Installation neuve inaccessible


Chaque tentative d’y accéder me retourne un «la connexion a échoué». J’ai peut-être commis un erreur pendant l’installation, mais je n’arrive pas à savoir où. Voici le script que j’ai utilisé à cette fin (les variables de la partie «get variables» sont contenues dans un autre fichier se trouvant dans le même dossier que le script). Le script ci-dessous:



cat <<EOF

You are about to configure an Internet Cube for Neutrinet.
All the passwords; yunohost admin account, openvpn password and the password
for the AP, will be: '$dummy_pwd'. Consider changing them after installation.

/!\\ This script has to be run as root *on* the Cube itself, on a
    labriqueinternet_A20LIME_2015-11-09.img SD card (or newer)
/!\\ If you run into trouble, please refer to the original
    documentation page:
/!\\ Be aware that as soon as the vpn goes live the root user can log in over
    the vpn with the chosen password! You might consider revising the root
    password before continuing. Choosing a dictionary word or 12345678 is
    not the best thing to do here, instead have a look at for advice on
    creating a strong password.

Press any key to continue or CTRL-C to abort

# Exit if any of the following command fails
set -e

get_variables() {

    if [ -f neutrinet.variables ]; then
        source neutrinet.variables
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo The following settings will apply
        echo ""
        echo domain = $domain
        echo username = $username
        echo firstname = $firstname
        echo lastgname = $lastname
        echo email = $email
        echo vpn_username = $vpn_username
        echo "vpn_pwd = **********"
        echo ip6_net = $ip6_net
        echo wifi_ssid = $wifi_ssid
        echo vpn_ca_crt = ${vpn_ca_crt:0:46}...
        echo vpn_client_key = ${vpn_client_key:0:46}...
        echo vpn_client_crt = ${vpn_client_crt:0:46}...
        echo ""
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo Press any key to continue or CTRL-C to abort
        echo "Main domain name (will be used to host your email and services)"
        echo "i.e.:"
        read domain
        echo "Username (used to connect to the user interface and access your apps, must be composed of lowercase letters and numbers only)"
        echo "i.e.: jonsnow"
        read username
        echo "Firstname (mandatory, used as your firstname when you send emails)"
        echo "i.e.: Jon"
        read firstname
        echo "Lastname (mandatory, used as your lastname when you send emails)"
        echo "i.e. Snow"
        read lastname
        echo "Email (must contain one of the domain previously entered as second part)"
        echo "i.e."
        read email
        echo "VPN client certificate (paste all the content of client.crt below and end with a blank line): "
        vpn_client_crt=$(sed '/^$/q' | sed 's/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----//' | sed 's/-----END CERTIFICATE-----//' | sed '/^$/d')
        echo "VPN client key (paste all the content of client.key below and end with a blank line): "
        vpn_client_key=$(sed '/^$/q' | sed 's/-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----//' | sed 's/-----END PRIVATE KEY-----//' | sed '/^$/d')
        echo "CA server certificate (paste all the content of ca.crt below and end with a blank line): "
        vpn_ca_crt=$(sed '/^$/q' | sed 's/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----//' | sed 's/-----END CERTIFICATE-----//' | sed '/^$/d')
        echo "VPN username (first line of the 'auth' file): "
        read vpn_username
        echo "VPN password (second line of the 'auth' file): "
        read vpn_pwd
        echo "IPv6 delegated prefix (without trailing /56, to be found in the neutrinet MGMT interface)"
        echo "i.e.: 2001:913:1000:300::"
        read ip6_net
        echo "WiFi AP SSID (that will appear right after this configuration script ending)"
        echo "i.e.: MyWunderbarNeutralNetwork"
        read wifi_ssid
        echo "The installation will proceed, please verify the parameters above one last time."
        read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 yolo

        # Store all the variables into a file
        for var in domain username firstname lastname email vpn_username vpn_pwd ip6_net wifi_ssid; do
            declare -p $var | cut -d ' ' -f 3- >> neutrinet.variables

        echo "vpn_client_crt=\"$vpn_client_crt\"" >> neutrinet.variables
        echo "vpn_client_key=\"$vpn_client_key\"" >> neutrinet.variables
        echo "vpn_ca_crt=\"$vpn_ca_crt\"" >> neutrinet.variables

modify_hosts() {
    # to resolve the domain properly
    echo "Modifying hosts..."

