Hey guys ! Salut à tous !
My YunoHost server
Hardware: Chuwi lardbox x with proxmox on
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : yes
If yes, please explain: proxmox
Description of my issue
I’m trying to set up my domain. I created a Let’s encrypt SSL certificate through the graphic UI.
Once the green thumb is there, i clicked on the link to my domain adress.
But it’s still not safe because it refers to a SSL certificate i created for my home assistant server with the duckdns addon. My homeassistant OS is running on a raspberry Pi 4 in my home as well.
My navigator message error is :
Impossible de vérifier sur le serveur qu’il s’agit bien du domaine MYDOMAIN.nohost.me , car son certificat de sécurité provient du domaine MYHOMEASSISTANTDOMAIN.duckdns.org . Cela peut être dû à une mauvaise configuration ou bien à l’interception de votre connexion par un pirate informatique.
Thanks for your help !