Humhub as Webapp - php-Extensions

My Yunohostserver: bare-metal amd64, Debian 10.11, YunoHost (stable), direct connected

i tried to install the latest version of humhub as a webapp. After the first start a list with error messages appears because php extensions are not found.
Is there a simple solution?

Did you try to install

i have installed it, but humhub is actual on version 1.10.3 - I tried an update with the update extension for humhub , that did not run …

If you really want newer version, you can wait for the volunteer contributers to update or you can try to update it.
Go to the repository, fork it, go to the file conf/app.src and update its contents to the latest version. Test it by installing it (custom app at the end of the page of app install), you’ll provide the link to the the new repository you updated. If it runs smoothly you may pull request it.
(I have read a lot about app packaging, I have understood basic details but failed to make a working app out of the box. This update seems to be easy, but must be tested to be sure)

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