What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+ What YunoHost version are you running: How are you able to access your server: SSH Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: No
Describe your issue
This morning, I tried to migrate my yunohost server from to ynh 12.
At the end of the script, I’ve got the following errors :
Info: [###################.] > 99.8% Processing php7.3-cli
Info: [###################.] > 99.9% Processing php7.4-fpm
Info: [####################] > 100.0% Done
Info: The operation ‘Regenerate system configurations ‘nsswitch’’ could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command ‘yunohost log share 20241211-103604-regen_conf-nsswitch’ to get help
Error: Migration 0027_migrate_to_bookworm did not complete, aborting. Error: ldap 3.4.3 and _ldap 3.2.0 version mismatch!
Info: The operation ‘Run migrations’ could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command ‘yunohost log share 20241211-092802-tools_migrations_migrate_forward’ to get help
root@dyndockstar:/home/admin# dpkg --list | grep ldap
ii dovecot-ldap 1: armhf secure POP3/IMAP server - LDAP support
ii ldap-utils 2.5.13+dfsg-5+rpi1 armhf OpenLDAP utilities
ii libdbd-ldap-perl 0.20-1.1 all Perl extension for LDAP access via an SQL/Perl DBI interface
ii libldap-2.4-2:armhf 2.4.57+dfsg-3+deb11u1 armhf OpenLDAP libraries
ii libldap-2.5-0:armhf 2.5.13+dfsg-5+rpi1 armhf OpenLDAP libraries
ii libldap-common 2.5.13+dfsg-5+rpi1 all OpenLDAP common files for libraries
ii libnet-ldap-perl 1:0.6800+dfsg-1 all client interface to LDAP servers
ii libnss-ldapd:armhf 0.9.12-4 armhf NSS module for using LDAP as a naming service
ii libpam-ldapd:armhf 0.9.12-4 armhf PAM module for using LDAP as an authentication service
ii lua-ldap:armhf 1.3.0-2+b1 armhf LDAP library for the Lua language
rc php7.3-ldap 7.3.33-7+0~20220929.100+debian11~1.gbpdb2e49 armhf LDAP module for PHP
ii php7.4-ldap 1:7.4.33-16+0~20241124.96+debian12~1.gbp29586d armhf LDAP module for PHP
ii postfix-ldap 3.7.11-0+deb12u1 armhf LDAP map support for Postfix
ii python3-ldap 3.4.3-2+b1 armhf LDAP interface module for Python3
ii sudo-ldap 1.9.13p3-1+deb12u1 armhf Provide limited super user privileges (with LDAP support)
Hmmm I wonder if it could just be a glitch because of the fact that the ldap lib was updated and there was a mismatch between what was already in RAM from the previous system and the new version on disk … not sure why nobody else had this issue though
What happens if you try to manually run yunohost tools regen-conf from the command line ?
Sorry for my reply delay.
My Raspberry died during the wednesday to thursday night…
Actually, the hardware didn’t burn. But I can’t access to the raspberry (not by SSH, nor ping).
I physically restart it and after the situation became better. Now I can access to the Raspberry and my NFS share is up.
Nevertheless I think my yunohost system is broken because I can’t make “sudo su” command. Each time I try this, the system tells me “admin” isn’t in sudoers
This is not a very big problem. Lasts months I mainly use my raspberry pi to share an USB disk using NFS, I think I will reinstall it in a few time and before this I can access to my data.
I was trying to run regen-conf command and I get this output
admin@dyndockstar:~ $ su
root@dyndockstar:/home/admin# yunohost tools regen-conf
Warning: The configuration file ‘/etc/systemd/system/ntp.service.d/ynh-override.conf’ has been manually modified and will not be updated
Warning: The configuration file ‘/etc/ldap/slapd.ldif’ has been manually modified and will not be updated
Success! Configuration updated for ‘apt’
Success! Configuration updated for ‘dnsmasq’
Warning: The configuration file ‘/etc/nsswitch.conf’ has been manually modified and will not be updated
status: managed
status: updated
status: modified
status: modified
status: modified
Warning: The configuration file ‘/etc/nsswitch.conf’ has been manually modified and will not be updated
Ah yes sorry that should be : yunohost tools regen-conf nsswitch --force
(and actually you probably want yunohost tools regen-conf --force to force-regen everything because i doubt you really manually modified slapd.ldif and ntp.service.d/ynh-override.conf)