Mattermost installation failed with an error

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Older amd64 PC. Yunohost is installed on bare metal
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH, through the webadmin and I have direct access via keyboard / screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : No (I have ddclient running tho, not sure it counts)

Greeting :slight_smile:

Hi there! First time posting here so I hope I get everything right.


I wanted to install Mattermost community using the web interface. I received an error message on the web interface as well. I get the following error:


Here are the logs on paste:

My 50 cents: If I understand correctly, the sudo -u mattermost bin/mattermost user create --username ariana --email ariana@maindomain.tld --password sbgEx line didn’t work. (I hope I’m not making a mistake sharing this …) I believe it might be because I haven’t configured an email service for my yunohost instance yet? I’m fairly confident the installation script wouldn’t mess up the installation … it’s more likely user error from my part.

Final words

Thank you anyone if you take a look at my question. I appreciate it! :heart: I’ll provide you with all the information you might need, but I hope I haven’t left anything out …

Well … sbgEx looks like part of your password … but it should have been automatically redacted by YunoHost … but what I’m guessing is that you had a $ (possibly $R) in the original password which may have ended up being interpreted as a bash variable, which triggered the crash. Can you confirm this ?

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OMG you’re right. It didn’t even cross my mind and It’s so trivial. Thank you so much, you guys are awesome! :blush:

Well it shouldn’t have miserably crashed because of a $ in the password though :sweat_smile:

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