[LibreSpeed] Besoin de vos retours / Need your feedback


Bonjour à tous.

J’ai packagé une première version de l’application LibreSpeed (GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/librespeed_ynh: librespeed package for YunoHost). Je pense qu’en terme de qualité je suis arrivé à un niveau suffisant (cf résultats CI dev) pour vous demander de la tester et de m’envoyer vos retours.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/librespeed_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade librespeed -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/librespeed_ynh/tree/testing --debug

Il y a notamment deux points qui m’intéresse particulièrement car je ne peux pas les tester seul et/ou chez moi :

  • Compatibilité avec une architecture 32 bits (A ma connaissance rien ne devrait être bloquant mais je n’ai pas le matériel pour faire le test).
  • Fiabilité des test de connexion obtenus. Je trouve ma vitesse de téléchargement un peu basse mais je n’arrive pas à savoir si ca vient de ma configuration Nginx ou de mon réseau.

Tous autres retours est évidemment le bienvenue !


PS : Quelqu’un sait-il pourquoi le CI dev indique que je n’ai pas de licence alors qu’il y en a une ?


I have packaged a first version of the LibreSpeed application (GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/librespeed_ynh: librespeed package for YunoHost). I think that in terms of quality I’ve reached a sufficient level (cf CI dev results) to ask you to test it and send me your feedback.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/librespeed_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade librespeed -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/librespeed_ynh/tree/testing --debug

There are two points that I am particularly interested in because I can’t test them alone and/or at home:

  • Compatibility with a 32 bits architecture (To my knowledge nothing should be blocking but I don’t have the hardware to do the test).
  • Reliability of the connection tests obtained. I find my download speed a bit low but I can’t tell if it’s due to my Nginx configuration or my network.

Any other feedback is of course welcome!


PS: Does anyone know why the CI dev says I don’t have a license when there is one?


Waouh thank you, I’ve just tested, works great !!

The results I’ve obtained are reliable so I think it’s good, great work :tada:

Thank you so much @Tho for taking the time to test my packaging !

Can I ask you on which architecture you have tested and with which type of connection (low or high speed) ?

amd64 x86_64

I don’t know what you mean by low or high, but it’s a home ADSL connection. From the outside, I have 10mbits approximatively of download and 3mbits approximatively of upload.

ok thank you very much.

We will consider this as “low speed” (everything is relative). This is mainly because there are obviously sometimes reliability problems on very high speed connections (over 1Gbit/s). But I think this only concerns some users using VPS/servers at hosting companies.