Migration complette

bonjour …

Je me passe du template, ca ne serais pas pertinent.
J’ai doncun RPI3B+ avec un yunohost que je tiens regulierement a jour …

Sauf que voila… j’ai du deployer la version 32 bits par ce que je ne peux pas installer la mise a jour de snappymail qui a besoin de dependance en 64 bits.

Je planifie donc une migration vers un OS 64 bits … cela presente t’il des soucis avec certaines applications ?
puis-je me fier a l’outil de sauvegarde pour tout sauvegarder et tout reinstaller?
existe t’il une methode plus simple/plus rapide ?

je suis un peu inquiet de la manip …

I don’t know french, but understand your question so let me tell you what I did.

I did that transition last weekend and I had to solve minor issues. All in all, it was much easier (less troubled) than I had expected :smiley:

I updated my YNH, made a manual backup from webinterface (just ONE file with all base, configs and apps), copied that file to external usb/disc (just in case) and took off SD card. So a few hours without server, but your YNH is still there in case you need it.

I downloaded 64bit version, burned it in A DIFERENT NEW SD card, plugged into the rasPi and started the system.

DO NOT MAKE POST-INSTALL. Repeat: don’t do it.

connect through SSH (root/yunohost) and update the system with the latest packages apt update && upgrade; then copied backup file from old system in a folder (or just plug in and mount the usb where it was saved from old system; or put it in your PC and rsync/scp to the new one. Whatever, make it available to new YNH so you can launch a restore and use it.

using CLI yunohost tools backup restore /backup/file.... (do search for the actual command) restored almost perfectly my old system in the new.

My Problems, just examples that may not be in your personal situation:

I had some softlinks and folders in my nextcloud I had to recreate in the new filesystem, then backup restore went perfect.

one app that depends on a particulary binary (gotosocial) did not work untill I forced an upgrade and downloaded 64 bit version (files and config were recovered from backup)

gemini server lost configuration (easy to recover)

jellyfin also had reference to some folders that did not exist (so I created and then was restored)

On a side note I also moved system to SSD external disc.

why don’t make the post-install procedure ?
what is the problem ?

it could mess config for admins, users, domains, yunohost.org dns service and domain.

it “could”…

so you may try just completing the usual installation, having backups problems are not so important (rinse and repeat).

I’ve just written what I did, usually there’s no single way to do things so you can follow a diferent route. Good luck! :smiley:

Lire la doc peut aider :

Dans la section “Lancer la configuration initiale (= post-install)”, il est explicitement précisé : “Si vous êtes en train de restaurer une sauvegarde YunoHost, vous devez sauter cette étape et vous référer à la section Restaurer durant la post-installation à la place de cette étape de configuration initiale.”

merci du lien … j’aurais pas pensé a retourner a la doc…
du coup, j’ai bien fais de poser la question !

sorry, i don’t speak english very well … there probably a side understanding i’ve missed.
i don’t want to say you’re wrong, i was just asking why, to understand the logic behind …
I learn more and faster when i understand why thing are like that …

and if you could share your personal experience (what you did) it’s even better !


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