Integration of ctfreak in the catalog / Intégration de ctfreak dans le catalogue


I would like to package Ctfreak (I am the author), which allows among other things to schedule and execute shell scripts via SSH on a multitude of servers with a mobile friendly interface.

While browsing GitHub - YunoHost/apps: YunoHost apps catalog, I came across:

N.B.: The YunoHost project will NOT integrate in its catalog applications that are not based on free-software upstreams

Ctfreak is not under free license, but I propose a FREE Edition that can perfectly do the job for personal use (launching backups, opening shutters in the morning via curl call on api, …)

So my question is the following:

Is it really hopeless ;-), or is there a way to make an exception on this kind of application to integrate the catalog ?

Have a nice day


J’aimerai packager Ctfreak (j’en suis l’auteur), qui permet entre autre de scheduler et executer des scripts shell via SSH sur une multitude de serveurs avec une interface mobile friendly.

En parcourant GitHub - YunoHost/apps: YunoHost apps catalog, je suis tombé sur:

N.B.: The YunoHost project will NOT integrate in its catalog applications that are not based on free-software upstreams

Ctfreak n’est pas sous license libre, mais je propose néanmoins une version FREE Edition qui peut parfaitement faire le job pour un usage personnel (lancer des backups, ouverture des volets le matin via appel curl sur api, …)

Donc ma question est la suivante:

Est-ce que c’est mort de chez mort ;-), ou y-a-til moyen de faire une exception sur ce type d’application pour intégrer le catalogue ?

Bonne journée


We indeed only allow FOSS, free and open-source software, in the catalog. Exceptions can be made on quasi-FOSS software (with clauses in the licence that make them “not totally” free), like we did for N8N: apps/apps.json at a1519ee6b77958a6afbe6157bec77e172b59c1c5 · YunoHost/apps · GitHub, with the display of a warning in the catalog for this kind of apps.

In your case, having a free version is not enough, the code has to be available and the licence open.

However, nothing prevents you from packaging the app. Users can install their non-catalogued apps from the webadmin or through the CLI, you will need to have your own Git repo for that.

There has been discussions about implementing a non-free apps catalog, but nothing tangible has been done on it, and frankly we have enough on our plate with the hundreds of app in the FOSS catalog. :wink: