Invalid domain causes diagnosis web to fail (Fr on demand)

(Je peux traduire en français avec plaisir :slight_smile: :fr: )

When I run
sudo yunohost diagnosis get web --debug

I have an error because of an invalid domain :
Diagnosis request was refused: {"error":{"code":"error_bad_json_data","content":"Invalid request: wiki.mydomain.Fr is not a valid domain ... Original request body was: b'{\"domains\":{ [...]

So if I understand that, this is because of the tld with an F instead of an f.

  1. So the 1st question is to fix the domain, is it a good idea to manually change Fr to fr in the ldap config ? Or is it too risky ? For your information, the domain and the wiki behind work well.

  2. The 2nd question is should I open an issue for a missing domain validity check when domain is creating ?

Next, for your information, the fact that the diagnosis web fails prevent me from renewing a Let’s encrypt cert on another valid domain :
544 ERROR There is no diagnosis result for domain %s yet. Please re-run a diagnosis for categories 'DNS records' and 'Web' in the diagnosis section to check if the domain is ready for Let's Encrypt. (Or if you know what you are doing, use '--no-checks' to turn off those checks.)

  1. So my 3rd question would be, should I open an issue for the cert failing on a valid domain, because of an invalid domain in the domain list ? (For your information it works with --no-checks)

Thanks in advance for your advises. I hope this could help to improve a little bit the whole Yunohost core.

An engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 99999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a ueicbksjdhd.

First real customer walks in and asks where the bathroom is. The bar bursts into flames, killing everyone.

For the first point, if you want to fix it manually, you should change the domain in:

  • ldap (domain and user email)
  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/DOMAIN.conf
  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/DOMAIN.d
  • /etc/dkim/DOMAIN.mail.key
  • /etc/dkim/DOMAIN.mail.txt
  • /etc/dnsmasq.d/DOMAIN
  • /etc/yunohost/apps/*/settings.yml (for each apps installed on this domain)
  • maybe some apps

Next rerun cert install maybe needed

Could be a good idea to remove and readd the domain with yunohost…

I fixed the issues, all domains with uppercase will be lowercased before to be added: [fix] lower domain · YunoHost/yunohost@f46eb01 · GitHub

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