Message moved here : Collabora installation problem
Message moved here : Collabora installation problem
Hi @nath5394 could you open dedicaced topic to your problems ? (in the support category rather than tutorial)
It’s more easy to follow the l’évolution du problème and here resolution.
Ah !
Yes, it is done : Collabora installation problem
Should I remove or edit my messages here ?
Sorry, I did not notice this topic was not the good place to ask for help.
No problem, it’s because there are a few messages that don’t get answered because of their bad location and I saw that you already posted this problem above. If you want delete your message not problem it clarifies the flow of this subject
Waouw, merci. Ça a marché pour moi du coup, c’est génial, depuis le temps que je voulais voir ce que ça donne.
Je pense tenter ce tuto, est-ce que ça tourne toujours chez toi (ou chez les autres qui s’en servent en ce moment)? Le petit onglet “faible qualité” me met le doute ^^