    set -x
    grep -q "olinux" /etc/hosts \
      || echo " $domain olinux" >> /etc/hosts

set_locales() {
    [ "$(grep LC_ALL /etc/environment)" ] || echo 'LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"' >> /etc/environment
    source /etc/environment
    export LC_ALL

upgrade_system() {
    echo "Upgrading Debian packages..."

    set -x
    echo "deb jessie stable" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list

    apt-get update -qq

    apt-get dist-upgrade -y

postinstall_yunohost() {
    echo "Launching YunoHost post-installation..."

    set -x
    yunohost tools postinstall -d $domain -p $dummy_pwd

create_yunohost_user() {
    echo "Creating the first YunoHost user..."

    set -x
    yunohost user create $username -f "$firstname" -l "$lastname" -m $email \
      -q 0 -p $dummy_pwd

add_labriqueinternet_app_list() {
    echo "Adding labriqueinternet official app list for updates in the future..."

    yunohost app fetchlist -n labriqueinternet -u

install_vpnclient() {
    echo "Installing the VPN client application..."

    set -x
    yunohost app install vpnclient \
        --args "domain=$domain&path=/vpnadmin&"

configure_vpnclient() {
    echo "Configuring the VPN connection..."

    set -x
    # Restrict user access to the app
    yunohost app addaccess vpnclient -u $username

    # Neutrinet related: add some VPN configuration directives
    cat > /etc/openvpn/client.conf.tpl <<EOF
# [WARN] Edit this raw configuration ONLY IF YOU KNOW
#        what you do!
# [WARN] Continue to use the placeholders <TPL:*> and
#        keep update their value on the web admin (they
#        are not only used for this file).


proto <TPL:PROTO>

dev tun
# keepalive 10 30
# neutrinet
keepalive 10 120
comp-lzo adaptive
resolv-retry infinite

# Authentication by login
<TPL:LOGIN_COMMENT>auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/keys/credentials

# UDP only

remote-cert-tls server
ns-cert-type server
ca /etc/openvpn/keys/ca-server.crt
<TPL:CERT_COMMENT>cert /etc/openvpn/keys/user.crt
<TPL:CERT_COMMENT>key /etc/openvpn/keys/user.key

# Logs
verb 3
mute 5
status /var/log/openvpn-client.status
log-append /var/log/openvpn-client.log

# Routing
route-ipv6 2000::/3
redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp

# neutrinet
cipher AES-256-CBC
tls-version-min 1.2
auth SHA256
topology subnet

    # Copy certificates and keys
    mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/keys
    echo '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'             > /etc/openvpn/keys/user.crt
    grep -Eo '"[^"]*"|[^" ]*' <<< $vpn_client_crt >> /etc/openvpn/keys/user.crt
    echo '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'              >> /etc/openvpn/keys/user.crt

    echo '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----'             > /etc/openvpn/keys/user.key
    grep -Eo '"[^"]*"|[^" ]*' <<< $vpn_client_key >> /etc/openvpn/keys/user.key
    echo '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----'              >> /etc/openvpn/keys/user.key

    echo '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'             > /etc/openvpn/keys/ca-server.crt
    grep -Eo '"[^"]*"|[^" ]*' <<< $vpn_ca_crt     >> /etc/openvpn/keys/ca-server.crt
    echo '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'              >> /etc/openvpn/keys/ca-server.crt

    # And credentials
    echo -e "$vpn_username\n$vpn_pwd" > /etc/openvpn/keys/credentials

    # Set rights
    chown admin:admins -hR /etc/openvpn/keys
    chmod 640 -R /etc/openvpn/keys

    # Configure VPN client
    yunohost app setting vpnclient server_name -v ""
    yunohost app setting vpnclient server_port -v "1195"
    yunohost app setting vpnclient server_proto -v "udp"
    yunohost app setting vpnclient service_enabled -v "1"

    yunohost app setting vpnclient login_user -v "$vpn_username"
    yunohost app setting vpnclient login_passphrase -v "$vpn_pwd"

    yunohost app setting vpnclient ip6_net -v "$ip6_net"

