I created a pull request to make it install on crrent yunohost: Make installation work on current systems by felagund · Pull Request #4 · YunoHost-Apps/menu_ynh · GitHub
It installs, albeit it finishes with a scary message “The YunoHost API is not responding. Maybe ‘yunohost-api’ is down or got restarted?” that is due to running
systemctl reload nginx
service yunohost-api restart &
at the end of the install script.
However, when I try to run yunohost menu
, it gives me an error, so somehow the new commands do not register with Yunohost. Is the app unmaintained or should I report it through github? I know close to nothing about internals of Yunohost so I have no idea what went wrong…
Edit: as per YunoHost 3.7 spooky testing / Call for feedback - #36 by Kayou
some permission system changed and the app has not been updated?