Main perm for wireguard_client is missing on new wireguard install

What type of hardware are you using: Beelink mini S12
What YunoHost version are you running:
What app is this about: Wireguard

Describe your issue

(note : feel free to answer in French if it is easier, I speak both French and English)


I am trying to setup Yunohost behind a VPS with wireguard, and I saw that there is an application for exactly that in Yunohost, so I went ahead and installed it.

However, when I try to access the app page, it is only a blank page. I’ve looked through the forum and saw that command :
PERMS=$(sudo yunohost user permission list | grep main); for APP in $(sudo ls /etc/yunohost/apps/); do echo "$PERMS" | grep -q "$APP.main" || echo "main perm for $APP is missing"; done

When running this command, I get :
main perm for wireguard_client is missing

So to me, it seems that the application cannot be accessed because Yunohost doesn’t have the permission. I tried to remove the app through the CLI and reinstall it and I still have the same issue.

I can see that some commands failed during the removal (getcwd() failed: No such file or directory).

I tried letting the app load for a while see if that fixes the issue, but to no avail (makes sense if Yunohost cannot get perm).

What else can I do to debug this issue?
Thank you

Share relevant logs or error messages

Info: Removing wireguard_client…
Warning: ERROR Unknown service ‘wireguard_client@*’
Info: Stopping and removing the systemd service…
Info: Removal of wireguard_client completed
Info: Deprovisioning apt…
Info: Deprovisioning install_dir…
Info: Deprovisioning system_user…
Success! wireguard_client uninstalled
sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory
sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory

EDIT: I installed the app through the CLI and here are the messages:

Info: Installing wireguard…
Info: Provisioning sources…
Info: Provisioning ports…
Success! Firewall reloaded
Info: Provisioning system_user…
Info: Provisioning install_dir…
Info: Provisioning permissions…
Info: Provisioning apt…
Warning: is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it.
Info: [++…] > Setting up source files…
Info: [##+++…] > Configuring NGINX web server…
Info: [#####+++…] > Configuring a systemd service…
Info: [########+++…] > Enabling port forwarding…
Info: [###########+++…] > Integrating service in YunoHost…
Info: [##############+++…] > Starting the systemd service for the UI…
Info: The service wireguard_ui has correctly executed the action start.
Info: [####################] > Installation of wireguard completed. You may need to reboot your server before being able to start the WireGuard service.
Success! Installation completed

So it seems that installing by the CLI works, but by using the GUI it doesn’t.

So at least it’s “fixed” for now, but it’s still not the desired outcome i guess?


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