    # Add the service to YunoHost's monitored services
    yunohost service add ynh-vpnclient -l /var/log/openvpn-client.log

    echo "Restarting OpenVPN..."
    systemctl restart ynh-vpnclient \
      || (echo "Logs:" && cat /var/log/openvpn-client.log && exit 1)
    sleep 5

install_hotspot() {
    echo "Installing the Hotspot application..."

    set -x
    yunohost app install hotspot --verbose \
      --args "domain=$domain&path=/wifiadmin&wifi_ssid=$wifi_ssid&wifi_passphrase=$dummy_pwd&firmware_nonfree=yes"

configure_hostpot() {
    echo "Configuring the hotspot..."

    set -x
    # Removing the persistent Net rules to keep the Wifi device to wlan0
    rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

    # Restrict user access to the app
    yunohost app addaccess hotspot -u $username

    # Ensure that the hotspot is activated and that the IPv6 prefix is set
    yunohost app setting hotspot service_enabled -v "1"
    yunohost app setting hotspot ip6_net -v "$ip6_net"
    yunohost app setting hotspot ip6_addr -v "${ip6_net}42"

    # Add the service to YunoHost's monitored services
    yunohost service add ynh-hotspot -l /var/log/syslog

    echo "Restarting the hotspot..."
    systemctl restart ynh-hotspot

install_doctorcube() {
    set -x
    echo "Installing doctorcube (this shouldn't do anything)..."

    yunohost app install doctorcube --verbose

install_neutrinet_ynh() {
    set -x
    echo "Installing neutrinet_ynh..."

    yunohost app install --verbose --args "domain=$domain&path=/neutrinet"

# ----------------------------------
# Optional steps
# ----------------------------------

remove_dyndns_cron() {
    set -x
    yunohost dyndns update > /dev/null 2>&1 \
      && echo "Removing the DynDNS cronjob..." \
      || echo "No DynDNS to remove"

    rm -f /etc/cron.d/yunohost-dyndns

restart_api() {
    set -x
    systemctl restart yunohost-api

display_win_message() {
    ip6=$(ip -6 addr show tun0 | awk -F'[/ ]' '/inet/{print $6}' || echo 'ERROR')
    ip4=$(ip -4 addr show tun0 | awk -F'[/ ]' '/inet/{print $6}' || echo 'ERROR')

    cat <<EOF


Your Cube has been configured properly. Please set your DNS records as below:

@ 14400 IN A $ip4
* 14400 IN A $ip4
@ 14400 IN AAAA $ip6
* 14400 IN AAAA $ip6
_xmpp-client._tcp 14400 IN SRV 0 5 5222 $domain.
_xmpp-server._tcp 14400 IN SRV 0 5 5269 $domain.

@ 14400 IN MX 5 $domain.
@ 14400 IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ip4:$ip4 ip6:$ip6 -all"

$(cat /etc/dkim/$domain.mail.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo '')


    cat <<EOF

/!\\ Do not forget to change:
  * The root password on the OS-level: # passwd
  * The administration password in yunohost
  * The regular user password in yunohost
  * The VPN client password administered in yunohost
  * The Wifi AP password administered in yunohost


# ----------------------------------
# Operation order (you can deactivate some if your script has failed in the middle)
# ----------------------------------






Comment tentes-tu d’y accéder ?
Est-ce que tu y accèdes via l’IP locale ? via l’IP globale ? via le nom de domaine ?
Est-ce que ton setup est derrière un VPN ? Si oui, est-ce que le VPN est monté et fonctionnel ?
Si il s’agit d’un script de neutrinet, pourquoi ne pas te rapprocher des gens de neutrinet qui ont écrit ce script ?

(Aussi, il faut savoir que certaines choses ont bougé dans la brique internet, et potentiellement le script de neutrinet n’est pas forcément à jour par rapport à ces derniers développements … )

Par le navigateur, que ce soit en tapant l’IP publique ou le nom de domaine.
L’IP privée est accessible.
Le VPN apparaît dans la liste quand je fais un ifconfig et a l’IP qu’il est censé avoir, donc il est fonctionnel.
Je leur ai posé la question, j’attends encore leur réponse. Et puis, ils sont de toutes façons présents sur le forum.