Hardware: VPS bought online YunoHost version: 11.2.23 I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Jellyfin 10.9.7~ynh2
Description of my issue
I’m trying to access Jellyfin admin panel after installing the app.
When doing so I access a page asking me to select my server. My server is listed but when trying to connect I receive a failed connexion message.
The port 1900 is listed as not open in the results.
However when looking in the firewall on webadmin the port is listed and open under TCP. When trying to add it under UDP it appears and immediately disappear after a page refresh.
When opening 1900 UDP with CLI, the problem remains :
Port 1900 is only necessary for local network auto-discovery, so it will not work for your VPS and you should not open it.
What is the full error displayed by the app?
Can you make sure the user you are trying to log in with has the “Jellyfin” permission from your YunoHost admin panel?
Sorry for my missunderstanding of the use of port 1900. This might have saved us a topic
TL;DR : problem solved, I manually connected the server once on the Jellyfin interface after a reinstall of the app.
Complete story :
I’ve checked users rights after your message but the problem didn’t seem to come form here.
So I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. It was cautious to not check the button at the end about discovery on local network since I’m on a VPS.
After this I checked that my users rights where correct and loged into the portal with an account with admin rights on Jellyfin app.
The name of my server appears and when clicking on it I have a “connect” button. But when clicking it I receive the following error message :
Nous sommes dans l’impossibilité de nous connecter au serveur sélectionné. Veuillez vérifier qu’il est opérationnel et réessayez.
Rought english translation :
We are unable to connect to the selected server. Please check that it is operational and try again.
Below the “connect” button there is a “connect manually” button.
When clicking on it I’m asked to provide the URL of the server, wich I did, adding the jellyfin folder (URL/jellyfin).
And now I’m connected.
I’m quite “baboozled” by the situation. I found it quite odd to have to manually connect to the server when it is installed on it.
I hope I’m not missing something. Nevertheless, thank you very much for your help @tituspijean, you put me on the right track !