Mautrix_signal does not create user signalbot

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: VPS chez OVH
Version de YunoHost:
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH et Par la webadmin
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modificiations particulières sur votre instance ? : non

Mautrix_signal : 0.6.1~ynh1

Description du problème

I tried to install mautrix_signal

and here is the log I got :

admin@yyyy:~$ sudo yunohost app install mautrix_signal
Choose the local synapse instance number to communicate with mautrix_signal: 1
Choose a local synapse user name for the Signal bot: signalbot
Give the Signal bot administrator rights to the Synapse instance? [yes | no]: yes
Enable end-to-bridge encryption? [yes | no]: yes
Choose the Matrix account administrator of the Signal bot:
Choose Matrix user(s) authorized to bridge with the Signal bot: domain
Choose whether to enable the relay bot feature [yes | no]: yes
Info: Installing mautrix_signal…
Info: Provisioning sources...
Info: Provisioning system_user...
Info: Provisioning install_dir...
Info: Provisioning permissions...
Info: Provisioning ports...
Info: Provisioning apt...
Info: Provisioning database...
Info: [++++++++............] > Setting up source files...
Info: [########+++.........] > Adding a configuration file...
Info: [###########++.......] > Registering Synapse app-service
Info: [#############++.....] > Adding system configurations related to mautrix_signal...
Info: [###############+++..] > Starting mautrix_signal's systemd service...
Info: Updating bot user admin status
Warning: Bot user did not exist after 120 seconds, skipping changing its admin status
Info: [####################] > Installation of mautrix_signal completed
Success! Installation completed
admin@yyy:~$ sudo yunohost service status mautrix_signal
configuration: unknown
description: mautrix_signal daemon for bridging Signal and Matrix messages
last_state_change: 2024-06-18 07:32:34
start_on_boot: enabled
status: failed

user @signalbot is not created and so service does not run.

Warning: Bot user did not exist after 120 seconds, skipping changing its admin status

J’ai exactement le même comportement sous 0.6.2~ynh1
Est ce que vous avez réussi à trouver une solution ?

Hello, can you share full logs of the installation?

Not sure the question was for me, but here is the log i have (shall i open another post on the forum ?)

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks chatrux

I tried again this morning with latest synapse 1.109.0~ynh1 update. And problem is the same

tried again with
yunohost_version: 11.2.19

same error.

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