunohost-admin
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