Mastodon : installation impossible sur Yunohost

Bonjour à tous et toutes

Je viens de réinstaller mon serveur et la première apps que j’ai souhaité installer était Mastodon. Cette version est toujours en 2.5.2.

résultat : impossible de l’installer.

Voici le résultat à la fin de l’install :

Warning: Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
Warning: Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
Warning: Synchronizing state of postgresql.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Warning: Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable postgresql
Warning: 2019-04-05 12:52:05 URL: [31721] -> “/var/cache/yunohost/ynh_setup_source/mastodon/app-rbenv.tar.gz” [1]
Warning: 2019-04-05 12:52:06 URL: [57161] -> “/var/cache/yunohost/ynh_setup_source/mastodon/app-ruby-build.tar.gz” [1]
Warning: 2019-04-05 12:52:12 URL: [10310931] -> “/var/cache/yunohost/ynh_setup_source/mastodon/app-mastodon.tar.gz” [1]
Warning: adduser: Warning: The home directory /var/www/mastodon' does not belong to the user you are currently creating. Warning: Downloading ruby-2.5.1.tar.bz2... Warning: -> Warning: Installing ruby-2.5.1... Warning: Installed ruby-2.5.1 to /var/www/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1 Warning: Warning: rm: cannot remove '/usr/bin/ruby': No such file or directory Warning: /var/www/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:289:infind_spec_for_exe’: Could not find ‘bundler’ (1.16.5) required by your /var/www/mastodon/live/Gemfile.lock. (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Warning: To update to the lastest version installed on your system, run bundle update --bundler.
Warning: To install the missing version, run gem install bundler:1.16.5
Warning: from /var/www/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:263:in bin_path' Warning: from /var/www/mastodon/live/bin/bundle:3:in
Warning: error An unexpected error occurred: “EACCES: permission denied, unlink ‘/var/www/mastodon/live/node_modules/.yarn-integrity’”.
Warning: /var/www/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:289:in find_spec_for_exe': Could not find 'bundler' (1.16.5) required by your /var/www/mastodon/live/Gemfile.lock. (Gem::GemNotFoundException) Warning: To update to the lastest version installed on your system, runbundle update --bundler. Warning: To install the missing version, rungem install bundler:1.16.5Warning: from /var/www/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:263:inbin_path’
Warning: from /var/www/mastodon/live/bin/bundle:3:in <main>' Warning: /var/www/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:289:infind_spec_for_exe’: Could not find ‘bundler’ (1.16.5) required by your /var/www/mastodon/live/Gemfile.lock. (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Warning: To update to the lastest version installed on your system, run bundle update --bundler.
Warning: To install the missing version, run gem install bundler:1.16.5
Warning: from /var/www/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:263:in bin_path' Warning: from /var/www/mastodon/live/bin/bundle:3:in
Warning: !!
Warning: mastodon’s script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.
Warning: !!
Info: The operation ‘Install ‘mastodon’ application’ has failed! To get help, please share the full log of this operation using the command ‘yunohost log display 20190405-124206-app_install-mastodon --share’
Warning: /etc/cron.d/mastodon wasn’t deleted because it doesn’t exist.
Success! The SSOwat configuration has been generated
Error: The operation ‘Install ‘mastodon’ application’ has failed! To get help, please share the full log of this operation using the command ‘yunohost log display 20190405-124206-app_install-mastodon --share’

Yunohost est installé dans un CT de Proxmox

yunohost (stable)
yunohost-admin 3.4.2 (stable)
moulinette 3.4.2 (stable)
ssowat 3.4.2 (stable)

Merci de votre aide

This app is level 0, which means it doesn’t work. You should have had a big warning when trying to install the app.
You should even had to show all apps, since mastodon isn’t in the list of working apps. Indeed, the app is tagged as In Progress.

So, yes it’s likely to expect that the app won’t install.


There is lot of good work done on this app. The PR is on its way. This app is requested by many people. Despite of attempts to raise its level few time it never came to workable state. Hopefully this time it would be ready for users. You will have to wait a little.



Dans ce cas, je patiente. Merci à vous deux…