Let's Encrypt failed

Hi guys, I have some trouble with let’s encrypt who doesn’t want to renew my certificates, when I try to force it, I have this message, additionally, impossible to access to my server based on my URLs

My ports 80 and 443 are open, and i try several time to renew it manually like that :
sudo yunohost domain cert-install MYDOMAIN --no-checks --force

but I have this message:

impossible to fix this point, does someone know who to fix it ? thanks in advance !

Hi, so you did try this force?

$ sudo yunohost domain cert-install domain.tdl --no-checks

edit: sorry, now see that you did
I have seen problems with subdomain names as URL and updates in my setup.

I did this, I passed about 2h trying to fix that, I can’t find the solution

Not sure if related, but here is my bug report on my issue - Typo error in YH DNS config (will make ssl auto renewal to fail) · Issue #1994 · YunoHost/issues · GitHub

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