Reminder: you can find all our meeting minutes here: http://pv.yunohost.org
Like for the previous meeting, here are the minute of our discussion:
YunoHost Meeting 5 July 2016
- Moul
- Bram
- opi
- scith
- galileo (pas de micro)
- scara
- ljf
Previous minutes : https://pad.lqdn.fr/p/yunohost-6-2016
Previous TODO
- [opi] do a team account for OVH
- [jerome] Document LXC
and here it is! https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/getting-started/
(more seriously, see with opi about vagrant) See https://github.com/YunoHost/package_check for some lxc examples
- [opi] do a vagrant box for bram (CI) based on Debian --provider=lxc, (filesystem betterFS if possible)
- [all] Write a call to maintain one app on the forum (a start by mail https://list.yunohost.org/pipermail/contrib/2016-June/000159.html)
- [all] test Maniack’s wordpress version to move that has an official app
- [jerome] Call for feedback on the forum on the roundcube theme: https://dev.yunohost.org/issues/361
- [scara] launch discussion regarding app categories (apps@list.yunohost.org and forum maybe)
- [sebian] take a look a the state of the OpenVPN package
- [jerome] once kload has answered (which he didn’t), get the informations regarding web4all
Agenda / Schedule
Build infrastructure
“Testing” will become a rolling release, without version numerotation.
“Stable” stay the main branch, now with semantic versionningThe build scripts are on veganaise and aren’t commited into git.
https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/blob/master/build_system_fr.md .
https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-debhelper/blob/master/yunobump.sh needs work to adapt to semantic versionning, only on stable branchJerome wants to take this opportunity to redo things cleanly, probably on a brand new server. (currently on ‘veganaise’ server)
Documentation management tool
The tool we use now is not really simple for new contributors, and documentation is hard to maintain. Moreover, it lacks some basic features such as search, media management, …
What would be nice to have for contributors:
- user can create account
- preview/wysiwyg or what you are doing (jeckyll and other takes too much time for that)
- history of modifications
- image / video / medias
- localization
- markdown or wikicode
- git
- customisation for app market integration for instance
What would be nice to have for users
- search
- localisation
Tools :
- MediaWiki/DokuWiki with markdown plugin
- http://yeswiki.net/wakka.php?wiki=AccueiL ? Does not handle multilingual content
- Drupal (can also be used for the website)
- Website → stay with simone ? purely static html (instead of a full JS website) ?
- App list –> market app tool
Complete the user documentation (change password…)
TODO opi is going to look at using Drupal for that (he is a Drupal dev) which could be a really extensible and effective solution for that and for things like app market
Continuous integration (maniack/bram/capslock)
https://github.com/YunoHost/ynh-devThings are moving on in several directions.
Django Application Template
ljf & Bram would like to document how to create a clean ynh package for any Django application
Package generator
Package generator? (generates a package skeleton: manifest, scripts…)
online or CLI?
Which questions to ask to generate the skeleton?
php / python / go / nodejs ?
database : mysql / postgresql / mongodb
custom unix user for application
manifest arguments
Can be easily done in the Drupal
It would be cool to have a cli tool
Demo (demo.yunohost.org)
- Waiting for kload to give back access to YNH demo VM, or contact Web4All to gain access
- TODO opi writes a prototype of email for web4all and shows it to us
- double docker containers with haproxy which switch between two VM during VM réinitialization
- TODO ljf/maniack? create a proof of concept of a demo yunohost system base en LXC
- Perhaps with Scaleway? https://www.scaleway.com/features/ Snapshot → restore with API TODO scith : test a demo Scaleway machine
Apps (official and community)
current official procedure on how to make an app official https://github.com/yunohost/apps#how-to-propose-your-app-to-be-integrated-in-the-official-applications-list
Vote to make an app official? Integrate with app market?
TODO Define several steps to acheive for an app to become official
0/ Commitment to maintain this app
1/ app is working
2/ Got backup scripts
use the current official todo list?TODO Need to define some guidelines on how to create a clean and perfect app package
- need a custom linux user ?
- sources are fetched from upstream, or in a submodule ?
- …
- TODO: ljf discussion around guidelines for packaging applications
- TODO: opi/scith/ljf discussion around the levels for application packages
- TODO: bram modify simone and list_builder to handle those levels
Security feed in administration interface
The current way it’s displayed can be confusing for users.
Right now it’s a RSS feed to the forum that is displayed. The only check that is made is if the information is older than 6 month or if you have closed it.
It would be cool to have a custom file (xml/json) that contains better data like debian package version and to handle it in YunoHost to check if the security notice needs to be displayed.
Bram can write a POC if needed.
Push news to administrator? Like security feed
Idea to do that. Should we do it? How to display it?
Notify user about the fact the he needs to update his YunoHost
Old discussion:
- like Ubuntu display that the server needs to be update on the admin UI
- send an email? apticron
Document to present YunoHost at a stand (more data than a flyer)
Scara explain that she was in need at a stand about a visual document to present YunoHost, user and admin interface etc…
Something more verbose and visual than an A5 flyer.TODO: scara do a first prototype and send it to us
https://yunohost.org/#/whatsyunohost_frIncoming events
- Capitole du libre: 19-20 November, Toulouse: https://2016.capitoledulibre.org
- booth / conf / specific room ? call for proposal coming soon
- Paris Open Source Submit : 16-17 novembre 2016 ; http://www.opensourcesummit.paris/
- booth / conf ? (up to 15/07 call for proposal)
- CCC: 26-30 december 2016 at hamburg
- FOSDEM: 28-29? January 2017, Brussels: https://fosdem.org
- devroom self-hosting, booth, conference
TODO: Scara launch discussion regarding having a devroom (with sandstorm/arkOS/nextCloud/CozyCloud?), a stand and talk?
Next meeting
Tuesday 9 August 20h30 UTC+2