Immich 1.122.1 upgrade failed

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.7
What app is this about: Immich

Describe your issue


I just tried to upgrade Immich from 1.121 to 1.122.1 and it failed.
Here’s the Yunopaste…

Thanx in advance!

Share relevant logs or error messages

You got a 404 error, you just need to retry :slight_smile:

I tried, but now i’ve got a black screen when i try to upgrade. I tried several times. Tried to relaunch yunohost but always black screen.
Is it possible to remove Immich and reinstall without losing my database ?


strange you have a “black screen” because if upgrade fail the previous version is restored
yes you can uninstall and restore

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