What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.7
What app is this about: Icecast2
Describe your issue
I recently installed Icecast on my machine. When i try to access main page i can but when i try to access admin panel even though i use correct username (which is yunohost username) and password (it asks in the installation page) it doesn’t connect and ask me again for username and password. After a few try webpage just says You need to authenticate
I try to install on my pc (it has no yunohost so i have to install normal way) everything works fine. I can login to admin page, stream to localhost etc. I don’t know what should i do. I do some research but i couldn’t find anything
Share relevant logs or error messages
I have only icecast2 service logs hastebin