What type of hardware are you using: Beelink mini S12
What YunoHost version are you running:
What app is this about: Wireguard
Describe your issue
(note : feel free to answer in French if it is easier, I speak both French and English)
I am trying to setup Yunohost behind a VPS with wireguard, and I saw that there is an application for exactly that in Yunohost, so I went ahead and installed it.
However, when I try to access the app page, it is only a blank page. I’ve looked through the forum and saw that command :
PERMS=$(sudo yunohost user permission list | grep main); for APP in $(sudo ls /etc/yunohost/apps/); do echo "$PERMS" | grep -q "$APP.main" || echo "main perm for $APP is missing"; done
When running this command, I get :
main perm for wireguard_client is missing
So to me, it seems that the application cannot be accessed because Yunohost doesn’t have the permission. I tried to remove the app through the CLI and reinstall it and I still have the same issue.
I can see that some commands failed during the removal (getcwd() failed: No such file or directory).
I tried letting the app load for a while see if that fixes the issue, but to no avail (makes sense if Yunohost cannot get perm).
What else can I do to debug this issue?
Thank you
Share relevant logs or error messages
Info: Removing wireguard_client…
Warning: ERROR Unknown service ‘wireguard_client@*’
Info: Stopping and removing the systemd service…
Info: Removal of wireguard_client completed
Info: Deprovisioning apt…
Info: Deprovisioning install_dir…
Info: Deprovisioning system_user…
Success! wireguard_client uninstalled
sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory
sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory
EDIT: I installed the app through the CLI and here are the messages:
Info: Installing wireguard…
Info: Provisioning sources…
Info: Provisioning ports…
Success! Firewall reloaded
Info: Provisioning system_user…
Info: Provisioning install_dir…
Info: Provisioning permissions…
Info: Provisioning apt…
Warning: wg-quick.target is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it.
Info: [++…] > Setting up source files…
Info: [##+++…] > Configuring NGINX web server…
Info: [#####+++…] > Configuring a systemd service…
Info: [########+++…] > Enabling port forwarding…
Info: [###########+++…] > Integrating service in YunoHost…
Info: [##############+++…] > Starting the systemd service for the UI…
Info: The service wireguard_ui has correctly executed the action start.
Info: [####################] > Installation of wireguard completed. You may need to reboot your server before being able to start the WireGuard service.
Success! Installation completed