Mastodon sidekick server fails to start

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online / Old laptop or computer / Raspberry Pi at home / Internet Cube with VPN / Other ARM board / …
debian: linode vps
YunoHost version: x.x.x
YunoHost 11.2.29 (stable).
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | … yes
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no / yes
If yes, please explain:
yes. I installed WebMin, however I"m not sure if this is the cause of what happened as that kind of coensides wi the breakign of mastodon sidekick. I also updated to php 8 per the yunohost update section.
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: app v1.0~ynh1
mastodon Installed version: 4.2.12~ynh1

Description of my issue

To get help efficiently, please explain what you are trying to achieve, in which context, what you tried and provide detailed error messages and logs if you can.

Avoid saying that it “doesn’t work” or that it “does nothing” … explain what really happens and how you interpret it !

NB: you can use to share logs and error messages. You can also directly include error messages using backticks like this :

Here are some error messages

I noticed that the mastodon sidekick service failed to start. I rebooted the server, not my linode, I plan to do that next. I only see an error code of exit about 5 seconds after I tries to start. I have the logs from YunoPaste and hope they will help.
I have 14 gigs left on the main drive. I checked my othr apps and they all appear to be working, just mastodon appears to be the unstable app. Let me know if there is anything I need to do, or anything you need in case I missed some information. I’m still a bit rusty in linux. I did uninstall WordPress and push my updated DNS records using the API method as well as I did make some domain changes, not to my mastodon though.

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