Lychee thinks that my images are owned by the developer?

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.12
What app is this about: Lychee

Describe your issue

I just installed Lychee and noticed this text in the footer:

All images on this website are subject to copyright by John Smith © 2019

What’s that about?

I tried creating a ticket over at their Github account, but you can’t create new tickets there.

And while I’m at it, when installing Lychee, there’s this warning from Yunohost:

Things to know before installation

This app has features you may not like:

Paid content:
Promotes or depends, entirely or partially, on a paid service.

Such claims such be backed up with some actual information, but I can’t find a single word about it.

How can software released under a MIT licence be paid service?

Share relevant logs or error messages


All images on this website are subject to copyright by John Smith © 2019

This is just a dummy message that you are suppose to replace with your own footer…

Promotes or depends, entirely or partially, on a paid service.

Lychee as introduced the SE version (for Support Edition. This paid version adds Statistics on your library and Upload quota per user.)

In lychee config > all settings, you can define who owns the website and the images, the license, custom footer, etc..

Thanks! I didn’t see those settings.