Installation de Mastodon

Bonjour à tous

Est ce que c’est normal que je n’arrive pas à installer mastodon ?

Installation de Mastodon

Yunohost 3.1

Debian 9

46425 WARNING Cloning into ‘/opt/mastodon/.rbenv’…

47529 WARNING Cloning into ‘/opt/mastodon/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build’…

48934 WARNING Cloning into ‘/opt/mastodon/live’…

58167 DEBUG + cd /opt/mastodon/live

58170 DEBUG ++ head -1

58171 DEBUG ++ cut ‘-d"’ -f4

58172 DEBUG ++ sort -r

58172 DEBUG ++ curl -s

58675 DEBUG + url=

58675 DEBUG ++ cut -d/ -f8

58675 DEBUG ++ echo

58675 DEBUG + version=v2.4.3

58676 DEBUG + sudo su - mastodon

58776 DEBUG ~/live ~

59283 WARNING Note: checking out ‘v2.4.3’.


59284 WARNING You are in ‘detached HEAD’ state. You can look around, make experimental

59285 WARNING changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this

59285 WARNING state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.


59286 WARNING If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may

59286 WARNING do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

59291 DEBUG + popd


59292 DEBUG /var/cache/yunohost/from_file/mastodon_ynh-3a02566f0a1ad50c3949f715a8bd7660c409d483/scripts

59292 WARNING git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

59295 DEBUG + sudo su - mastodon


59295 WARNING HEAD is now at 7ac5151b7… Bump version to 2.4.3

59396 DEBUG ~/.rbenv ~

59396 DEBUG make: Entering directory ‘/opt/mastodon/.rbenv/src’

59396 DEBUG gcc -fPIC -c -o realpath.o realpath.c

59397 DEBUG gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,…/libexec/rbenv-realpath.dylib -o …/libexec/rbenv-realpath.dylib realpath.o

59497 DEBUG make: Leaving directory ‘/opt/mastodon/.rbenv/src’

59497 DEBUG + sudo su - mastodon

59598 WARNING Downloading ruby-2.4.1.tar.bz2…

59598 WARNING ->

67530 WARNING Installing ruby-2.4.1…

512193 WARNING Installed ruby-2.4.1 to /opt/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1

512195 WARNING

512997 DEBUG ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x86_64-linux]

512997 WARNING ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/bin/ruby’: File exists

512998 DEBUG + sudo ln -s /opt/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby

512998 DEBUG + true

512998 DEBUG + sudo su - mastodon

513098 DEBUG ~/live ~

521940 DEBUG Successfully installed bundler-1.16.3

521942 DEBUG Parsing documentation for bundler-1.16.3

521942 DEBUG Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.16.3

521942 DEBUG Done installing documentation for bundler after 7 seconds

521942 DEBUG 1 gem installed


522044 WARNING rbenv: version `2.5.1’ is not installed (set by /opt/mastodon/live/.ruby-version)

522044 DEBUG ++ trap ‘’ ERR

522045 WARNING rbenv: version `2.5.1’ is not installed (set by /opt/mastodon/live/.ruby-version)

522045 DEBUG ++ echo -e ‘\e[91m \e[1m’

522045 WARNING !!

522046 DEBUG

522046 WARNING mastodon install’s script has encountered an error. Installation was cancelled.

522046 DEBUG ++ echo -e ‘!!\n mastodon install’’‘s script has encountered an error. Installation was cancelled.\n!!’

522047 WARNING !!

522047 DEBUG ++ type -t CLEAN_SETUP

522047 WARNING /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print: line 4: $1: unbound variable


522048 DEBUG ++ echo ‘’

522048 DEBUG

522048 DEBUG ++ sudo sed -i ‘@“”:@d’ /etc/ssowat/conf.json

522048 DEBUG ++ ‘[’ 2.4 = 2.2 ‘]’

522048 DEBUG ++ ynh_die

522151 DEBUG Executing command ‘sh -c YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NUMBER=1 YNH_APP_ID=mastodon YNH_CWD=/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/mastodon_ynh-3a02566f0a1ad50c3949f715a8bd7660c409d483/scripts YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME=mastodon BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x “./remove” mastodon 7>&1’…

522151 DEBUG About to run the command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NUMBER=1 YNH_APP_ID=mastodon YNH_CWD=/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/mastodon_ynh-3a02566f0a1ad50c3949f715a8bd7660c409d483/scripts YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME=mastodon BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x “./remove” mastodon 7>&1’]’

522271 DEBUG + set -u

522272 DEBUG + ‘[’ ‘!’ -e .fonctions ‘]’

522272 DEBUG + source .fonctions

522272 DEBUG ++ ynh_version=2.4

522272 DEBUG + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers

522273 DEBUG +++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d

522273 DEBUG ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)

522273 DEBUG ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backend ‘]’

522273 DEBUG ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backend

522273 DEBUG ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)

522274 DEBUG ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem ‘]’

522274 DEBUG ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem

522274 DEBUG +++ CAN_BIND=1

522274 DEBUG ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)

522276 DEBUG ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip ‘]’

522276 DEBUG ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip

522277 DEBUG ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)

522277 DEBUG ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ‘]’

522277 DEBUG ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql

522277 DEBUG +++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql

522277 DEBUG ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)

522277 DEBUG ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network ‘]’

522278 DEBUG ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network

as tu essayé sur un sous-domaine pour voir ?

Mon installation est sur un sous domaine