Is it possible to protect a custom webapp subfolder?


Hello, I installed the “Custom webapp” application (with SFTP access) on the site1.tld domain.
In the root directory, there are the site files (site1.tld)
I did not install this application in a type /site folder, so I can no longer install other applications on the site1.tld domain.
In the root directory, I have a “panel” sub-folder (site1.tld/panel)

So I would like to know if there was a way to secure access to site1.tld/panel through the identification of Yunohost?

thank you :slight_smile:


Bonjour, j’ai installé l’application “Custom webapp” (avec accès SFTP) sur le domaine site1.tld.
Dans le répertoire racine, il y a les fichiers du site (site1.tld)
Je n’ai pas installé cette application dans un dossier de type /site, je ne peux donc plus installer d’autres applications sur le domaine site1.tld.
Dans le répertoire racine, j’ai un sous-dossier “panel” (site1.tld/panel)

Je voudrais donc savoir s’il existait un moyen de sécuriser l’accès à site1.tld/panel grâce à l’identification de Yunohost ?

Merci à vous :slight_smile:

Yes you could do it, by adding a ssowat conf.

You just need to create /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent file with:

    "protected_urls": [
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Hi, thanks for your quickly reply.
In /etc/ssowat, i have a conf.json.persistent file, i use it or i create a conf.json.permanent file ?

Hi, use it, and if there is already a protected_urls section like this:

    "protected_urls": [

then add your line like this:

    "protected_urls": [

Then, if I am not mistaken, you have to run this command to take the edit into account : yunohost app ssowatconf

Arf, yes it’s “persistent” not “permanent”…

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