Metronome http upload increase limit

Hello, do you use your yunohost server to xmpp chat?
I do, but Im worried about http upload limit to 6mb.

I searched web a lot, but didnt found any help.
See my logs after I increased limit to 60mb:

 warn    http_file_size_limit exceeds max allowed size, capping file size to 18 MB

Can you somebody help me and (others) too?

My http-upload config:

  http_file_base_path = "/upload"
  http_file_size_limit = 18*1024*1024
  http_file_quota = 256*1024*1024
  http_upload_file_size_limit = 100 * 1024 * 1024 -- bytes
  http_upload_quota = 256 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 -- bytes

Nice evening :slight_smile:

Hello jookk,
also using XMPP from Yunohost, unfortunately Metronome has several limitations requesting manual tweaks:
in addition to your config file you have to higher the limit in /usr/lib/metronome/modules/mod_http_upload.lua
Feel free if you have other XMPP questions (here or in )

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